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Wrack & Ruin
Wrack & Ruin
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Edges of Civilization ........... 4
Schemes of Power .............................................................. 5
A Look at Cantons ........................................................... 10
Warped Realities .............................................................. 12
Chapter 2: People and Powers ..................... 15
New PC Races ................................................................... 15
Prestige Classes ................................................................ 21
New Gifts ........................................................................... 28
New Prestige Races .......................................................... 29
Chapter 3: The Lost City ............................... 32
Ways in and Out .............................................................. 33
Conditions, Travel and Hazards ................................... 35
Rebuilding the Wrack ...................................................... 38
Time and the Wrack ......................................................... 40
Lost City Sites ................................................................... 42
Lost and Branded: Peoples of the Wrack ..................... 44
Law from Chaos: Powers of the Wrack ........................ 45
Exilium ............................................................................... 48
Rumors of the Wrack ....................................................... 51
Chapter 4: The Undercity ............................. 52
Organization ..................................................................... 52
Life Beneath ....................................................................... 54
Ruined Roadways ............................................................ 56
Time and the Maze .......................................................... 58
Bloodholds Beneath ......................................................... 64
Important Sites ................................................................. 71
Talons of the Undercity ................................................... 76
Rumors of the Ruins ........................................................ 81
Chapter 5: Black on Black ............................ 82
Preparation ........................................................................ 86
Scaling the Adventure ..................................................... 86
Engaging the Party .......................................................... 87
Episode 1: Black Tidings ................................................. 87
Episode 2: Intrigues and Curiosities ............................. 91
Episode 3: The Race is On .............................................. 97
Episode IV: Decent into Cycadia ................................. 101
Episode V: Out of Time ................................................. 106
Episode 6: The Collision of Gambits .......................... 108
Conclusion ....................................................................... 111
Continuing Adventures ................................................ 111
NPCs & Monsters ........................................................... 112
Appendix A: Spells & Items ...................... 117
Appendix B: Monsters ................................ 119
Appendix C: Designing the Maze ............ 123
Darrin Drader, Greg Dent
Art Director
Jim Butler
Additional Design
Carla Schack and Steven Schend
Cover Artist
C. Michael Erickson
Greg Dent
Interior Artists
Alexander Leonard, Ben Eargle, C. Michael
Erickson, and Christopher Pickrell.
Adventure Design
Kevin W. Melka, Todd R. Laing, Greg Dent
Christopher Pickrell and Todd Morasch
Duane Maxwell
Jim Butler
Brand Manager
Jim Butler
Brannon Hollingsworth and Darrin Drader
Original Oathbound Concept
Greg Dent, Jim Butler, and Todd Morasch
Cover Design: Todd Morasch
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Oathbound ®
Chances are that if you are reading this, you are no stranger to
the world of the Forge or the City of Penance. Oathbound § :
Domains of the Forge deals with the larger picture of the world
and the great city. This book is set within the city, but more
completely details the lost city and the sunken areas that are
introduced in chapters 6 and 7 of the core book.
The City of Penance is vast. Built atop a quarter mile high
pedestal, the massive circular city is sixty-seven miles in
diameter. Despite its size however, Penance is only thirty
percent populated. The rest of the surface has been abandoned,
and the entirety of the city is built over areas that have Ñsunk.Ò
Cantons, once populated, often remain so for thousands of
years. It is common for the population to eventually empty out
because the residents leave, a massive die-off occurs, or key
structures sink. When this happens, those parts of the city
become part of the ruin consisting of the lost city, Ñthe wrack,Ò
and the undercity, Ñthe maze.Ò
Residents leave one area of the city for another for many
reasons. When an oppressive Bloodlord rises up and grabs
power over an inhabited canton, it isnÔt unheard of for the
residents to leave their professions, their homes, and the life
they know to find a canton more to their liking. War is another
reason people will leave an area. Whether a group is involved
in the war, or their territory becomes a battleground between
larger forces, many people leave to find safer places to live.
Massive die-offs are also an unfortunate fact of life in any
civilization eventually. Sometimes disease causes it, sometimes
the water sources become foul or poisoned, and sometimes great
wars are responsible for killing off the inhabitants. When this
happens in Penance, the way of life in an area is effectively over,
and it becomes far more practical for people to relocate rather
than try to rebuild.
Sinking is another consideration that causes people to
abandon areas of Penance. Sinking occurs when some of the
underground structures supporting a building or dwelling
collapse, causing a single or sometimes multiple inhabited
buildings to fall beneath the surface of the city. The affected
structures are sometimes unable to withstand the change in
foundation, and they crumble, but just as often the buildings
slip down more or less intact, adding to the ruined maze of the
Above-ground areas that are abandoned become part of
what is known as Ñthe wrack.Ò These are lawless zones on the
surface of the city that have less than the one thousand occupants
necessary for a Bloodlord to take control. The structures here
are usually in a state of disrepair, and are inhabited by all
manner of beings from loners to those whom are truly dangers
to civilization.
Many come to the wrack in order to break out of the
constraints of civilized Penance, while others come to build,
repair, and encourage others to move in so that they can become
Bloodlords themselves. People usually resist moving into these
areas, but they may be lured by the promise of just laws, more
wealth and prosperity, or simply the attitude of the person
claiming to be in charge (whatever that may be). In some cases
those that have been drawn by the flock from the same world
will establish their own canton in order to be with more of their
kind, and will restore a fallen canton rather than try to fit in
with an already established society.
Some Bloodlords that are already established within the City
of Penance come to the wrack in order to spread their influence.
Sometimes they offer settlers compensation to make their homes
in these often times dangerous areas. Sometimes they march
soldiers in to take abandoned cantons one building at a time. In
some cases the bounders that squat in these areas are evicted if
they donÔt meet with the standards the conquering Bloodlord
has established, while in other cases they actively seek to recruit
the current residents as new citizens.
Structures become part of the maze by sinking, or by being
built over. After a structure has sunk, it is normal for the people
of the city to simply patch up the hole in the ground and build
something atop it. The structure that has sunk is forgotten over
time, and many are loath to enter the sunken structure due to
the risk of collapse while they are inside.
Structures that are old, unsightly, or simply donÔt fit with
the plan of the new Bloodlord are often built over, using that
structure as part of the foundation for new buildings. While
some decry this as a dangerous practice, many buildings are
designed with reinforced walls capable of supporting far more
weight than that of the building. This is done as a safety matter
as well as a method of allowing people to expand their houses.
In the City of Penance the houses and other structures are built
very close together, which makes expanding structures outward
next to impossible, and the only direction left to expand is
Upwards expansion and sinking over the millennia have
given birth to the maze. Beneath the streets of Penance are layer
after layer of buildings that are no longer inhabited. Because of
the random way that they sink and settle, a rasher exploring
the undercity often finds rooms that are connected, though they
originally belonged to separate structures. A person may begin
their journey in the living room of a small house, only to open
the door into an enormous banquet hall. From there she might
fit through the un-repaired cracks in a wall to find herself in a
room filled with gears and other enormous moving parts.
Opening the door from there might lead to an enormous drop-
off with a multi-story building no more than fifty feet across
from her.
The maze is a complex place that is used for numerous
purposes. Rogues and others that wish to move from one area
of Penance to another unnoticed may travel through the
undercity in order to reduce their chance of being spotted. The
homeless and the dejected sometimes make their way
underground, and many beasts that have been driven out of
the city have come here to live.
As one descends deeper, the ruins become much more
dangerous. The structures here have compressed a great deal,
which makes it difficult to fit through many of the narrow
passageways, and the chance of structural collapse here is
greatly increased. It is known that great riches and treasures
await the brave souls that risk life and limb to explore these
long forgotten buildings.
Welcome to Uncivilized Penance: Wrack and Ruin. This
book contains everything you need to bring the wrack and the
maze to life in order to set adventures in this region. Within
you will find information on the people and beings that have
an interest in these areas, the horrific new monsters and denizens
that make their homes here, information on getting in and
getting out, organizations, new equipment, new spells, and
Chapter 1: The
Edges of Civilization
Although the wrack and the maze are generally not blood-
holds themselves, there are power structures in place and
groups that are interested in the goings-on in these areas.
Some races gravitate towards unpopulated areas and
many of the established Bloodlords of Penance watch
these areas carefully. These powers are explained in
greater detail, and a mapping system is introduced that
more clearly defines the unsettled areas of Penance.
In addition to this, there are numerous unusual magi-
cal effects that are leftover from previous ages. Some of
these effects can be little more than annoyances to explor-
ers while others are quite lethal. The effects detailed in-
clude time displacement, strange gravitational effects in
certain areas, and other magical fields.
rest of the book. Radial coordinates are not at all difficult
to understand, but may need some getting used to.
Radial Coordinates in the City
Basic radial coordinates measure all points in relation to
a single location, which in this case is the QueenÔs citadel
in the center of the city. The coordinates consist of an angle
(measuring the locationÔs variance clockwise from due
north), and a number (the locationÔs distance in miles from
the citadel). A location 40 miles due east of the citadel, for
example, would be measured as 90  ,40 mi.
To these basic coordinates now add one more num-
ber, the locationÔs depth below the surface, in feet. This
coordinate is measured downward, starting from 0 at the
current street level. So now, for example, a point twenty
feet into the undercity that is located 30 miles south of
the citadel is recorded as 180 , 30 mi, 20Ô.
A pointÔs depth rating is a very useful piece of infor-
mation. Since the city has been built upward over time, a
locationÔs depth gives a good gauge of its age. On aver-
age, the city rises about 5 feet every 1,000 years, although
as one gets lower and lower into the layers, they begin to
compress, and estimation is impossible. Basically figure
that the age of any point below 500 feet can only be deter-
mined by direct observation. Depth ratings may never ex-
ceed 1,000 feet anywhere in the city; the oldest layers of
the city have all been compressed into a 320-foot-high
plateau of solid earth.
It is important to note that this depth coordinate has
little relation to a locationÔs global elevation, as the cityÔs
surface varies greatly in elevation from point to point.
The 0 level in the Alliance, for example, is 1320 feet higher
than the 0 level a half-mile away in Utopia. Do not worry
about this; a locationÔs depth is infinitely more important
gamewise than its precise elevation.
This radial system is used throughout Penance by
most rafters and mapmakers in order to pinpoint loca-
tions in the city. Those who can afford luxuries often
employ a device known as a radial compass (see appen-
dix) that reads oneÔs exact location at all times. The sys-
tem has also been used throughout this book when ap-
propriate. When a specific location is discussed, its coor-
dinates are also given. Using a basic protractor and a ruler,
you can easily locate the place on the map of the city. The
scale on the map provided is one inch per 10 miles. The
ruler may be used by itself to find the distance between
any two points.
Order from Chaos
Before leaping right into the mad jumble of the ruins of
Penance, it is first important to get a basic grasp on the
cityÔs scope. Penance is no ordinary city, and cannot be
captured by an ordinary map. Its scale is staggeringly
enormous, and its unique depth adds a third dimension
to its maps. The city is roughly circular, having an aver-
age diameter of 68 miles, and the bulk of it stands a quar-
ter of a mile high. The city takes up nearly 3,500 square
miles of land, with 200 of these being occupied by the
Wellspring, the deep, effervescent lake in the cityÔs cen-
Each square mile in Penance roughly corresponds to
a single Ñcanton.Ò Cantons are arbitrary divisions of land
marked out by the Queen, and which form the building
blocks of the Bloodholds, the individual sovereign nations
that co-exist within the city. There are over seventy Blood-
lords in the City of Penance itself, each one essentially its
own kingdom with its own laws, customs, and culture.
The Bloodholds of the city vary greatly in size, ranging
from as few as 1 to as many as 105 cantons.
Between the Bloodholds of the city stand miles and
miles of ruined cantons Ï former holdings that have now
fallen into disrepair. It is estimated that at this point in
time, only 30 percent of the cityÔs surface is currently fit
for habitation, meaning that there are about 987 ÑactiveÒ
cantons, and 2,302 ruined ones. Most of the ruins of Pen-
ance have been forgotten, and no longer bear street names,
neighborhood distinctions, or even navigable streets. Even
in the inhabited parts of the city, the areas just below the
surface are also nameless and uncataloged. It is therefore
not possible to pinpoint places in Penance with standard
mapping techniques; a much more mathematical method
must be employed.
In the book ÑPlains of Penance,Ò we introduced a
system of radial coordinates for measuring the wilds of
Penance. This same system has been carried over and used
for the City of Penance, with one minor changeÐa third
coordinate, measuring a pointÔs depth below the surface
of the city, has been added. Take a few moments to famil-
iarize yourself with this system before jumping into the
Races in Ruins
Many races come to the wrack and the maze. Sometimes
this is because they donÔt fit in well with civilization, some-
times this is because of a racial tendency that causes them
to prefer to be alone, while some races have extremely
evil tendencies, and they prefer to stake their claim over
less populated areas where they can abuse, bully, and kill
less powerful beings without the ramifications they would
face within the civilized areas. The racial presence of the
ruin is as follows: Lunars 25%, Humans 20%, Valco 10%,
Scar 10%, Faust 5%, Silvers 5%, Nkoll 5%, Chromithians
4%, Frey 3%, Wyrgith 3%, Pickers 2%, Asherake 2%, Gnarl
1% and 5% other.
Asherakes are by nature a violent and brutal race, and
many of those brought to the Forge find themselves un-
able to adapt to the civilized bent of the city. These indi-
viduals often end up making their homes deep in the lost
city, far from the dangerous border areas, and use their
wings to maneuver about the pedestal in search of prey.
Bandersnatches live near the surface of civilized Pen-
ance and burrow upwards to abduct people. They live in
more or less intact buildings beneath the surface. Because
it is so difficult to detect their lairs, and the fact that they
live so near the civilized portions of the city,
bandersnatches are considered to be one of the more ur-
gent dangers of living in Penance.
Faust are far more common in the wrack and the maze
than they are in civilized Penance. Since they are gener-
ally of an evil bent, faust have a much easier time surviv-
ing in areas where they can be true to their nature and
not be forced into keeping their evil natures in check. They
are some of the greatest forces of evil in uncivilized Pen-
ance, and they can be found in the roles of crime lords,
information brokers, assassins, and thugs.
Frey are not as common here are they are in the civi-
lized areas of Penance, though they occur in larger num-
bers than many of the other races of the Forge. Their in-
quisitive nature draws them to explore the places that
most others fear. Many frey enjoy plundering the sunken
structures within the maze in search of long lost treasures.
Others are commonly used by some of the bosses of these
areas as spies or messengers. In one case, a group of frey
has claimed the remains of several sunken buildings that
merged together in a very confusing manner and conse-
crated it as a new temple to their goddess, Mother
Lucindara. Many frey that have found their way to this
location report that it is the greatest temple they have seen,
though some find themselves lost within it for weeks.
Gnarl are one of the greater monstrous hazards of the
maze. The most notorious example of these impressive
creatures is the Grinder, but more ordinary examples of
these creatures can be found throughout the maze. Many
are completely uncivilized and prey on any creatures pass-
ing through their territories while others have organized
into a group called The Ground (detailed on page 76),
which worships the Grinder.
Humans, being one of the most versatile races of the
Forge, are found in large numbers both in the maze as
well as within the wrack. If they donÔt have any business
that draws them to these areas, they have a tendency to
create it. Whether they seek to establish control over an
uncivilized area, escape civilization to found a strange
new cult, or go exploring in search of lost treasures, hu-
mans are there in large numbers.
Lunars prefer their own kind, hence their difficulty
inhabiting civilized areas with many other races. They are
chaotic and they like to be able to hunt prey in their wild
forms. Though they are present within the wrack, they
are more often encountered in the maze where they nor-
mally establish small family groups. They are also known
to create large hunting lodges for other lunars to orga-
nize and go after some of the more powerful denizens
that live in the maze.
Nkoll, long thought destroyed in civilized Penance,
still exist below ground. After their defeat at the temple
that they erected to serve their snake god Akaya, the sur-
viving members retreated below ground where they es-
tablished an even greater temple that is the center of their
civilization today. Unlike their ancestors, the nkoll are not
presently engaged in a holy war with the intention to con-
quer all of Penance. Instead their goal is to maintain the
large numbers of bloodholds they have conquered below
ground, continue to build their numbers, and slowly con-
quer more territory until they can make another great
stand against Penance. Nkoll are fully detailed in Chap-
ter 2.
Pickers are found in the uncivilized regions for one
of two main reasons. The first is that, though they are
known to pack large numbers of their own into the build-
ings, sometimes those families and groups like to move
away from society and spread out over a much larger area.
Because of their size, pickers are more easily able to crawl
through the often tight passages of the maze, which makes
them one of the most successful races that belong to the
rafters guild.
Scar are found in isolated pockets in the lost city. These
shockingly hideous folk tend to hide themselves away
from other races, and their settlements are difficult to spot,
even one is wandering through them. Scar are not op-
posed to civilization, they simply realize that they cannot
fit within it easily. Scar usually dwell near settled areas
of the city and venture into them on occasion to purchase
supplies and food. Scar are fully detailed in Chapter 2.
Silvers make themselves just as comfortable in un-
civilized areas as they do in civilized areas. Their greater
goals, to get others to serve them, remain largely un-
changed. In many areas of the wrack, silvers lead the
charge to reclaim lost areas so that they can rise to the
position of Bloodlord. In the maze, silvers organize people
into parties that delve into the forgotten depths to un-
cover lost treasures.
Valco are nomadic, primitive, and not trusted by so-
ciety as a whole. Because of this, they find the perfect home
in the wrack where they can avoid most other races. Just
as the faust have been their long-time friends, they have
close ties here as well, often acting as strong-arms for faust
crime lords or regional rulers. Despite the depths to which
many valco have sunk, there are groups of them that have
a strong sense of honor, and fight to keep the evil forces
at bay. These groups are known to escort people through
hostile territory and help those that find themselves the
victims of savage attacks.
Wyrgith are cousins of the drow, having evolved in
the undercity of Penance for many ages. Like the drow,
wyrgith are cruel, domineering, and despise light. Few
citizens of Penance even know of the wyrgithÔs existence,
as they make their homes deep in the darkness of the un-
dercity. Wyrgith are fully detailed in Chapter 2.
Schemes of Power
Though lost, both the wrack and the maze are sources of
endless possibilities for the Bloodlords and other people
of power. Some view the wrack as the perfect area to ex-
pand their holdings into while others are well acquainted
with the treasures contained within the ruined areas, and
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