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The crystal ball has long been recognized as one
of the tools of most master wizards and spying
diviners. Though very common and utterly useful,
these crystal spheres were created in a fit of para-
noia and delusion by one of the most evil beings in
yet just one could not sate Logar’s gluttonous
As her power grew, her self-confidence dwindled,
for at twenty-six, her looks were beginning to fade
away and all that she was her magic, something
that Logar had never let her fully develop. So
working with the paltry cantrips she knew, she
crafted a ball made of crystal that would allow her
to spy upon Logar’s many mistresses and destroy
them, no matter where she was or what she was
Seventeen centuries ago in the lands along the
northern coast of the western sea, a girl was born
into a relatively poor household of farmers. Her
parents, though simple people knew Mercada
would never be happy in a simple life in a simple
village, so they did all they could to make her
available to some passing master or tradesman. In
what came about more through careful planning
and the like, the wizard Logar discovered the girl.
Logar was immediately and greatly impressed
by the young girl, and so purchased her from her
family to act as his apprentice.
Slowly, one-by-one Logar’s pretty little things met
unfortunate ends. Logar suspected that another
wizard was to blame, for many of the accidents
and deaths such that they pointed to an arcane
spellcaster, but Logar never once suspected his
self-doubting apprentice, so he continued to train
her what he knew, and she continued to learn
everything put in front of her. It was during this
time, that Mercada began to question her mortality,
since she was growing older and the magics neces-
sary to slow that process were far beyond her
according to Logar, so her hope deteriorated.
This young girl was named Mercada, and if she
was in the tutelage of anyone but Logar, she would
have worked beyond her apprenticeship by the age
of twelve. Yet at the age twenty-six, she was still
bound to act as his student and servant, and some-
thing more. Logar was known for being somewhat
of a letch, and his apprentice bore the brunt of
his desires. Though Mercada was not a beautiful
woman, she was considered by most to be pretty,
After five years of having his dalliances stripped
away from him, did Logar begin to suspect that
his as of yet untouched apprentice; so, in secret
he plotted to slay her. Logar sent Mercada on a
mission that sent her far from the scrying pool that
he allowed her to use. So, in he thought himself
safe from her scrying, and he significantly doubted
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Once the lich Mercada was killed, the Dawnsingers were
able to create lesser crystal balls that mirrored many of the
powers of the gemstone crystal balls that were crafted by
the lich. Soon, a rogue member of the Dawnsingers gave
the formulae and texts to a wizard who believed that all
should be able to access magic. He crafted many and gave
them to dozens of more wizards, the mystery of the crystal
ball had truly dissolved and the world now knew.
her ability to even cast a divining spell of that magnitude.
Mercada used her crystal ball to scry upon him, as he
plotted her destruction to his familiar outlining every step
of the brutal and devious plan. So she never returned to
her master’s home, but he would come to find her a few
years later.
Mercada knew that she could not defeat Logar in a
wizard’s duel, so she fled into the wilds. In the snow
covered fields of the north lands, Mercada sought shelter
from the deadly cold in a maze of underground tombs and
crypts that seemed to stretch for a thousand miles. It was
here that Mercada made her home, watching the rest of the
outside world through her crystal ball. She kept careful
watch on Logar and the other wizards she remembered,
monitoring their research, their lives, always watching.
The crystal ball has been used in a dozen dozen coups,
more investigations, and the like more than any other item.
One of the classic examples is in the case of magic using
assassin Nemol. Using the crystal ball, he managed to
foil the pursuit of dozens of bounty hunters, diviners, and
lawmen. The entire nation was in an uproar at the death of
three their most powerful arch-mages. In the end, it was
another crystal ball using wizard who found and brought
the assassin to justice. Studying the location Nemol was
staying at, scrying on others, the young wizard teleported
to the location of the magebane and imprisoned him in the
very depths of the earth.
Over a decade Mercada watched the wizards and explored
the frozen tomb she called her own. Her own mortality, in
a place that seemed to be a monument to mortality began
to haunt her. She became obsessed with death and a way
to defeat it. A powerful wizard, who called Logar his
apprentice, was well over one-hundred and forty years old,
pushing the very limit of restorative magics. This wizard,
named Oyric researched the dark pathdom that would lead
him to becoming a lich.
Another famous example of a crystal ball being used
far beyond its original intent. It actually comes from
the creator of these items. There was a spell crafted by
Mercada that fell into the hands of the Dawnsinger mage,
Edele. Edele than came across the very materials that
would allow her to take advantage of the spell, a living
phase spider and a crystal ball. Using the strange spell, she
was able to see through any active crystal ball in the world.
The sudden burst of omnipresence was more than enough
to shatter her psyche. She stole the spellbooks of Mercada,
many magical items, and destroyed all of her possessions
she left behind and fled, never to be seen again. The spell,
an extremely powerful divination was lost with her.
So using her knowledge of his home, gained by the near
constant scrying, she teleported in and stole his notes,
ready made phylactery, and the deadly brew that would
allow him to become a lich. Oyric passed on to the next
world, never being able to restore his stolen work in time
and Mercada at the age of thirty-five became a lich.
Yet the wizard Logar was still Mercada’s greatest threat,
and she knew that in her own mind. Mercada studied
his ways and found his most vulnerable moment to be
when he attended the services of his patron, the Lord of
Guilds, Coin, and Scales. So, Mercada, teleported in as he
worshipped. In but a moment the elder was slain with but
a word from his old apprentice and she disappeared into
the void.
Crystal Ball Type
Market Price
Crystal ball of translocation
100,000 gp
Crystal ball of far-reaching
148,000 gp
Crystal ball of far-casting
200,000 gp
The Lord of Guilds ordered his most powerful agents in
pursuit of the upstart lich, firm on punishing her for her
impetuousness. Yet, the guildmasters and the like, care-
fully maneuvered the followers of the lord of the fledgling
Dawnsingers into striking the undead creature as their own
assaults failed time and time again. Over five-hundred
years ago the lich Mercada was slain and her crystal balls
were desiminated to the rest of the world. Unluckily, the
demi-lich Mercada has lived on.
Crystal ball of zone truth
52,000 gp
Crystal ball of planar scrying
70,000 gp
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Moderate divination; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item,
scrying, zone of truth; Weight 7 lb. Market Price: 52,000
This crystal ball appears to be a normal crystal ball but it
actually contains powerful motive magics that allow the
user to teleport himself or those being scryed upon. Three
times per day the user may use the crystal ball to teleport
himself to the location of the being scryed upon, or teleport
up to 4 willing creatures that are being scryed upon to his
location. This functions as a teleport without error spell
cast by a 13th level caster.
Though all crystal balls are capable of piercing the veil
between the planes, few offer the user the ability to
communicate across these borders of thought and madness.
The crystal ball of planar scrying allows the user to send
and receive thoughts with the subject being scryed upon.
The viewer is able to send and receive silent mental
messages with the person appearing in the crystal ball,
similar to that of a crystal ball with telepathy except that
the user is not able to use the suggestion ability.
Moderate divination and necromancy; CL 13th; Craft
Wondrous Item, scrying, teleport; Weight 7 lb. Market
Price: 100,000 gp.
Moderate divination; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item,
scrying, contact other plane; Weight 7 lb. Market Price:
70,000 gp.
This crystal ball looks much like and functions like a
normal crystal ball, but if the user concentrates upon it’s
surface becomes permeable to his hands. The user is able
to create spectral versions of his hands within ‘sight’ of the
crystal ball. Through these ephemeral limbs he is able to
deliver touch spells against anyone within sight. Any spells
cast through the crystal ball have their saving throw DCs
are reduced to the minimum necessary for the appropriate
This shard of crystal appears to be inert piece of quartz,
with seemingly moving clouds within. A single shard by
itself is worthless. If a magical shard is touched to another
crystal shard, the two become linked. This link allows
the pair of crystals to transmit and receive silent mental
messages between each other. A crystal shard may be
linked to any number of other shards.
Moderate divination; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item,
scrying, spectral hand, limited wish; Weight 7 lb. Market
Price: 148,000 gp.
Moderate divination; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item,
suggestion, detect thoughts; Weight 7 lb. Market Price:
18,000 gp.
This crystal ball looks much like and functions like a
normal crystal ball, but if the user concentrates upon it’s
surface becomes permeable to his magics. He is able to
cast spells as if he was at close range to anyone being
scryed upon. Any spells cast through the crystal ball have
their saving throw DCs are reduced to the minimum neces-
sary for the appropriate level.
This crystal appears to be inert piece of quartz, much like
a crystal shard of telepathy. It only truly functions when
it is touched to another crystal shard, be it of the senses or
of telepathy. Unlike a normal shard, it allows the user to
see and hear through the holder of another shard, as well as
allowing communication.
Moderate divination; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item,
scrying, suggestion, detect thoughts; Weight 7 lb. Market
Price: 40,000 gp.
Moderate divination; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item,
scrying, spectral hand, wish; Weight 7 lb. Market Price:
200,000 gp.
Also called called a dead crystal ball, these powerful
necromantic devices are created by cracking a crystal ball
and refashioning it in the likeness of a humanoid skull.
It allows the user to see back through events that were
witnessed through the eyes of that are placed within the
sockets. It can also be used to recall anything heard or
This variant crystal ball functions with a DC 12 or those
within 30’ of the target being scryed up or be affected as if
they were within a zone of truth spell.
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spoken by the skull if the tongue of the creature is placed
within its open mouth. The most powerful ability of this
morbid device is the ability to scry upon events that have
occurred. If the powdered skull of a creature is poured
over the skull, the item gains the ability to scry upon the
past events that the owner of the skull had been present at.
Moderate divination and necromancy; CL 10th; Craft
Wondrous Item, scrying, speak with dead; Weight 7 lb.
Cost: 70,000.
There is an age old adage that the only way for evil to
succeed is for good men to do nothing. Sometimes good
men can be deceived into doing nothing. In the heart of
the fortress monastery of the Order of the Dawnsingers,
an order dedicated to the destruction of evil and especially
the undead, sits a lonely crystal ball that has been carved
from gemstones and is layered with powerful magics.
This is actually the very skull of the demi-lich Mercada.
Somehow or another the paladins of the order came across
this powerful tool of evil and were ignorant to it’s malig-
nancy. So, thinking they had found a powerful crystal ball
to spy upon their enemies, took it to their monastery and
have kept it since.
So for more than two centuries the order of paladins has
been under the subtle and twisted machinations of one of
the most powerful undead creatures to exist on the planes.
The skull is far more than a crystal ball for it holds the
spells of the ancient creature.
The skull functions as a crystal ball with far-casting and
additionally allows the user to access the repertoire of
spells available to the lich at the time of her casting off her
coil and projecting herself into the planes as nothing more
than a thoughtform.
Anyone using this item slowly begins to twist toward
neutral evil and must make a DC 20 Will save each time
they use a spell offered by the skull or be affected by the
suggestion spell.
Major necromancy; CL 20th; Weight 7 lb.
Written by Leland Schaidle
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The True Arcane Story: Crystal Ball Copyright 2007, Louis Porter Jr.
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