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This webpage is an altered version of, and an addition to, the basic report on implosion, by Callum Coats (author of
Living Energies and the Eco-technology series books) and is intended to advance on his initial undertaking. Many
thanks are due to Mr. Coats, in respect to the enormous work that he has already done. He has been the true pioneer,
and, has single handedly brought Viktor Schauberger's theories into a new light and true public awareness. I have
taken great liberty by modifying the original proposal by Callum Coats ( ), and hopefully, by
thrusting " Frank Germano & Martin Dorantes " into the mix, we can force large corporations, governments, and "big
business" to take a serious look at Schauberger's amazing implosion devices.
In June of 2001 the proposal to do a report on Viktor Schauberger and "Implosion technology" was begun by Callum
Coats; A number of planned steps are being made for the development of Implosion technology. Doing this report is
one of those first steps, coupled to practical research and development undertakings in the United States, Austria and
Australia. This report contains sufficient information to start with research and development and with the re-building of
some devices designed and made by Viktor Schauberger, which applied Implosion technology aided by diamagnetism
and anti-gravity. Frank Germano and Martin Dorantes, founding members of International Turbine And Power, LLC, will
lead in the investigation and implementation of this technology, and explore the potential of large-scale commercial
utilization of the devices. Several units have been designed and the necessary funding for this project is currently being
Individuals and groups of people are actively pursuing this area of interest world wide. Study and experimentation has
continued after Schauberger's death, especially during the last 20 years. A substantial amount of information exist in
his own writing, in books, articles, reports and historical accounts, including what took place during and after the
Second World War. The motivation for this report is my focus on getting this Implosion technology and some of Viktor
Schauberger's other inventions established and applied in our society. The many life threatening environmental
deadlocks of our present time, are a legacy of the type of technology we currently employ, using fossil and nuclear
Finding scientific, practical, and sustainable solutions has now become a matter of survival, for us and for many plant
and animal species, in the short term. Another motivation is my determination to help break the "stalemate" situation
which has held this Implosion technology from being developed for over half a century, in spite of today's
environmental crises. The development of scientific knowledge cannot be halted indefinitely, but for a relative short
period of time. Making a report, assimilating all the available information, and networking, is the first step towards that
The objective of this report: It is the objective of this report to, 1.) provide extensive information on Implosion
technology and on the inventor, Viktor Schauberger, and his numerous designs and devices. 2.) To establish
networking and associated activities. 3.) To stimulate further research and development worldwide, and 4.) To assist
fundraising applications for practical research and development work.
Basis of understanding: To do justice to implosion itself, it must be described within its full context. That context is
"living water". In my view, this can logically not be otherwise! In order to understand Implosion technology and to
successfully apply it, an understanding of the principles and mechanisms involved is required. These are displayed by
all aspects of "living water", with all of it's features and characteristics, and by it's inherent qualities andpotentials.
Holistic thinking is required to understand what Implosion technology is, what is involved and how it works. Thinking in
processes , rather than in fixed concepts, wherein the totality in which any natural phenomenon occurs, is understood
and accounted for. Our more familiar linear way of thinking nowadays, thinking in terms of cause and effect, does not
suffice! The existence of implosion and the nature of diamagnetism are known, to an extent, yet largely ignored by
modern physics. Since Schauberger's time, any physical proof has all but disappeared, so they remain to be
investigated and formally clarified.
Today's technology: The basis and primary mode of today's technology, is based on explosion - expansive,
centrifugal movement. We have directed our attention on the degenerative forces in nature by using combustion, heat,
friction and pressure. It is known that the efficiency of this energy base (fossil fuels and nuclear energy) is not more
than 35%, that it exploits the natural resources, and is responsible for extensive pollution and damage to the natural
world. It stands to reason that we now look the other way to a frictionless cooling and compacting of matter through the
geometric coiling action of the cycloidal spiral movement in a VORTEX.
Until recent times, we have been incapable of clearly seeing the simplest natural phenomena, while being continuously
surrounded and bombarded by them. We fail to notice and are unable to decipher a myriad of examples which illustrate
the activity of the spiralic, imploding principle. There are many vortex examples: e.g. shells, galaxies, antelope horns,
sunflowers, pine cones, tree branches, tornados, cyclones, hurricanes. These are the after-images of pure, creative
activity, working through a specific movement. These are obvious and clear physical imprints of the imploding activity.
This activity is the mechanism by which the "World of Energy" connects with the physical world.
Callum Coats' argument is that we should use this formative principle as an energy base. In short- The spiralic
contracting movement, as in a vortex, has not been utilized technologically. An energy source, which sustains us and
surrounds us in abundance remains untapped. There are very good, and urgent reasons for investigating this as yet
untapped vortex energy thoroughly.
The principles involved with Implosion technology: All movement is the outcome of attraction or repulsion;
between expansion and contraction . All life forms develop as a mirror image, or, as consequence of this activity,
between polarities. By imitating the examples which nature shows us - both the creative and formative natural
processes can be enhanced to a maximum output situation (e.g. the smaller a hole of the vortex is, the stronger the
suction will be). When this natural principle is artificially accelerated, this energy source is made available.
This technology utilizes the levitational properties of water and uses diamagnetism, as raw energy, present within a
biological vacuum. This technology copies creative processes, therefore it yields positive and sustainable results in
excess. (Some of Schauberger's' inventions were "Free- excess energy" devices.) In Implosion technology, two types
of motion are combined or simultaneously taking place - Centrifugence: which gives pressure, friction, temperature rise
and biological deterioration. - Centripetence: giving suction, temperature drop and biological improvement.
The working mechanism: the double cycloid spiral curve (as in a vortex) concentrates , contracts and compacts the
water. This contraction cools and this cooling creates a vacuum. This vacuum augments suction, the whole process
generates a diamagnetic force. Compacting physical matter to point beyond which it "dissolves" into its energetic form
and thus allowing it to return into the physical, can be achieved artificially or mechanically.
It is important to remember:
1.) the combination of the centrifugal - and centripetal movement
2.) the equatorial alignment of particles (diamagnetism)
3.) the negative electric ionic charge and the negative pressure (a gradual or sudden concentration of liquids or
gasses produces a negative pressure and through this, implosion.)
"Comprehend and Copy Nature"
The principles which Viktor Schauberger adhered to and implemented in order to make the "Implosion motor" and other
(levity) devices, were derived from having this attitude: "Comprehend and Copy Nature" or "C2".
Benefits and perspectives of Implosion technology: Should we be able to illustrate and prove the claims made here
concerning Implosion technology, the consequences for modern society as we know it would be significant indeed. The
re -development of this Implosion technology would have more than a major impact on the way we live and on the way
we do things. It will not have to take long for people in general and for our environment more importantly, to experience
the unimaginable benefits from using Implosion technology.
Electrical power can be generated at home from spring water. Levitation devises will go six times faster than the
Boeing 747 at a fraction of the running costs, without pollution or any noise; their possible size being unlimited. Good
drinking water ("Wunder Wasser") can eliminate sickness and disease in the living organism. Implosion technology
does potentially offer sustainable solutions to many of the environmental crises of today. The use of implosion
technology allows us to eliminate the general need to use our current types of inefficient, exploitative and damaging
technology which still use combustion. Implosion technology stands to revolutionize our entire social fabric.
There are some technical, organizational, and financial hurdles to be overcome to achieve our set goals for the
development of Implosion technology, however, given the proper funding, rapid achievements can be expected. My
estimation is that in two years (from now) we can start breaking into the market with devices, such as were made in
Schauberger's time, which use Implosion technology. In the "Emerald Tablets" the "Tabula Smaragdina", the following
can be found : "Combine the heavenly with the earthly in accordance with the laws of nature, and health and
happiness shall be yours as long as you live"
Research, education, and outcomes: Several groups of people are doing preliminary experimentation on liquid flow
phenomena, and with Schauberger's concepts. As far as what is known to Coats now, the following initiatives are
- in Austria: summer seminars are given at the "Pythagoras Keppler Schule" (or P.K.S.), the Schauberger family
estate near Bad Ischl,
- in Germany: lectures are given and articles are published (e.g. by Ron Engert), describing the above,
- in The Netherlands: attempts are made to organize the planning, the funding, and the co-ordination for research
& development and production. Together with the Australian team, some excellent results are expected.
- in Sweden: research is being done on various flow phenomena of water; free flowing and in vessels,
- in Germany: researchers are looking in libraries and archives for articles, news reports, eye witness accounts,
and quotes on early facts of the "lost" data and Schauberger's earlier achievements (e.g. flying saucers),
- in the USA, an investigation, mainly by digging up any (hidden) information on the world-wide-web has started,
mostly with the resurgence of interest in Schauberger technology from the Callum Coats books, and by individual
websites. Additional views are being presented and all patent data is continuously being absorbed and published.
- in Australia: research and development has started on three proto type devices, which will demonstrate some of
the principles of Implosion technology and which will then become available as products.
- Contact is being maintained with the Schauberger family in Austria and with Mr. D. Feierabend in the US (who is
in possession of one of the original devices), by Callum Coats.
- Frank Germano, President of Tesla Technologies, Inc., has begun CAD work and renderings of the Schauberger
implosion devices. Preliminary figures and computer mock-ups suggest that the devices will work as described.
Investors and funding is being sought to further the research and development stages. Germano feels that a true
working prototype implosion device is operational within six months of initial funding. Further research and
development has been undertaken by Frank Germano and Martin Dorantes, individually. Professor J. Naudin (o f JLN
Labs ) from France has duplicated this original pioneering work, as has Robert (James) Bailey, Dr. Eugine Sorokodum,
PhD ( Vortex Oscillation Technologies , LTD from Moscow, Russia), and Prof. Alfred Evert, PhD (of Evert Fluid-Tech,
Inc .) as well.
Networking: A sound network of people is building up world wide, with people and groups interested in the re-
development of Implosion technology. The various activities should be coordinated in a cooperative and constructive
manner, to achieve any desired results more quickly. Reports and articles are appearing steadily on the internet, which
are monitored and filed by Callum Coats. The exchange of information and ideas is mutually beneficial, and therefore, I
have taken up forming a central network. Once the network is fully operational, all parties involved will share and be
connected to information, instantaneously.
Research and development of Schauberger's inventions in the United States and Australia: The Australian team
is developing three Schauberger inventions. ITP is combining efforts to fund development on all of the Schauberger
implosion devices, and the water purification systems, and the pumping systems. These form the first practical steps
towards developing the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to start with the Implosion motor. These first
devices, are:
1.) The "Energy body" for rivers: egg shaped bodies creating longitudinal vortices in the central water flow. The
longitudinal vortex creates a cooler, condenser, faster flowing central water mass which is the mechanism by which the
river carves out it's own desired flow path, and which trout and salmon use to migrate up the rivers for spawning. Many
problems we experience with rivers and streams, e.g. flooding after some rain, are a result of human interference with
the forests and the actual flow-path of rivers. Canalization and dredging are about the worst things to do to a natural
river. These problems can best be solved by helping such a river re-establish it's natural, dynamic flow pattern. These
"energy bodies" are described by Schauberger to yield dramatic, positive, changes in the riverbed formation within a
very short time span.
2.) A vertical pump: imitating capillary action of water and air bubbles much like across between a tree and a ram
pump. Lifting a water column higher than nine meters vertically has been impossible up to now (laws of physics-
gravitation). There are places such as farms, where a significant change would be experienced if there would be a
brake through, making water available where previously that wasn't possible, e.g. by pumping water straight up from a
bank or cliff, out of a river. This development may be a brake through in terms of what is known about pumps and
pumping water in different ways, however more importantly it demonstrates the "C2" principle in practical application.
By utilizing TTI's vast knowledge of the Tesla-type pumping systems, and comparing them to the Schauberger
systems, a proper evaluation of their worth can be attained. It may also be advantageous to combine the two systems
in some form or another.
3.) A water purifying device: a purifier which is using the so-called "Wavy plates" to achieve centripetal movement.
Some CO2 is added in the process, separating and cool-distilling the water imbues it with levitation properties and
makes it ready for human consumption (best at 4-5 degrees Celsius). The remainder of the water keeps being
processed in this egg shaped device, which has a manometer to measure the vacuum created. These are the first
serious steps towards development of the implosion motor, as, the "wavy plates" are used. These were designed by
Schauberger after using a wheel of "Kudu horn" shaped tubes (these original devices are extremely difficult to
construct). This "mark 2" design principle, once proven successful, is where the Australian team will pick up the
development of the implosion motor. These relatively simple devices can come into production, offering direct,
practical, sustainable solutions to existing problems.
4.) Dorantes & Germano will complete investigation into feasibility of Repulsine, Tornado Generator, Implosion
Motor, and Trout Motor type engines and machines. As funding becomes available, they will build working prototypes
of these machines and evaluate their effectiveness, performance and cost of operation and commercial viability.
Germano is presently designing the first-ever, Schauberger-based vortex energy water-powered spiral generators.
Through the use of ANY naturally flowing river (with a water flow greater than 30 cubic meters per second), we can
harness the energy of the flowing river water, channel it into a "Spiral Vortex Generator" (using our newly developed
" InVAID® " system - Initiated Vortex Accelerated Implosion Drive - patent pending), and direct the accelerated water
flow into a modified Tesla-type water turbine. The results are very impressive. It is also a solution and a means of
supplying almost unlimited, non-polluting electrical energy to any community, town or city. No ecological damage, in
any way, results from the implementation of this type of river-flow based power system. Please see my report on
" Water Power ", and " Water Power II " for a complete explanation of the devices.
Water itself...What is water? We may truly ask!. Water is everywhere, and predominantly so. There are many
answers to that question as there are as many types of water as there are living organisms.. Maintaining the opinion
that water is H2O is merely reducing the matter to "the lowest common denominator" only. Of all the water on Earth,
only 2-3% is available as drinking water. This should be kept in mind while we use and abuse that small amount! When
we see water not merely as H2O, but as versatile and highly mysterious substance, we might get closer to
understanding the dynamics, the harmonics and potentials this medium displays to us.
Water was here first, so to speak. It is a mystery and a complete wonder in itself that it was created at all !!! If we
would understand water, we would not have the many perilous environmental crises of today.
Some characteristics of water are:
1.) The dynamics of flowing, GOOD healthy water is bristling with levitational and healing qualities.
2.)Water is always in change. It flows down and moves about at varying speeds, shaping and folding itself in layers
which slide over each other, thus fitting a greater volume into a smaller surface area and cooling it off. The forward
movement of every particle is closely associated with a specific temperature. Schauberger made a big point about "the
temperature gradients", which regulate movement.
3.) When flowing water warms up (e.g. by the sun), its tractive forces weaken. Cooling down occurs in the flow-axis.
This core water mass moves fastest and thus deepens its' channel.. This higher flow-velocity, relative to the peripheral
flow along the embankments, creates suction, which also releases pressure from these embankments. The higher the
flow-velocity of the cooler core-water mass is, the higher the buoyancy.
Water Quality: Water is qualitatively not the same at different temperatures; Water can "go off" too. The anomaly point
for water is at +4 degrees Celsius, where water is healthiest and densest. Water always carries other substances. The
sea water contains mineral salts and silicon from eroding granite mountains. This silicon is associated with the waters'
levitation properties, which is why Schauberger uses siliceous emulsions in his Implosion technology. (In Bio-Dynamics
too, great importance is put on the role of silica, whereas in conventional agriculture it hardly gets a mention.) Water is
electrically charged too, during and after a storm the drop size is enormous at times. As such, water can justly be
called "The Blood of the Earth". It is rich in many ways and very much alive.
The Wave: What is a wave made of? The wave but momentarily shapes and uses the water after which it fades away
to be replaced by another waves. The continuum, and re-entering of other waves without canceling each other out is
an expression of energy. The seas' water mass, as a whole, rocks gently sideways, determined by the Earth's rotation,
as well as the Lunar and Solar gravitational pull. In the sea, the wave goes through the water; the water itself doesn't
travel far. In a river the water goes through the wave, here the wave is stationary. The ocean wave gets its energy
mainly from the wind. In the river, the wave is formed by the rocks and sticks and banks. Is a wave really part of the
objective world? A wave is made of energy; pure energy in motion.
The Meander: Water naturally flows down any gradient, however it does so seeking the long way down. It doesn't
move downwards as a solid "body" of water in a straight line seeking the fastest way. On the contrary, it "wanders
about" from left to right and forms an irregular snake-like, general flow pattern called a "meander". This meander is
seemingly chaotic, and appears to be shaped at random without much order. The curvatures, however, correspond by
and large with the curvatures that can be found in very many natural phenomena, (e.g. in tree branches, in lightning
and in many proportions of our own body).
Flow Dynamics: There are a myriad of flow dynamics in such a stream of water, which would explain the creation of
this long meandering pathway, which the water always seeks on its way down to the sea. E.g.: cooler water moves
faster than water which is slightly warmer (i.e.1/10th degree Celsius), thus creating drag and possibly suction. It is also
more compacted or dense. Whereas the body of water as a whole might stream downwards at a certain flow rate, there
are numerous places and occasions where water actually flows in the opposite way, or slower, or is momentarily at an
apparent standstill. The essential point about the meander is the apparent chaotic- but specifically ordered-
movement, from left to right and back. It is like a cross section of a spiral, with the mathematical base pattern:
The Vortex: We have all experienced vortexes in our lives. The best examples are found in rivers and streams. For
most people who don't often get to experience and observe rivers or streams, there is the experience of a draining
bathtub or sink. Gravity is a major aspect with the latter example, however these are still good examples of what
actually takes place in such a vortex and serve to illustrate the processes which are involved.
A defined body of water (or air), with a certain mass and surface area, has a flow rate: the velocity of which increases
in an accelerating fashion, while the surface area is twisted into the vertical plane around a hole and decreases. The
physical mass gets compacted to a point beyond which it "dissolves" into its' "energetic form" or matrix, leaving the
"space" and "energy" (from between the sub-atomic particles), which we call "vacuum" or "void", while resulting in
negative pressure or suction. A biological vacuum is created, which again augments the suction. This whole process
produces diamagnetism .
Sub-atomic energies such as the "Weak Nuclear Force" and diamagnetism are released, and, like the suction or levity,
are potentially available. Aspects involved with this process are the specific characteristics of the medium. With water
or air:
1) compaction when temperatures reach the "anomaly point".
2) the "dynamics of flow" (such as the "folding" in layers) and a flow rate-differential of water or air particles related
3) the "temperature gradient": successions of temperatures up or down (i.e. positive gradient or negative gradient),
always aiming for the anomaly point. The anomaly point is where a substance or organism is "healthiest" or "best"; for
water this anomaly point is at 4 degrees Celsius, for us humans it is 36.5- 37 degrees Celsius
4) the actual pattern of movement; the shape, the proportions, and the curvature of it's pathway, is very specific. The
harmonic of the double cycloid spiral curve is based on "PHI".
PHI: PHI is the specific formative principle expressed mathematically in the ratio: 1=1:1.618, the so called "Fibonacci
cycle", better known as: "The Golden Mean". (each number added to the next gives the following number, as in 3-5-8-
13 -21 -34 etc. or multiplied by 1.618 = 0618-1.000-1.618-2.618-etc.). Daniel Winter (U.S.) calls this harmonic : "The
only permissive path from matter to energy and back. The Mathematical image of the condition of pure self reference".
The possibility for the development of Implosion technology exists, however, any physical proof of the success of
Implosion technology by Viktor Schauberger has disappeared. Implosion technology can be easily developed because
of the inherent simplicity of the devices. The current environmental crises leaves us no choice but to develop this type
of technology. There are some basic uncertainties surrounding Implosion technology, e.g. unknown side effects (chain
reactions?). There is a need for organization, coordination and cooperation to unite the various practical efforts world
What is Implosion? : Today's technology is solely based on explosion. This is the process that has been adopted to
use the energy stored in our planet's natural resources to heat our homes, drive our cars and to produce our electricity.
The explosion process, however useful it may seem, is extremely wasteful and inefficient. Most of the chemical energy
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