d20 Necromancer Games The Tower of Jhedophar.pdf

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by Casey Christofferson
A d20 adventure for 4 to 6 characters 13th-15th level
Casey Christofferson
Interior Art:
Stephen Poag
With additional material by:
Skeeter Green, Erica Balsley and Scott Greene
Front Cover Art:
Rick Sardinha
Clark Peterson, Bill Webb, Casey Christofferson
Rick Sardinha
D20 Content Editing:
Scott Greene and Erica Balsley
Clint Bennett, Kathy Christofferson, James
Beauchesne, Neil Dawson, Jeremy Hardin
Roger Pierson, Darren Walters, Adam Wellman
Art Direction and Design:
Bill Webb
Special Thanks:
For Joe Albrecht and John Stuhl, my English teach-
ers at East Waterloo High School. I bet I spelled your
names wrong. Additional thanks to Skeeter for his
11th hour service!
Layout and Typesetting:
Steve Johansson
Product Update Password for The Tower of Jhedophar: Mandrake
This product requires the use of the
Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
published by Wizards of the Coast®.
This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
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This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are
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The Tower of Jhedophar is an adventure designed
for four to six PCs of 13th to 15th level, although eas-
ily scaled for higher or lower levels with slight modi-
fications to the format. For suggestions on how to
scale the adventure see the Scaling the Adventure side-
bar. The adventure has several difficult traps, which
only a skilled rogue may bypass or remove as hazards
to any PC party. It is therefore suggested that at least
one PC be a rogue, and that the party also include one
cleric, and one arcane spellcaster. The remainder of
the party should consist of front line fighters or multi-
classed PCs.
Beyond the construction of the labyrinth and the
sealing of the great portal, little is known of what goes
on within the gleaming tower. It is believed that
Jhedophar is a great traveler of the planes, and a fre-
quent visitor to the City of Brass. Speculation being
what it is, one fact remains. Jhedophar was the bearer
of the mandrake staff , a unique staff said to possess
unlimited power in the hands of its wielder.
Sy n op si s
The PCs, having heard of the great wonders hidden
within the Tower of Jhedophar have sought it out
with the intent of plundering its vast resources of
magical knowledge, and destroying the powerful evil
which the very existence of Jhedophar represents.
The PCs travel at great distance through tangled
wilderness or over rough and stormy seas (at the dis-
cretion of the DM), to finally reach the fabled Tower
of Jhedophar. Once there they enter the Labyrinth of
Jhedophar which girds the towers exterior. The PCs
face down new adversaries and traps as they come to
the tower itself where they enter its forbidden portals
and peruse its secrets.
After encountering undead creatures known as
spellgorged zombies, the PCs finally face Jhedophar,
where the lich attempts to dissuade them from
destroying him by asking the PCs to rid him of a red
dragon which has taken up residence in his labyrinth.
The dragon may have already made the same deal
with the PCs attempting to gain the fabled mandrake
staff for himself!
Upon completing the adventure the PCs have
gained a new powerful magic item and knowledge of
new magical spells. It is possible that the PCs may
have gained the sword known as Karelis , a sword that
may be used by the DM as a seed for further adventure.
The Tower of Jhedophar was once a great school of
magic where the arch-mage Jhedophar trained many
of the age’s greatest wizards and sorcerers in the arcane
arts. Times changed as did Jhedophar, and as the half-
elf finally felt the weariness of age creep into his bones
he began frantically to strive as many wizards do, for
means to unnaturally lengthen his life. Such is the
fate of wizards, to possess the power to bind planes and
the mysteries of existence with words, alchemy and
the secret numbers that are the root of the universe.
Vexing it must be to have at had so many wonders to
discover and only a limited lifespan with which to
uncover even greater knowledge.
Jhedophar was once a great hero, who with the aid
of Lord Tork and other great heroes wrested the man-
drake staff from the witches of Stench-Hollow Downs.
Many adventures did he have, the strange mandrake
staff figuring greatly in the building of his legend, and
some say that the fame of his exploits indeed con-
tributed to the success of his school of magic. At some
point, something changed in Jhedophar, turning his
heart to evil. Some say it was the power of the man-
drake staff , others claim it was contact with a dark force
he discovered while walking the planes of creation.
For whatever reason, eight hundred years ago, or so
the legend says, Jhedophar wrought a great ritual
within the summoning chamber of his tower and
made contact with a being of pure evil whose will and
mind were greater than his own. There, Jhedophar
was granted immortality in un-death by the might of
this unspeakable power. The pact Jhedophar signed
and sealed in the blood of his very own apprentices.
Always fearful of thieves, Jhedophar has construct-
ed a great covered labyrinth around the base of his
tower, girding it from outside intrusions. This
labyrinth, which guards the entrance to the tower is
nearly as legendry as the tower itself, having been the
bane of many a treasure seeker or would be plunderer
of the secrets which Jhedophar hath wrought within
his eldritch fortress.
Adventure Hooks
There are various routes by which the PCs may find
their way to the Tower of Jhedophar. Luckily the there
is no set location for where you place the Tower of
Jhedophar into your campaign. It could be located in
an evil city, a ruin, on an island, in a lost jungle, or
high upon a mountain top. Any wilderness adventures
of appropriate difficulty to lead the PCs to the tower
are the domain of the DM. Listed below are several
adventure hooks designed to get the PCs immediately
involved in the adventure.
• The PCs, while traveling from one place to
another find that they are passing close to the Tower
of Jhedophar. Appropriate Knowledge checks give
clues of the story of the fall of Jhedophar and the pos-
sible secrets hidden within his tower.
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• PCs passing through a village are beseeched by
the villagers to go forth and destroy a dragon who is
laired within the cursed Tower of Jhedophar. They tell
of a band of heroes who went forth over a month ago
to slay the dragon and never returned.
• PCs find a treasure map with descriptions of a fab-
ulous magical staff called the mandrake staff , and its
supposed location in a place called the Tower of
• A cleric PC is sent by his religious order to bring
back the mandrake staff from the clutches of
Jhedophar so that its power may be investigated. This
plot device works equally well for wizards who are sent
by their guild. Alternatively a wizard’s guild could
send them as a form of gaining revenge on Jhedophar
for murdering his apprentices, a taboo perhaps, to
guild structures in your campaign setting.
• A paladin’s order, ranger’s troupe, or barbarian’s
clan send the PCs out in search of the lost sword
Karelis said to have belonged to the famed knight
known as Lord Tork. The sword is said to be destined
to help thwart a great evil soon coming to the world.
Scaling the Adventure
For Lower Level PCs
• Reduce the number of Random Encounters, or
delete them from the adventure entirely
• Change bloody bones to normal skeletons.
• Change demiurge to a wraith.
• Change the greater crypt thing to a normal
crypt thing.
• Change Exeterus to a young adult or juvenile
red dragon.
• Reduce Lord Torks Level from 16 to 12.
• Change Jhedophar from 18th to 14th level.
For Higher Level PCs
• Change bloody bones to mummies
• Increase the HD of the demiurge
• Change Exeterus to an old or very old
red dragon
• Increase Lord Tork’s level from 16 to 18 or 20.
• Increase the HD of the Spellgorged zombies.
• Increase Jhedophar’s levels of wizard by 2-4.
Placing the Tower of Jhedophar in
the Wilderlands Of High Fantasy
Campaign Setting
The Tower of Jhedophar may be easily integrated
into any of the Wilderlands of High Fantasy™ cam-
paign maps. It is suggested that Hex 4910 of Map 3:
Valley of the Ancients and The Glow Worm Steppes
be used, for its long history of magic, presence of drag-
ons, and its long expanses of haunted wilderness and
various ruins.
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