d20 RPG Objects Blood and Guts Military Training Manual.pdf

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blood and guts
military training manual v 2.2
charles rice
interior art
joseph wigfield
v. shane
charles baize
chris davis
play testing
paula rice, edward lennon,
corey hodges, chris davis, charles
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military basics
In 1947, President Harry Truman authored the “National
Defense Act”, which sought to reorganize wartime
defenses into a cold war defense strategy. This act
transformed the Army Air Corps into a separate branch of
service, the Air Force, transformed the War Department
into the Department of Defense, and transformed the
OSS into the CIA. The National Defense Act also set the
hierarchy for the military branches of service, a hierarchy
largely unchanged until 2002 when the Coast Guard was
transferred from the Department of Transportation to the
Department of Homeland Security.
All branches of service have a civilian leader. The
President is the Commander in Chief of all American
Military forces. Below him is the Secretary of Defense, a
Presidential appointee. Below the Secretary of Defense are
three service secretaries, also appointed by the President:
the Secretary of the Air Force, the Secretary of the Army,
and the Secretary of the Navy.
Below the service secretaries are the direct commanders
for the five branches of service. A Four-Star General, the
Army Chief of Staff, who reports directly to the Secretary
of the Army, commands the Army. A Four-Star General,
the Air Force Chief of Staff, who reports directly to the
Secretary of the Air Force, commands the Air Force. A
four-star Admiral, called the Chief of Naval of Operations,
commands the Navy. A Four-Star General called the
Commandant of the Marine Corps commands the Marines.
Both of these commanders report to the Secretary of the
Navy. From 1972 to 2002 the Coast Guard reported to
the Secretary of Transportation. In 2002 the Homeland
Security Act transferred the Coast Guard to the Department
of Homeland Defense. A Four-Star Admiral known as the
Commandant of the Coast Guard commands the Coast
Guard. However, this Admiral does not serve on the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
The four top military commanders for each branch of
service form a group known as the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The President picks one of these commanders to be the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The President is free
to appoint whichever of the four commanders he thinks
would be best qualified to be Chairman of this committee,
but in practice each branch of service is selected in turn,
barring extraordinary circumstances. For instance, due to
recent scandals (such as Tailhook), the Air Force Chief of
Staff has been bypassed twice in recent years.
In times of crisis, this hierarchy can be streamlined and
altered to a great degree by the President. For instance,
The President watched the countdown from the camerawoman and then saw the red light go on.
“My fellow Americans. As you know, events in the Soviet Union have been escalating rapidly in recent weeks. At
the request of the Russian President, American forces, led by the 172 nd Infantry Brigade crossed the Bering Strait to
protect the Russian government in exile. While American forces move west, NATO has advanced across the border
and will advance east. We will beat back the forces of General Fjoder Fortunatov and remove his rogue government
from exile.”
There was a slight pause, and it seemed as if the leader of the free world might be just a man after all, but then the
resolve took form again, “It is also my duty to inform you that, in keeping with the large military force that will be
required to undertake this task I have instituted an emergency draft in accordance with the Military Selective Service
Act. I have spoken to our allies in Europe and encouraged them to take similar steps in accordance with the laws of
their respective countries and they agree that our current military strength will be exceeded by the requirements of the
days ahead.
I do not take these steps lightly. If this were strictly an internal matter of Russian politics I would not commit such
a large number of American lives. But the statements by General Fortunatov that his “Party for Truth” will seize
control of Russia’s nuclear weapon stockpiles and ‘restore all that was lost by the failed policies of Glasnost’ has
forced me to take these steps in concert with our European allies.
I will speak to you weekly as these events unfold and I call one last time on General Fortunatov to end this crisis
before another drop of blood is spilled.
Thank you, and may God bless America.”
Hasko sat quietly for a moment as some blonde from the network came back on to provide commentary. Then
he noticed his men were all looking at him. He fixed each of their eyes in turn as if taking a gauge of their mental
strength and resolve: Rittenauer, Johnson, Pilgrim, Hoagland and the rest.
When he stood and picked up his rifle, so did they, “All right boys, we’re a go, let’s not leave that helo waiting any
longer. The way home is through Moscow. The sooner we catch and kill this lame-ass Hitler wannabe the sooner we
can hit the beaches of the Ukraine and see if we can’t meet us a nice babushka babe.”
They left the room at a run.
military classes
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during wartime it is common for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
to report directly to either the President or the Secretary of
Defense. The assets of the Coast Guard can be transferred
to the Navy at the President’s discretion.
the army
The army was formally established by an act of the
Continental Congress on June 14, 1775. It consisted of
6 companies of riflemen from Pennsylvania, two from
Virginia and two from Maryland. This act also nationalized
the militias of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New
York. On July 3, 1775 after a lengthy debate, George
Washington was named the first Commander in Chief of
the army.
The army currently consists of approximately
700,000 soldiers. Of these 70% are active duty while
the remaining 30% are reservists. 83% of the soldiers
in the army are enlisted men or non-commissioned
officers, 2% are warrant officers and 15% are
commissioned officers.
the navy
Like the Army, the Continental Congress created
the Navy in 1775. Although the Navy’s core
mission to provide free use of the seas to the
United States remains unchanged, since World War
II, with the advent of the aircraft carrier, the Navy
frequently is the first step in establishing air superiority,
since planes can be launched from a carrier without need
of a fixed runway and without fear of violating a country’s
airspace. Naval vessels also attack land targets through
bombardment and cruise missile strikes, and transport
marines into battle. There are currently about 400,000
active duty naval personnel, and approximately one-sixth
of these are commissioned officers. Like the Army, the
Navy maintains a reserve force through the Naval Reserve,
which may be activated in times of need. There is no naval
“national guard”, though arguably the Coast Guard fills
that role.
sailing vessel during offensive and defensive boarding
actions including the legendary Ranger commanded by
John Paul Jones. At the end of the Revolutionary War
both the Navy and Marine Corps were briefly disbanded,
however threats to the United States prompted Congress
to reactivate the Marine Corps on July 11, 1798 and it has
never been deactivated since.
The Marine Corps is composed of two Fleet Marine
Forces, one for the Atlantic and one for the Pacific theaters
of operation. The Atlantic force is based in Norfolk,
Virginia while the Pacific force is based in Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii. Marine Corps detachments serve on naval vessels
and garrison naval bases to protect them from attack.
Marines also serve as embassy guard to protect these vital
American bases from foreign attack. The Commandant of
the Marine Corps, a 4-star General who sits on the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, commands the Marine Corps.
Applicants for the Marine Corps must be between 17
marine corps
The Marine Corps was created on November 10, 1775
when the Continental Congress authorized the formation of
two marine battalions. The colorful character the marines
bear to this day was established when its first commanding
officer, Captain Samuel Nicholas embarked on his first
(highly successful) recruiting trip at Tun Tavern near
Philadelphia. During the Revolutionary War the marines
acted as a highly effective amphibious force. They stormed
British forts on New Providence Island in the Bahamas,
capturing 600 barrels of gunpowder vital to the fledgling
American military efforts. They supported George
Washington as he crossed the Delaware on Christmas Eve
to surprise the Hessian mercenary forces occupying New
Jersey. And they fought on the decks of every American
military classes
and 28 years of age. Recruits from east of the Mississippi
receive basic training at Paris Island, South Carolina while
recruits from west of the Mississippi receive basic training
at San Diego, California. Following basic training marines
undergo training in small unit tactics either at Camp
Lejeune, North Carolina (for east coast recruits) or Camp
Pendleton, California (for west coast recruits).
The Marine Corps Reserve, established during World
War I, supplements the Marine Corps’ active force. Today
this force numbers over 44,000 and consists of the 4 th
Marine Division and the 4 th Marine Aircraft Wing.
the Coast Guard is transferred to the Navy Chief of Staff.
The Coast Guard has about 35,000 members, about one-
fifth of which are commissioned officers. The Coast Guard
Reserves and volunteer auxiliaries supplement the Coast
military organization
The military is built from the ground up, and the success or
failure of any military operation begins and ends with the
individual soldier. Each size unit is comprised of a certain
number of smaller components. The sizes listed for each
unit are at the high end, and units may be composed of as
many as half the listed number of component parts.
Squad: A squad consists of 9 to 10 soldiers. Typically
commanded by a Sergeant. This size of unit is the size
represented by a unit in the Small Unit Combat rules.
Platoon: Approximately four Squads (16 to 44 soldiers).
Typically commanded by a Lieutenant, with a senior NCO
(typically a Staff Sergeant) as second in command.
Company: Approximately 5 Platoons (62 to 190
soldiers). Typically commanded by a Captain, with a First
Sergeant as second in command. Artillery units of this size
are called Batteries, and Air or Cavalry units of this size
are called Troops.
Battalion: Approximately 6 Companies (300 to 1,000
soldiers). Typically commanded by a Lt. Colonel, with a
Command Sergeant Major as second in command.
Brigade: Approximately 5 Battalions (3,000 to 5,000
soldiers). Typically commanded by a Colonel, with a
Command Sergeant Major as second in command. Units
of this size are capable of sustained operations with no
outside support.
Division: Approximately 3 Brigades (10,000 to 15,000
soldiers). Typically commanded by a Major General.
Divisions are numbered, and assigned names based on their
function (3 rd Infantry Division, 10 th Mountain Division, and
so forth).
Corps: Approximately 5 Divisions (20,000 to 45,000
soldiers). Typically commanded by a Lt. General. Capable
of independent operation on an international scale.
Army: Approximately 2 Corps. Typically commanded
by a Lt. General or higher. An Army is responsible for all
operations in one theater of war. The commander of an
Army reports directly to either a 5-Star General, or the
Commander in Chief (in other words, the commander
of an Army is completely autonomous from other Army
commanders, even though they might outrank him). Army
designations have not been used by the American military
since World War II.
air force
Although airplanes saw limited use during the First World
War, primarily in a reconnaissance role, military strategists
were quick to realize the value of air power. However,
the main function air power would serve in combat was
thought to be providing support for troops on the ground,
so the Army Air Corps was created as a subsidiary force
to provide air support to Army personnel. However, new
technologies and strategies showed that air power had a
much larger role to play in combat than simply supporting
forces on the ground, and so, in 1947, the National Security
Act separated the Air Force from the Army.
The Air Force’s mission is to provide air and space
superiority to the United States military in any operation.
As such, the Air Force has at its disposal light and
heavy combat aircraft, tankers, helicopters, bombers,
and transport aircraft. The Air Force also controls and
maintains all military spy satellites and ballistic nuclear
missiles. The Air Force shares control over the bulk of the
United States’ nuclear arsenal with the Army, with the Air
Force controlling the majority of strategic level weapons,
and the Army controlling the bulk of the tactical level
weapons (though Naval Submarines also play an important
role in the strategic nuclear strategy).
There are approximately 375,000 Air Force personnel,
approximately one-fifth of which are commissioned
officers. Both the Air National Guard and the Air Force
Reserve supplement the Air Force.
coast guard
Although not often thought of as a military force, the
Coast Guard is an important element in protecting the
United States from foreign attack. The Coast Guard was
created in 1790, when it was known as the Revenue
Cutter Service, and was responsible for the imposition
of tariffs and curtailing of smuggling and piracy. In 1915
it was renamed the Coast Guard and transferred to the
Treasury Department. In 1967 it was transferred to the
Transportation Department, and finally, in 2002, to the
Department of Homeland Security.
In peacetime the Coast Guard acts to prevent drug
smuggling, illegal immigration, and to protect ships at sea
from piracy and weather mishaps. In wartime, control of
military classes
chapter 1: military classes
The following classes represent training a character
receives after Basic Training. This represents what is
commonly referred to as “advanced individual training”,
where a character learns his MOS and begins
his career as a soldier.
Some people live an entire lifetime and
wonder if they have ever made a
difference in the world, but the Marines
don’t have that problem.
-Ronald Reagan
Assault training focuses on
penetrating fortified positions with
shock troops. This class is common
among Marine Corps enlisted
personnel but members of the Army
(usually soldiers in an Air Assault
unit) and Navy (usually SEALs) receive
this training as well.
To qualify for assault training a character must meet the
following criteria (the quickest path into this class is
through the Strong Hero basic class).
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Skills: Knowledge (tactics) 3 ranks
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Class Skills: Assault training grants the class skills
(and the ability for each skill) are: Balance (Dex), Climb
(Str), Craft (structural) (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (popular culture, tactics) (Int), Navigate (Int),
Survival (Wis), Swim (Str)
Skill points at each level: 5+Int. modifier
class features
All of the following are features of assault training.
Tough as Nails: Assault training grants a bonus of +1
hit point for each level of assault training the character
takes. This ability also grants a bonus to all Intimidate skill
checks (and level checks to resist intimidation) equal to the
character’s Reputation bonus.
class information
The following information pertains to assault training.
Hit Die: 1d10
Action Points: 6+ one-half character level, rounded
down, every time the character gains a new level in this
table 1-1: assault training
Base Attack
Tough as Nails
Advanced Training
Bonus Feat
Advanced Training
First Wave +1
Bonus Feat; Advanced Training
First Wave +2
Advanced Training
Bonus Feat
Advanced Training; Semper Fi
military classes
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