Reiki - The Usui System of natural Healing.pdf

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The Usui System
The Usui System
of Natural Healing
The Sacred Science
First Level Workshop Manual
This manual is dedicated to the Precious Teacher:
the Beloved in everyone and everything;
and to Wazza.
The theory and practice of Reiki is not based in the
allopathic, or any related medical paradigm. If you are
concerned about illness of any kind, please seek
appropriate professional assistance. Use Reiki
generously to complement whatever other treatment
you may decide to receive.
© 2002 by Steve Wertheim
Everything is laid out for you.
Your path is straight ahead of you.
Sometimes it’s invisible, but it’s there.
You may not know where it’s going
But you have to follow that path.
It’s the path to the Creator.
It’s the only path there is.
Table of Contents
Welcome… 1
History of Modern Reiki… 3
What is Reiki, and how does it Work?… 8
Our Energy System… 11
Would Reiki Interfere with my Religious Beliefs?… 13
The Reiki Precepts… 16
Preparing for Reiki with Meditation (Gassho)… 17
Connecting with Reiki through Devotion (Reiji)… 17
Breathing to “Cleanse the Spirit” (Joshin Kokyuu-ho)… 19
Healing/Treating with Reiki… 20
Some General Pointers for Treatment… 22
The Hand Positions for doing Treatments… 23
Some thoughts about Ethics and Energy Healing… 23
Aura Cleansing (done before and after Treatment)… 25
Scanning (Byosen Reikan-ho)… 25
Some Ways in which the Energy field may be Experienced… 26
Storing Energy for Healing… 27
Treating Yourself with Reiki… 27
The Reiki Shower… 28
Light breathing Method (Hikari No Kokyo-ho)… 28
Breathing with Gassho (Gassho Kokyo-ho)… 29
Chakra Activation (Chakra Kassei Kokyu-ho)… 29
Cell-Activation/Self-Growth Technique… 30
Programming/De-programming (Nentatsu-ho)… 31
Reiki Meditation… 31
Hatsurei-ho… 32
Crystals and Stones… 34
Healing Beyond Time and Space (Enkaku-Chiryo-ho)… 34
Where to from Here?… 35
Appendices… 41
Glossary… 53
Reiki is a simple, gentle and very powerful way of healing. Reiki is also a
spiritual path which can lead us into the inscrutable and ineffable
mystery of the Universe. Many of us come to Reiki seeking healing, and
never learn much about Reiki’s spiritual depth. Yet, these two aspects of
Reiki – the healing and the spiritual - are intertwined. Just like heaven
and earth meeting each other in the beautiful dance of time meeting
eternity; so too in Reiki, our absolute, eternal essence expresses in the
relative, constantly changing, physical aspect of our lives.
Within this dance of heaven and earth, time and eternity, physical and
eternal, we are faced with an ongoing progression of choices about how
we engage with our lives. Our karm a 1 , interest, commitment, capacity, (and
some luck, or grace), will determine how we choose. And the way we
choose will shape the story of Reiki we’ll eventually tell.
People come to Reiki for different reasons: some for a method to heal
the physical body, for use with themselves or others. Others wish to
grow in peace and tranquillity. Many seek knowledge of the unseen
mystery behind the physical world. And maybe all of us seek a way to deal
with the suffering and meaninglessness of everyday life, and the “dark
nights” of our soul. Reiki is invaluable for all this.
As a healing method Reiki offers a simple, hands-on technology that
anyone can learn to use. If that’s all you’re seeking, it should serve you
well. But there is more.
As a spiritual path Reiki offers a collection of skillful methods to help us
come to know our real nature - not merely as a nice intellectual idea - but
a profoundly intimate, ever-deepening experience of mystery, totally and
perfectly beyond anything our ordinary minds might manufacture or our
concepts may grasp. In fact, all we can do speaking about this reality is to
point to mystery, like fingers pointing to the moon. Ultimately, it is
something we’ll know as our real nature… and as the nature of all things.
While this goal may seem ambitious, there is no need to be intimidated.
Through Reiki, you will gradually be introduced to knowledge. And as you
become able to see more you’ll recognize yourself as completely whole and
absolutely perfect, since the very beginning.
1 Find italicised words in the glossary.
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