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Roleplaying in the Lands of Mythic Fantasy
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The task of creating a roleplaying game is one
thing, creating one in 24 hours is a task in itself.
Trying to get clip art and everything else together to
is a feat of pure madness. This is my attempt to make
such a game. I thought back to my childhood long and
hard, searching for ideas.
Within the first thirty minutes of my looking for
ideas I stumbled upon the Brothers Grimm book of
fairy tales. I thought for a moment, its been done.
Move on. But then after sitting there I said to myself
what makes fairy tales and things like mythology so
After brainstorming for a short time I realized
fairy tales, mythology and pulp heroes all have one
thing in common. All the characters in these stories
are usually larger than life and that’s why people like
them so much. They were flawed heroes who always
over come the odds.
Will I succeed? Not going to be sure until this is
done and people grab a copy and start to read.
Welcome to the world of Mythica.
Fable Mastering
World of Mythica
In the beginning
Getting Started
God of creation
Gaining Reputation
Fall of Titans
Gaining Experience
End of all things
People of Interest
King Arthur
Dawn of Heroes
Gods Reborn
Long Fang
Character Creation
Step 1
Green Archer
Headless Knight
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Adventure Ideas
Gates of Hell
Weapons of Mass Des
Equipment list
End of it all
Message Author
Game Mechanics
Opposed Actions
Determine Damage
Please visit for
more information about development of upcoming
Wound Dice
Copyright © Patrick McCoy. All rights reserved. All clip art is free
but copyright of their respectful owners. As long as I don’t sell this
I should be fine. All other graphics are copyright of me! BOOYA!
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Welcome to the world of Mythica. In this place you will find
dangerous monsters, legendary heroes, and amazing sites.
Mythica is a world of story and legend. Always remember that
anything can and will happen.
The world is a midevil type setting with a flair of magic and
myth. People in this world are just like in any other set-
ting with the exception they have to deal with mon-
sters and evil that lurks around every corner.
The biggest difference of Mythica is that
heroes are idolized by story and song. As
the legend of these heroes grow they
become more powerful.
After the god of creation was made the titans forced him into
creating more people, animals, and creatures for them to rule
over. After long days of slaving the God pleaded with the Titans
to please give him rest. The titans being the monsters they
were demanded the god continue or suffer. The god
continued to create and began pouring all of his
power into his creations as revenge against the
titans. The god of creation would make his
mark on the world by making beings who
were capable of becoming stronger than
the titans.
The Titans seeing that the god was
foiling their plans decided to create anoth-
er god to balance the power of creation. So
the titans searched the world once more
this time they found of man of pure evil to
take the role of the god of destruction.
When the god of creation realized the titans
had found him out he sunk all of his power into one
being of mass power capable of overcoming even his
powers. This being would later be called Long Fang the God of
the Dragons.
Titans saw the defiance of creation and decided the time had
come to end his treachery and disobedience. A war was waged
by the titans against him but little did they realize creation knew
long ago this day would come and he had prepared.
In the Beginning
At the beginning of time Titans ruled
the lands of Mythica with an iron fist. The
titans had all the land in Mythica and yet
nothing to rule over with the exception of ani-
mals and other creatures that feared them. With
the titans power consuming them they decided to
come together to create a God. This god would be the
first god of creation.
The titans searched long and hard to find the prefect creature
to be this monster and they found what they called man. Little
did the titans ever realize this would be the first step to the
beginning of the end of their reign of power and domination in
the lands of Mythica .
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Titans who had created the god of creation never realized he
would come up with a way to defeat them. When the war was
waged all of the people who worshiped the god of creation came
to his aid, all manner of men and monster. Even the God of the
Dragons stood by his stand when the lines where drawn. The
titans being the power mad creatures they were laughed at his
pitiful attempt to rally help and beginning killing all of creatures
that stood in their way but for everyone one they killed another
two would spring up. Waves and waves of creatures attacked the
titans doing very little damage to them.
Finally Long Fang come down flying from the heavens and
called all the power of his breath attack and blew the titans right
into the sea. The creatures that lived in the dark depths of the
ocean came from all corners of the world of bring the titans into
the darkness.
When all was over the god of creation knew the work was
not finished and that the god of destruction must be dealt with
in order to keep his people from suffering. All of the creatures
walked through the lands of Mythica to the realm of the titans
right up into the castle at the edge of the world. The time had
come for creation to fight against the evil the titans had made
and he had to face it alone.
When the god entered the castle he saw pain and suffering.
People where hung on the walls with their wounds holding the
castle together. Even the god of creation had to look away from
the fallen men and creatures who were forced to hold this mon-
storousity of a castle together.
When the god entered the chamber of the god of destruction
they both met eyes. They both knew the end was here and that
the time had come for all creatures make their own way. Know
one is quite sure what happened because there was an explosion
of light and then the castle feel down into the sea in a pit of fire
and it begin to rain. After all was said done people where left to
their own fate. Some said the castle had become hell the place
of the titans. Some said the god of creation became one with all
and that he lives on in every creature.
When every thing was done people went back to their normal
lives but the days where not the same. Soon evil came to past as
monsters began terrorizing villagers and towns people. With
nothing to control these creatures chaos insued, people feared
for their lives until one man took a stand. His name was
Chronos, he was a wondering traveler that had no past. Some
said he had been formed during the final battle with the two
gods. No one was really sure what he had to be the quickest man
alive and dispatched the monsters without breaking a sweat.
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Soon tales spread and Chronos was known throughout the
whole land. People would pray to him for protect and beg for
him to help them defeat the evil that was slowly dewinddling in
the lands. As time past Chronos defeated more and more crea-
tures of legend and pure evil until one day he was faced with his
biggest challenge. Long Fang the God of the Dragons had been
awakened from his deep slumber. When he awoke his dearly
loved breathen had been slaughtered by Chronos. In pure rage
Long Fang flew over the lands shouting,
I have something far greater. Belief in the common good,
you may defeat me today but I promise you. Not even the
titans will be able to stop me one day and that is the day
you and I shall meet again.”.
The dragon smiled at the man’s attempted and summoned a
powerful blast of breath completely destroying Chronos where
he stood until only a pile of ashes was left.
When people heard what had happen they gathered where he
had so valiantly confronted the Long Fang and put gifts on his
grave. Soon the same thing started as chaos once again reigned
in the lands of Mythica.
“Chronos! Face me! I am Long Fang god of the dragons!”.
Chronos never being a man of fear walked to the edge of the
forest where Long Fang had slumbered for so long. Finally the
dragon found Chronos sitting on top a stump with only a short
sword in his hand. The dragon grinned at Chronos before letting
a hardy laugh at his weapon.
After a short time of mourning for Chronos people began
seeing visions of him in their dreams. In one of the main king-
doms of Mythica a statue was constructed in his remembrance.
Days after the statue was put up monsters charged the kingdom
in a raid against the men. Everyone tells different stories of how
it happened but some how Chronos was reborn that very day.
The statue came to life and through the stone people could
see Chronos’s gentle eyes as he battled the monsters. Everyone
that day gave thanks to the fallen hero. In the record of history
Chronos would go down as the God of Valor and Speed. Little
did people realize Chronos was only the first of many to become
legends in the lands of Mythica.
“You plan to defeat me with that mortal? How had such a
pitiful man creature managed to kill my breathen? How
can that puny sword do anything to me? I am the god of
the dragons, what say you man creature.”
Chronos looked at the dragon and replied,
Your time has come monster. I may not be the strongest
and I may not have the magick you carry in your mind but
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