d20 Khan's Press Queen of Da Nile - Mummy's Day Catalog.pdf

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a Khan’s Press Cat-a-log
a Khan’s Press Cat-a-log
2 22 Magic items
Magic items
inspired from
inspired from
the mythology
the mythology
of egypt
$ $1
of egypt
Spring 2004
Queen of
da nile
Mummy’s Day
By Garth Wright,
neal Sainte Crosse,
By Garth Wright,
neal Sainte Crosse,
elton robb,
elton robb,
and Sean V. Murray
and Sean V. Murray
“Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.”
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khan’s Press
This book contains 22 magic items with a strong Egyptian theme. 8 items are waas scepters (staves), 10 are
wondrous items, and 4 are artifacts. The items may be used in both an Egyptian campaign setting, or easily mixed
into a regular fantasy world.
waas scepters
waas scepters
Waas Scepter
Market Price
16,500 gp
54,250 gp
69,500 gp
74,750 gp
77,500 gp
113,000 gp
200,250 gp
252,500 gp
Waas Scepter of:
Waas Scepter of:
Amun-Ra: This waas scepter represents on
of the most powerful of Egyptian gods. It allows the
use of the following spells:
• Divine power (1 charge)
• Flame strike (1 charge)
• Invisibility (1 charge)
• Plant growth (1 charge)
• Searing light (1 charge)
• Sunburst (2 charges)
Strong varied, CL 15 th , Craft Staff, divine
power, fl ame strike, invisibility, plant growth, searing
light, sunburst ; price 77,500 gp
The waas scepter is a staff with a forked tail
and usually with the head of a canine animal. While
many may look the same, their powers are often based
closer to the gods they represent. Waas scepters are
created exactly like staves, and have 50 charges.
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Queen of da nile
Anubis: This waas scepter represents the
Egyptian god of the underworld. It allows the use of
the following spells:
• Animate dead (1 charge)
• Control undead (1 charge)
• Create undead (2 charges)
• Detect thoughts (1 charge)
• Plane shift (2 charges)
Strong varied, CL 18 th , Craft Staff, animate
dead, control undead, create undead, detect thoughts,
plane shift ; price 113,000 gp
Bast: This waas scepter represents the
Egyptian god of cats. It allows the use of the following
Isis: This waas scepter represents a popular
Egyptian goddess. It allows the use of the following
• Contact other plane (2 charges)
• Legend lore (2 charges)
• Resurrection (3 charges)
Strong varied, CL 13 th , Craft Staff, contact
other plane, legend lore, resurrection ; price 200,250
Khonsu: This waas scepter represents an
Egyptian god of protection. It allows the use of the
following spells:
• Banishment (2 charges)
• Cure critical wounds (1 charge)
• Heal (2 charges)
• Remove disease (1 charge)
Strong varied, CL 15 th , Craft Staff, banishment,
cure critical wounds, heal, remove disease ; price
74,750 gp
Osiris: This waas scepter represents an
Egyptian god of the underworld. It allows the use of
the following spells:
• Dictum (2 charges)
• Holy aura (2 charges)
• Regenerate (1 charge)
Strong varied, CL 15 th , Craft Staff, dictum, holy
aura, regenerate ; price 69,500 gp
Set: This waas scepter represents an Egyptian
god of evil. It allows the use of the following spells:
• Destruction (2 charges)
• Harm (1 charge)
• Unholy aura (2 charges)
Strong varied, CL 15 th , Craft Staff,
destruction, harm, unholy aura ; price 54,250 gp
• Cat’s grace (1 charge)
• Charm person (1 charge)
• Darkvision (1 charge)
• Eagle’s splendor (1 charge)
• Speak with animals (1 charge)
Moderate varied, CL 8 th , Craft Staff, cat’s
grace, charm person, darkvision, eagle’s splendor,
speak with animals ; price 16,500 gp
Horus: This waas scepter represents an
Egyptian sun god. It allows the use of the following
• Create undead (3 charges)
• Find the path (1 charge)
• Fly (1 charge)
• Sunbeam (2 charges)
• Resurrection (3 charges)
Strong varied, CL 18 th , Craft Staff, create
undead, fi nd the path, fl y, sunbeam, resurrection ;
price 252,500 gp
mumm y’s day catalog
y’s day catalog
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khan’s Press
Market Price
Amulets of Power
Apophis Amulet: An amulet carved to represent
a serpent’s head. Wearing this amulet allows the
wearer to charm any serpent at will as a limited use of
the spell charm animal .
Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous
Item; c harm animal ; Price 3,000 gp.
Soul Amulet: An amulet carved to represent
the ba , or the good portion of the soul. Wearing this
amulet gives spell resistance equal to 15 against
enchantment magic.
Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous
Item; spell immunity ; Price 15,000 gp.
Strength Amulet: The eye, or wedjet, is a
powerful symbol representing the strength of Horus.
By the wearing of this golden
amulet, Strength receives an
enhancement bonus of +3.
Moderate transmutation;
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item;
bull’s strength ; price 9,000 gp.
Tet Amulet: Some say that the amulet
represents Isis’ womb, others a knot. The wearer of this
amulet feels the protection of Isis against spells in any
case. The amulet dispels any spell cast against it with
the effectiveness of an 11 th level wizard.
Moderate abjuration; CL 11 th , Craft
Wondrous Item; d ispel magic,
greater ; price 132,000 gp.
Minor Wondrous Items
Apophis Amulet (amulet of power)
3,000 gp
Ankh of Life
3,600 gp
Medium Wondrous Items
Strength Amulet (amulet of power)
9,000 gp
12,000 gp
Scarab of Rebirth
14,550 gp
Soul Amulet (amulet of power)
15,000 gp
Major Wondrous Items
Feather of Order
42,000 gp
Gift of Neit
44,500 gp
68,000 gp
Tet Amulet (amulet of power)
132,000 gp
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Queen of da nile
There are many menat in existence, however, if a
church offi cial catches a person wearing one without
“divine consent” they will be hunted down and “dealt
with.” That may mean simply removing the item and
charging the offending person with a fi ne, but it could
entail everything from curses and marks of justice to
imprisonment or even death if the church felt strongly
enough. The menat is a protective item bestowing the
following abilities: a defl ection bonus of +1 to AC, a
continuous protection from good, evil, law, or chaos
spell (as determined by the menat’s creators), and it
heals an additional 1d4 hit points when the wearer
sleeps at night. The biggest benefi t of the menat, though
is that it allows the wearer to use any other magic item
around the neck (amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace,
periapt, or scarab)
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,
shield of faith, cure minor wounds, and protection from
good, evil, law, or chaos (choose one); price 12,000
gp; weight: 1/2 lb.
Scarab of Rebirth: This scarab amulet is a
powerful item, although it is extensively represented in
Egyptian art. Those in possession of a true Scarab, the
symbol of resurrection, will, by the will of the Gods
and Goddesses, return to life as night again becomes
day. It may be used once, and then crumbles to dust.
The subject still loses level, or 2 points of Constitution
if 1 st -level.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous
Item; resurrection ; price 14,550 gp.
Ankh of Life: This ankh pendant is a rare
thing, although it profusely appears in Egyptian art.
Those in possession of an Ankh, the symbol of life and
rebirth, gain 6 hit points.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous
Item, cure serious wounds ; price 3,600 gp.
Feather of Order: This Golden Feather,
representing ma’at, is a powerful item. If presented to
and held by a person whose actions and motivations
are in question, the feather will compel them to answer
questions truthfully or reveal that the answers are false.
In addition, the owner of the feather, if within a range
of visibility of the subject in question, may detect the
thoughts of that person for the purposes of determining
the truth and preserve order.
Moderate divination; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous
Item; detect thoughts , discern lies ; price 42,000 gp.
Gift of Neit: These wrappings and bandages
may be used once to create a mummy (8 HD) from any
corpse. They may not be reused, and become part of
the vestiges of the new undead.
Strong necromancy; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous
Item, create undead ; price 44,500 gp.
Menat: The menat is an amulet worn on the
back as a counterweight to any other amulet worn on
the front. They were created by clerics to give out as
divine favors to protect their champions, but have
since become a sought after item for all adventurers.
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