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Karbon RPG
------------------------- Karbon -------------------------
(n. Slang, circa 2091) 1.)
Any replicated being, produced such as to be a carbon-
copy. May additionally be enhanced with lace.
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------------------------- Karbon -------------------------
K arbon takes place in the early 22 nd century, where a band of hired killers are
sent out to 'dismiss' karbons that have escaped containment. These paid professionals
are a group of efficient and effective individuals. They are paid by the dismissal and the
one that has the most under their belt is considered the best. Have covered the basics,
we can get specific. Initially we need to cover the three problems they face.
: (n. Slang, circa 2057) 1.) Any body job that
results in greater physical capacity. Usually denotes
liquid-ware implants.
T he first problem is that the karbons they hunt are probably laced . This means
they have been jacked up in ability for specific purposes. There are your military, your
super-engineers, and your basic pleasure models. Each model has its own wiles and
methods, and all of them try to stay alive with all their effort.
: ((roo-sa) n. Slang, circa 2072) 1.) The
desolate remains of the nation once called U.S.A. Now a
land of crime so bad it has become a police state.
The s econd problem is that the karbons are gene engineered and rapid cloned
humans. In a nutshell, They look like everyone else. This is further compounded by the
fact that they flee into R.U.S.A. (the Ruins of the United States of America) This dark
and crowded place is a police state of degenerates, thugs, and the sick. In fact nearly
everyone that remains on the old earth does so because they simply couldn't make it to
the colonies.
: (n. Slang, circa 2034) 1.) The
collective intelligence that runs the world from behind
the scenes. A large structure of informants, killers, and
chairmen support the program. Lead by: The Daemon.
The T hird problem is that the karbon hunter might be a karbon themselves.
The karbons are known to have infiltrated the program. They have replaced select
hunters with karbon copies. Even these people don't know they have been replaced
until they 'awaken'. Hunters that are karbons will doubt their nature obsessively until
the crescendo when they awaken as if from a sleep.
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The Program
------------------------- Karbon -------------------------
: (n. Slang, derivative: balls) 1. Intenstinal
Fortitude. Syn: COURAGE, cojones, dauntlessness, guts,
heart, mettle, ||moxie, pluck, resolution, spirit.
T he hunters are defined by various terms used among themselves. These
adjectives are commonly applied to people, actions, and events. The first of which is
bawls. This is primarily courage or intenstinal fortitude. Something good is also
considered 'bawls'.
: (n. Slang) 1. Intelligence and knowledge. Syn:
INTELLIGENCE 1, brainpower, mentality, wit, sense.
O mni is the universal concept of intelligence and all its assets. People are said
to be omni, or a really smart idea is an omni. This is most useful for detecting Karbons.
'Omni-' is universal for relating something of better than average quality, like an omni-
gun or an omni-chick. Omni probably derived from the A.I. driven portable computing
device of the same name.
: (n. Slang) 1. Shooting ability, speed. (From:
razor-sharp edge) Syn: PRECISION, correctness,
definiteness, definitiveness, definitude, exactitude,
exactness, preciseness.
If E dge is anything less than the ultimate adjective don't tell the hunters. Edge
can mean any advantage, but without a context it refers to shooting and reflexes. Omni-
edge is often something claimed by hunters for an wide, 'the ultimate ability'. A
common hallmark phrase: 'Edge is life. Edge is destiny. Edge is mine.'
: (n. Slang) 1. Perception, eye sight. Syn:
AWARENESS, Vision, Perception.
Another critical feature of hunters, E yes is the adjective to describe both
awareness and vision. Not really used in other ways.
Steel: (n. Slang) 1. Strength, toughness. Syn: POWER 4,
arm, beef, energy, force, might.
Last but not least, S teel describes strength and toughness. Steel is often used
to describe something that can't be stopped. It is not often used as a positive enhancer.
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------------------------- Karbon -------------------------
(n. mi-'ka-niks)
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
1 : a branch of physical science that deals with energy and forces
and their effect on bodies
2 : the practical application of mechanics to the design, construction,
or operation of machines or tools
3 : mechanical or functional details or procedure
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------------------------- Karbon -------------------------
Terms: The only specific terms Karbon uses over and over are: daemon to
reference the gamemaster which runs the game, and hunter to reference the player's
: (n.) 1. 1 a : a prescribed guide for conduct or action .
Related Word: fundamental, principle.
Mechanically, karbon takes a less is more approach. This is also known as KISS-
Keep It Simple Stupid. The game utilizes a single chart below to convert rolls to levels
of effort (LoE), and a single twenty-sided die. We simply call this the rule.
Roll (LoE) Concept
9- 0 Poor
10-14 1 Minimal
15-19 2 Ok
20-24 3 Good
25-29 4 Bawls (Terrific)
30-34 5 Omni (Fantastic)
35-39 6 Omni-Edge (Awesome)
40-44 7 Incredible!
45-49 8 Superhuman
50+ 9 Legendary
The rule chart is reprinted on the character sheet for quick and easy reference.
Using the chart is an easy affair, but it is used over in various ways to make more with
: (n.) 1 a : something that happens
unpredictably without discernible human intention or
observable cause b : the assumed impersonal purposeless
determiner of unaccountable happenings : LUCK
When chance factors into the equation we use a simple dice roll and add a rating
to generate a total roll value. Then you see the LoE generated on the chart. The LoE is
all that matters, the roll result is discarded after we determine it.
[trans] Billy Kregan has an Omni rating of 12. The daemon
(gamemaster) has called for a knowledge test since Billy wants to
know just how likely it is that a fire exit is nearby. He rolls a 6.
This gives him a total of 18, and that means an LoE of 2. This is an
Ok level of Effort. The daemon informs him that a fire exit is
probably one story down and at the end of the hall. [/trans]
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