Octavirate Presents Volume 04 - The Forgotten.pdf

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Octavirate Presents, Vol. 4: The Forgotten
S. Trent Troop and Ronald Smith
Ronald Smith
Cover Illustration
Ronald Smith
Ronald Smith, S. Trent Troop, Greg Sepelak,
Virgil Solis
Design, Layout and Typesetting
S. Trent Troop
Russ Trippett, J.R. Garringer, Shawn Shelton,
Rann Aridoron, Cory Goset
Special Thanks
Kristen Maxwell, Rose Tursi, Truman Troop,
Gary Gygax, Johnathan McClure, Tim Mann,
Jeff Howard, David Willis, Brad Venable,
Marcus Troop
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foot across set into an obsidian pedestal. Golden flecks
sparked within the gem in the light of Khepri’s torch.
She paused for a moment. Her imagination turned the
gemstone into a great crimson sky filled with golden
The word itself summons a peculiar terror in the minds
of men. It is not the fear of claws or fangs nor the fear of
leaping flames or rushing wings. It is a primal fear felt
by every thief to hear an approaching footstep in the
night. Some part of a man’s soul recognizes a dragon
for what it truly is: not a mere monster, not a source
of unspeakable arcane power, but the rightful owner of
the world itself. In times past this world belonged to
the dragons. They ruled over all things with scales and
claws, long before the world grew cold and the elves and
orcs rose in their wars. Some part of mankind remem-
bers this. Like a thief prowling through an abandoned
house humanity strides boldly through the world while
terrified by the anticipation of the owner’s return.
Gently she raised the priceless stone from its resting
place. There are few things Khepri Satisis would ever
regret as deeply.
A soft cracking, like that of an egg being slowly pulled
open, rang through the air. This sound was followed by
the distinctive ring of sundering stone and shattering
Something was waking up.
The dragons keep their secrets close. Among these are
shameful secrets, like the forbidden half-dragonkin.
Others are relics from a bygone age. These are the
forgotten, failed attempts at breeding a new servitor
race as their greatest age drew to a painful close.
Khepri Satisis was a thief who knew that terror all too
With a sharp gasp Khepri strode into a cavern so old
the dragons that once guarded it were naught but dust.
The descent through the mountain had been a difficult
one. Kobolds had stalked her every footstep. Insidious
traps the likes of which she had never seen had lashed
at her from every shadow. By all rights there should
have been a mountain of treasure here.
Someone or something has awakened both these things
in a long-forgotten mountain cavern. Once released,
these horrors have no interest in returning to their
But there was no gold or silver in this cave.
The stone walkway defied gravity and logic as it spiraled
through the twisting maze of crystal spikes. There were
no supports on the walkway, nor any sign of masonry.
The crystal growths that surrounded her held strange
shapes. Her lantern lit hints of scales and claws deep
within the cloudy blue-green stone. Each shape was a
unique horror.
Bravery was Khepri’s stock and trade. She was an
explorer, a grave robber and a professional. In this
world any tomb’s occupant might object to intru-
sion. Something about this cavern chilled her to the
bone. The light scraping of her sandaled feet against
the stone walkway echoed into a continuous rustling
sound. But no monster or guardian answered the
noise. She pressed on.
While the identity of the poor soul who unleashed
these horrors upon the world can vary to suit the needs
of your campaign long-time Octavirate readers may
recognize Khepri Satisis from the Libris Personae
Volume 1 . Khepri’s full statistics are contained within
the Libris Personae along with those of her compan-
ions in the Vortaelen Cartography League.
At the center of chamber she found what she was
looking for. The stone was a ruby or red sapphire a
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Long before mankind walked the earth there was the
age of the Dragon Empires. The dragons conquered the
world of reptiles and dinosaurs that came before them
and for ages untold they ruled the world. Their empire
lasted through many disasters great and small but in the
end their rule was cut short by the slow freezing of the
world. Winters that lasted hundreds of years came. The
reptiles withered and retreated from the cold and the
age of mammals began.
new draconic citizens to carry the empires forward. The
forgotten, however, were something far less noble.
Even as new breeds of semi-draconic life were spawned
to rule the world, new slaves were bred to serve those
rulers. The dragons fused the new mammals with the
dinosaurs that once ruled. Through these resilient new
hybrids they hoped to maintain their rule by force
against the rapidly developing elf and orc cultures and
the ever-present threat of elder races like the cerebrov-
ores, the ocular tyrants and the things that would one
day degenerate into otyughs.
The Dragon Empires did not wish to see this end
come. Their most brilliant minds tried to forcibly alter
their own species in an effort to carry their culture
and strength forward, even if their species might fail.
Thus the Dragon Empires created many of the horrors
of the modern world through their desperate attempts
at maintaining their crumbling civilization. Kobolds,
dragonnes, wyverns, psuedodragons, chimeras and
dragon turtles were among the experiments to create
These slave-species became known as ‘zur-kuttth’,
which is draconian for ‘forgotten’. For reasons entirely
their own the dragons sealed away the forgotten rather
than let them loose upon the earth. Their reasoning was
all their own. Unfortunately for the world of men these
creatures have been awakened. Just how much damage
they will do? No one yet knows.
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Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 8d10+45 (95 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural), touch
9, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+27
Attack: Tail +17 (2d6+11)
Full Attack: Tail +17 (2d6+11) and bite +13 melee
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, pounce, crush
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +7
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 4, Wis 12,
Cha 10
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Awesome
Blow (tail only)
Environment: Warm plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (6–10)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 9–15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:
and vibrant purple scales are reminiscent of the color-
ation of poisonous frogs. With a roar it flicks its tail and
shatters a stone the size of a man’s chest...”
The ozan is the predator’s predator: heavily armored,
determined and dangerous. Ozan packs consist of one
adult male, several females and their young. Most
lone ozan are males who cannot secure their own pack
through displays of force. Ozan give birth to litters of
1-4 live cubs and reach maturity in seven years.
Despite their savage appearance ozan are cunning
creatures and possess a crude language of snarls, growls
and grunts that allows them to communicate basic
information. Ozan are able to coordinate hunts and
warn each other of danger with little more than a few
guttural noises an observer would mistake for mundane
animal sounds.
Ozan bones can be used to make a staff of power that
deals an additional 1d4 damage when used to smite
(2d4 on a critical hit).
Ozan hunt alone or in packs and are fond of large
or plentiful game. Ozan hunt by leaping upon their
quarry, putting their entire weight upon their prey while
smashing it with their tail and biting with their vicious
Variant Rules
Wounds/Vitality: 42/95
Massive Damage Threshold: 21
Defense Bonus: 0
Armor as DR: 2/–, AC 18 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural),
touch 9, flat-footed 17
Modern/3.0 DR:
Sanity Score: N/A
Sanity Loss: 2/2d6
Taint: 0
Honor: N/A; Reputation: +0
Allegiances: None
Crush (Ex): Area 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Small or smaller
opponents take 2d8+16 points Combat of bludgeoning
damage and must succeed on a DC 19 Reflex save or
be pinned; grapple bonus +22. A pouncing ozan can
crush opponents of medium or large size but deal half
damage. The saving throw is Constitution based.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an ozan must
hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a
grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes
a hold and can crush.
“The creature paces like a predatory cat, eyes leveled
at you menacingly. The creature is twenty feet long, an
unnatural fusion of predatory feline and great reptile.
Its body is feline, with great paws that end in blunted
claws made for supporting the creature’s great weight.
It has the head of a lion, with an armored brow and jaw
that sport short, thorny horns. Its back is covered with
a thick, rigid shell lined with defensive thorns along its
side. Its tail is long, armored and thorny, ending in a
knobby club of bone. The creature’s bright orange fur
Pounce (Ex): If an ozan charges, it can make a full
attack, including a crush attack.
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