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Affairs of State
By Thomas Russell
Table of Contents
Resolving Actions
Step 0: The Mediation
Step 1: The Roll
Step 2: The Declarations
Step 3: The Showdown
Step 4: The Narration
Bonus Dice:
Adventure Ideas:
Answering a Few Questions…
Terrak pulled his cloak closer about him. The air was chill in the pre-dawn light. He
looked up and his gaze stretched across the imposing width of the Outer Wall. Nearly
stretching from one end of the horizon to the other, the intricate frescoes glorifying the
Empire were just starting to emerge from the shadows. Guards patrolled the Wall, their
torches like tiny sparks of fairy light moving slowly across the top. Beyond that Wall lay
a city of immense riches and wonder. A hundred miserable little cons and thefts had led
up to this moment. This was his one chance to parlay a lifetime of petty crime and
hardscrabble existence into something so much more. Terrak took a deep breath and
headed towards the Gates of Earthly Paradise.
When he finally reached the Gates, a long mechanical arm swung down. At the end of
the Arm was a metallic head wearing military headgear. The head began to look him up
and down, ticking, clicking and whirring as it moved. Terrak had only seen a few
clockwork devices and this was by far the most complex one he’d ever seen. He had to
remember to keep his cool. It wouldn’t do to get flustered before he’d barely started.
“Who are you and what is your business?” came a tinny voice from the head.
Terrak nearly jumped out of his skin, but that icy calm he got whenever he ran a con
slowly began to take hold. “I am Lord Dumont of the Kingdom of Arkeht,” he said,
shifting off his cloak and displaying his ill-gotten finery, “I have come to establish
diplomatic relations between our two countries!”
* * *
Who are you?
You are a con artist who has come to the Imperial City posing as the diplomatic
representative of a far off (and quite fictitious) country.
Where are you?
The Imperial City. The Empire once stretched out across a massive continent, from sea
to sea. The Emperor ruled his distant provinces from behind the thick walls of the
Imperial City, never venturing outside. But that was long, long ago. Now the Imperial
City and a few hundred square miles surrounding it are all that’s left. But though the
glory of the Empire has faded, its importance has not. The Imperial City is home to a
number of artisans and crafters who possess the knowledge and the skill to build the
amazing clockwork devices that are common in the Imperial City but command a king’s
ransom in the outside world. Thus, the Imperial continues to hold itself above nations
many times its size and power.
Why are you here?
The Imperial City is a place of fabulous riches and technical marvels. The standard of
living here is better than anyplace else. So as long as people think you’re a legitimate
diplomat, you can live like a king!
What do I do?
Well, mostly you try and lead a life of decadent hedonism. Too bad you keep getting
caught up in the intriguing of other diplomats and preventing your lie from being
How do I do that?
You’re a con artist. Be charming, glib, fast with your wits and faster with your feet.
Character Creation
“But why do I have to be the secretary?” whined Connor.
“Because you have the manners of a goat,” replied Elana. “Plus, I’ve made an exhaustive
study of Late Imperial Architecture. Which means that when I talk about the Imperial
ruins of our beloved homeland, our story sounds more plausible. How much do you know
about Imperial ruins?”
“No one cares about a bunch of run-down buildings, they want to see a man of action and
that’s me!”
“Oh you’ll be a man of action all right. I’ll need someone to help me arrange the furniture
in my apartments.”
* * *
Step 1: Name and “ Home Country”
Create a name for your character and the country you’re claiming to be from. Are you
just an Ambassador, or do you have other titles? The name you choose can set the tone
for the kind of country you claim to be from. After all, Commander Skartz, Ambassador
of Plesnosk presents a very different image than Unifier Mistwater, Ambassador of the
Elysium Confederation. Thinking about who you are and the country you pretend to
represent helps you establish a vivid character right from the start. And first
impressions can mean a lot.
Step 2: Describe yourself
Write a short paragraph that describes what your character looks like. Doesn’t have to
be more than a few sentences, but if you’re struck with inspiration write as much as
you want. Pretend that your character is being introduced for the first time in a novel.
This means that your physical appearance, the clothes you’re wearing, and the general
feeling you exude will all be there. Aside from being an quick way to describe your
character to the other players, this also gets you thinking about your character and
helps to flesh them out.
Step 3: Pick your Greed
Although everyone wants to live the easy life of a diplomat, there’s some aspect of the
highlife that you’re always hankering after. It could be booze, sex, fine clothes, fine art,
money, food, parties, or just about anything else, so long as it doesn’t make you a better
person. This is your Greed and you should write it down now. The Greed gives the GM
tools to help start an adventure or pick up the pace and when you encounter it, feel free
to chase it down. Roleplaying your Greed well can earn you a bonus die from the GM
while blatantly ignoring your Greed may earn you a penalty die.
Step 4: Pick your Skills
You now choose three skills:
· Your Specialty skill. This is something you’re very good at and allows you to
roll 6 dice on a Challenge involving that skill. The Specialty can be any skill,
even one that normally requires a lot of training to learn.
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