d20 Legion Publishing Critical Hits 18 - Child's Play.pdf

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Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits - a
series of electronic publications from Legion Publishing.
Each Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be
dropped into any fantasy campaign with very little prepa-
ration needed by the DM. The encounters are little gems
of ideas built around a single situation, person, location,
creature or object that the players stumble across in their
travels. Each Critical Hit provides all the DM needs to use
the encounter. Whether used as a disposable diversion or
the springboard for adventure, Critical Hits give the over-
worked DM a break and the players some memorable
encounters that encourage creative role-playing.
V o l u m e 5 N o 2 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 8
C H I L D ’ S P L A Y
Published by
In Child's Play, a seemingly restful stay in a sleepy
town becomes a desperate hunt for a pair of missing chil-
dren. Dark forces seem to be at work up in the hills and
the PCs must find the poor children before they come to
harm. In this race against time, the players must find the
evil that lurks under the hills before it claims any more
victims. Text inside a border should be read aloud to the
players (unless you have modified the setting, in which
case you're on your own!).
First Published 2003
C R E D I T S &
Written by
Simon Lucas
Robin Elliott
Illustrations by
Robin Elliott
Typesetting and graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
The town of Durwidge ahead of you seems smaller than
your map suggests. Nestled into the rocky hillside, it
appears to be fewer than two-dozen buildings. As the
road winds its way down the mountainside, night begins
to draw in and the settlement's lights twinkle in the
gathering gloom. Soon the rocks rear up in a narrow
file, hiding the town from your sight. Rounding a
corner, you again spy the town's lights ahead. The sun
has vanished now as a sudden storm seems to have
gathered. As the wind whips around you and the first
spots of chill rain start to fall, you fancy you hear the
distant sound of laughing carried on the evening
breeze; a chilling cackle that freezes the blood in your
veins. You hurry on to the town, which looks even more
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Upon reaching the hamlet, the party finds that the
tavern on Durwidge's main street is bursting with life. The
Cardinal is known to the locals as the Card, and comprises
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 5 No 2 - EL 8
a huge main bar with two small communal sleeping rooms
in the wings leading off to the north and south (one each
for men and women). The owner of the tavern, Vera Suggs
and her husband Ogden, live in a small apartment above
the bar. In the center of the main room is a giant fire with
several spits of roast animals cooking over the flame. Any
paying customers can help themselves to roast meat; the
town is a farming community so there is never a shortage
of meat and farmers who supply the meat drink for free!
ly tries to hide behind her hair. If questioned about it she
insists that the walked into the door last night while
drunk. She tries to laugh it off and mutters something
about being clumsy, but a Sense Motive roll (DC10) indi-
cates she is hiding the truth. If asked about her child, she
becomes tearful, saying that her son vanished three
months ago after leaving here to play with the other chil-
dren on Peektop hill above the town.
All the clues so far hint at the hills above Durwidge
being of interest. In case they haven't got the message
yet, as they leave the tavern, the party is accosted by a
desperate hysterical woman.
The patrons of the Card are friendly and outgoing,
simple farmers with little going on in their lives.
Consequently they are happy to buy drinks for those with
stories to tell o foreign parts. The few snippets of gossip
they have mostly pertain to the local area (though there
is a slim chance that one of them has heard something
pertinent to the players' larger quest). As the party
carouses, for each successful Gather Information (DC10)
roll, give them some of the tidbits below. If the party are
buying drinks and being generally friendly, modify the DC
by -2.
You step into the bright morning sunlight but the clear
mountain air is rent with the sound of a screaming
"My babies! Where are you?" she shrieks, panic in her
voice. "Oh, won't somebody help me? My poor children!"
She breaks down in sobs as the other villagers begin to
gather in the street. As the women rush to comfort the
distraught mother, all eyes turn to you.
Some farmers have recently discovered some of their
sheep missing after mysterious storms
The wind blows up rapidly these days and dies down
with equal speed. It never used to happen
Rumor has it that the landlord of the Card and his
wife have been drinking a lot and arguing since their
child died recently
The town recently stoned to death an old woman sus-
pected of being a witch. She is reported to have
turned the blacksmith's brother into a newt
The sheep in the area have been coming down with a
strange blight
Several dwarves came through the town a couple of
months of back. They seemed interested in the hills
above the town but didn't stay long
In times gone by there used to be a castle or some-
thing on top of the hill. Nothing is left of it now
Should the PCs not be altruistic enough to simply offer
their assistance, the villagers can offer them 10gp each.
Such a paltry offer should be sufficient to sting the
players into realizing how mean they are being and how
little these simple folk can afford. If they enquire further
into the whereabouts of the children, it transpires that
other children were with them when they disappeared.
These others returned to raise the alarm. One such youth,
Dorritt MacKay, son of a shepherd can answer the PCs
questions if they think to ask him. If allowed to ramble,
Dorritt chatters on endlessly with the trivial details of the
games they intended to play and why. The PCs must be
firm with him to keep him on the subject at hand.
Well sir, we goes up to the Cat's Temple every day to
play. I don't know why it's called that it's just a little
ruin really. Is that a real sword? Anyway, we went up
there this morning and we were supposed to be playing
adventurers but Millie didn't want to because she only
gets to be an orc and she wanted to be Gideon the
adventurer mage; he's the best. Did you ever kill
anyone? Why? Have you ever met Gideon? He's the best.
Anyways, we started playing jacks instead 'cos Millie
didn't want to be an orc and then Jeb won. Do you know
any magic? Millie said that he'd been cheating and she
chased him and then they both fell in the hole in the
ground, so I came back here and told my mam.
The morning dawns crisp and clear and there is more
free meat with goat's milk for breakfast. The landla-
dy's hair hangs down over her face as she busies around
the room clearing the mess from last night's revelry.
A successful Spot roll (DC10) by any of the PCs notices
the dark bruising on the woman's face that she inexpert-
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 5 No 2 - EL 8
three chambers immediately below the surface, which the
locals call the Cat's Temple, but the chambers were once
part of an older, larger structure, the dwarven mines of
Romand. After she lured Millie and Jed down into her lair,
the children gave the witch the slip and fled lower into
the dungeon, looking for a way out.
A half-day's journey up into the granite hills, the thin
grass gives way to scrub brush. Eventually the vegeta-
tion dwindles to almost nothing. This high up, the land
cannot sustain livestock so this area is devoid of sheep.
Only the children venture up here, to play. From
ahead the wailing of cats floats down toward you on
the breeze.
As is their custom, the dwarves first constructed
guardrooms and dungeons to protect the early test shafts
of a new mine while they decided if the region's deposits
of ores were worthwhile. It is this practice that leads to
the number of abandoned underground systems which dot
the landscape, usually consisting of a little more than a
couple of dungeons and a couple of guardrooms, connect-
ed by a few tunnels. At Peektop, the dwarves found gold,
however and so they extended their excavations and
started to build in earnest. But they were greedy and
delved too deeply. The dwarves awoke something ancient
in the mines they called Romand, and it drove the
dwarves away forever. The witch knows nothing of the
history of the place but there is evidence of it in the
lower area.
At the crown of the bald hill of Peektop, some
stonework can be seen, the remnants of the dwarven
mine. The place is now called Cat's Temple because a large
number of domestic cats gather around the three holes in
the ground, one at each of the main compass points, the
north, south, and east. The cats gather at this place
because of the witch that inhabits the chambers beneath
the ground. It is her cackling that can be heard on the
wind during the storms, and these freak weather changes
are her doing.
The western point is occupied by the remains of a
small circular tower, no more than eight feet in diameter,
and now nothing more than a crumbled ruin. Some careful
excavation and a successful Search roll (DC25) reveals the
tops of a badly damaged spiral stair, at the bottom of
which is a corridor leading to the old dwarven armory
(location 6 below).
The corridors in the mine were made for dwarves
rather than larger visitors. As a result, the corridors are
only 5' high and 5' wide. The chambers are larger (see
map) but moving between them is awkward for any char-
acters larger than a dwarf. Reduce a character's base
speed by 5' as a result of the cramped conditions.
The evil witch purposely tries to lure children down
into the holes in the ground as they play. She had a sister,
who lived there with her, but when she was caught away
from the temple recently, she was put to death by the
townsfolk. The old hag is bitterly resentful and wishes to
harm to the villagers for their cruelty. She remains in the
1 Hag's Chamber
The small room's rough floors are strewn with furs
from a variety of wild beasts. On the walls, mysterious
sigils are crudely chalked, defacing the geometric carv-
ings of the dwarven creators. A roughly-constructed rack
is used to suspend herbs and skins for drying and large
numbers of strange plants are collected and tied in
bundles on the floor.
Over a crackling fire in the center of the room stands
a tripod of stout sticks from which hangs a black iron pot.
Dark mysterious broth foams in the cauldron and an evil
smell emanates.
In the corner stands an iron gibbet, too small for an
adult. Within the metal bands, unconscious and near-
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 5 No 2 - EL 8
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