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JV559 (Occlude and Torpid)

JV504 (Elicit and Forthright)

1. to draw out; 2. to call forth, to obtain or produce something, especially information or a reaction

educe, evoke, draw out, extract, exact, obtain

suppress, cover, hide

- Marc’s accouncement that his lessons were canceled for the day elicited applause from nearly all the students.
- Jim was giving Liz the silent treatment, and she could not elicit a
response from him to any of her questions.
- She tried to elicit sympathy by breaking down in tears during the meeting.
- Geert Wilders attack on the rights of immigrants elicited cries of outrage from some left-wing politicians.

FORTHRIGHT = Honest, direct, and not evasive in expressing one’s thoughts or feeling.

direct, honest, sincere, straightforward, frank, candid

indirect, dishonest, deceitful, insincere

- When giving a performance review, Frank has to be forthright, so Frank often
provides his employees with constructive criticism.
- Marc’s forthright manner can be mistaken for rudeness.
- Lisa admires his forthright way of dealing with people.
- She’s pretty forthright about her opinions.


JV503 (Paradigm and Officious)

PARADIGM = 1. a model or a representative example; 2. in science, a theoretical framework. 3. a very clear or typical example used as a model.

model, example, pattern, archetype, prototype


- Marc is a teacher and he kept the student’s essay as a paradigm for future students to emulate.
- The billionaire’s ruthless accumulation of wealth stands as a paradigm of greed in the business world .
- The move from Newtonian physics to Einstein’s relativism represented a
major paradigm shift in physics.
- In order to compete in today’s economy, many companies will require a paradigm shift in the way they do business.

OFFICIOUS = 1.meddlesome and interfering:characteristic of somebody who is eager to give unwanted help or advice. 2.unofficial or informal, especially in political or diplomatic dealings. 1. interfering and being in the way;

meddlesome, interfering, intrusive, self-important, unofficial, informal, casual

shy, helpful

- The ministers met in an officious setting, keeping things casual, since it was Sunday.
- Lisa is really trying to impress her boss. Unfortunately, her boss thought Lisa was more officious than efficient.
- Joanne said she wanted to help Marc prepare the meal, but she just made an officious nuisance of herself.

JV502 (Remiss and Posterity)

REMISS = careless or negligent about an expected duty, not doing a duty well enough:

culpable, delinquent, heedless, negligent, slack, careless

responsible, dutiful, diligent, attentive

- Frank’s character is marked by carelessness. The other day Frank was remiss in not informing Marc about his Dad’s message.
- Lisa was remiss in the overuse of John’s credit card for recreational purposes.
- It was remiss of me not to pay my bills on time, and now I’m stuck with late payment fees.
- It was remiss of you to miss your deadline.
- You have been remiss in your duties.
- It was remiss of me to forget to give you the message.
- I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it.


1. generations to come in the future; 2. all of a person’s descendants

offspring, future generations, descendants, progeny


- The President’s most fundamental duty is to create and preserve freedom
for us and our posterity.
- My grandma is documented all her philosophical ideas for posterity.
- These recollections of the war were recorded for posterity.
- The popular singer songwriter wrote his memoir for posterity.
- The museum guaranteed that every attempt is being made to ensure that Van Gogh’s paintings are preserved for posterity.


JV501 (Mundane and Egocentric)

MUNDANE = 1. ordinary or commonplace; 2. relating to or of the world

ordinary, commonplace, banal, everyday, dull, earthly

unusual, rare, extraordinary, heavenly

- Marc’s life consisted only of the same, mundane routing, until Marc started taking sailing lessons. Marc is now planning to sail around the world.
- Despite the fact that his office cubicle was rather mundane, Paul
enjoyed having his own semi-private space in which to work.
- Many people were shocked to hear that the lead singer rock and roll band actually lived a very mundane lifestyle, off stage.
- Mary doesn’t like to waste her time worrying about mundane affairs like
politics; she prefer to study religion and more spiritual matters.
- Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.

EGOCENTRIC = selfish, self-centered, and concerned only with personal needs rather than the needs of others

selfish, self-centered, egotistic


- At SyncMyMail.com we work like a team: that kind of egocentric attitude will not be accepted!
- Lisa was vain and egocentric, always putting herself first.
- The tycoon billionaire is so egocentric, he places his name on everything.
- Babies are entirely egocentric, concerned only with when they’ll next be fed.

JV500!! (Palatial and Odious)

luxurious and/or grand, like a palace. This adjective describes a house that is very large and splendid

grand, deluxe, impressive, regal, rich, luxurious, plush, opulent, stately, imposing

- The Karel V hotel is known for its palatial elegance.
- The palatial, 130-room mansion is the most expensive home in the city.
- I don’t need a palatial home in an exclusive neighborhood; a little
beach cottage is enough to make me happy.
- Martin recently bought a palatial new apartment in New York.

provoking hatred, contempt, or disgust

hateful, contemptible, detestable, loathsome, vile, disgusting, repulsive, offensive


- The man committed an odious crime for which he should be severely punished.
- There are few things as odious to him as racism.
- The smell was odious, I couldn’t stand it.
- Marc made an odious and unforgivable insult

JV499 (Garish and Facetious)

GARISH = gaudy, flashy, showy, or brightly and vividly colored

gaudy, tacky, tasteless, tawdry, showy, flashy, flamboyant, ornate

elegant, tasteful, muted, simple, plain, modest

- Looking back at old photos, the woman laughed at the garish pink and
orange gown she had worn to her high school prom.
- Frank arrived in a garish, electric blue, 24-person limousine.
- Little Richard is known for wearing garish capes and clothes that make
him stick out, even in a crowd of celebrities.
- I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I had a pair of garish, neon green jeans in high school.
- Jeremy wore a pair of garish Bermuda shorts.
- The coffee shop, painted a garish pink, is a landmark in the neighborhood.
- the wedding guestÊs thick makeup was garish and unnecessary.

FACETIOUS = humerous in a sarcastic way. not serious about a serious subject, in an attempt to be amusing or to appear clever. not seriously meaning what you say, usually in an attempt to be humorous or to trick someone

humorous, clever, sarcastic, ironic, witty, silly, jocose

serious, matter-of-fact, lugubrious

- Marc told me he didnât like the movie at all, so he must have been facetious when he recommended it to his friends.
- Lisa’s facetious remarks made it clear that she wasnât taking the meeting seriously.
- I make so much money that we never have to worry – I’m being facetious.
- Sometimes John makes jokes with such a serious expression on his face, I can’t tell whether he’s being serious or facetious.
- “We could spend all our income on health care,” she said facetiously.

JV498 (Kindle and Hierarchy)

1. to start a fire; 2. to excite or arouse

ignite, flame, blaze, light, flare, awaken, arouse, excite

deaden, inhibit, extinguish

- Al Gore made a movie to kindle awareness about global warming.
- Two years after their divorce, Mark tried to rekindle his relationship with his ex-wife.
- Traveling to the Galapagos islands as a teenager kindled my interest in become a marine biologist.
- Lisa’s imagination was kindled by the exciting stories her grandmother told her.

HIERARCHY = 1. an organization of a group of people or things, arranged
according to rank or importance; 2. the people who determine and run a
hierarchy ranking system, especially in the clergy

ranking, order, level, regime, ministry, administration, office

- Marc hopes to rise through the hierarchy quickly and become a manager at a young age.
- If you want to get a permit, you will have to appeal to the appropriate department in the hierarchy.
- My boss always said: if you put honesty first in your hierarchy of values, you can never go wrong in life.
- Some monkeys have a very complex social hierarchy.
- The Dutch politician rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become a minister.


JV497 (Impervious and Legacy)

1. not affected by outside influence, remaining unaffected by other’s
opinions, arguments, suggestions, etc.; 2. unable to be penetrated or
not allowing passage into or through something; 3. unable to be injured
or damaged.
1. not responsive: remaining unmoved and unaffected by other people’s opinions, arguments, or suggestions

impenetrable, impermeable, resistant, unaffected, invulnerable, unmoved

responsive, vulnerable, penetrable

- Frank seemed impervious to pain as he hiked down Tablemountain with a sprained ankle.
- Marc seemed to be impervious to the criticism made against him and
continued with his same modus operendi.
- My thermal blanket forms an impervious shield from the cold and enables me to sleep warmly through the night.
- The CEO was impervious to the growing resentment among the staff.
- Granite is almost impervious to acid rain damage.

LEGACY = 1. money or property left through a will; 2. something handed down from one person or generation to another. 1.bequest made in will:money or property that is left to somebody in a will. 2.something from past:something that is handed down or remains from a previous generation or time.

grant, bequest, gift, bestowal, heritage, inheritance

- The company founders left a legacy of competitive spirit that lives on in this corporation.
- Since my old neighbour had no immediate family, he left a large legacy to his favorite charity.
- The Greeks have a rich legacy of philosophical works.
- The war has left a legacy of hatred.

JV496 (Pallor and Paradox)

PALLOR = noun an unhealthy pale appearance.
an unnatural color of pale, where the person looks sick or unhealthy (adjective = PALLID = very pale, in a way that looks unattractive and unhealthy)


tan, glow

- Next to Marc’s tanned face, Joanne’s seemed pallid and unhealthy.
- Actually the deathly pallor of Joanne’s skin was frightening.
- We knew Joanne was sick as soon as we saw the pallor of her face.
- This is a pallid production of what should be a great ballet.

PARADOX = (noun)
1. a situation or statement which seems difficult to
understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics;
2. a statement or idea that contradicts itself; 3. a person who has
qualities that are contradictory; 4. something that conflicts with
common opinion or belief

contradiction, inconsistency, incongruity, reversal, puzzle, dilemma, oxymoron

consistency, congruity, coherence, agreement

- It seems a paradox that exercise promotes energy, while remaining inactive drains it.
- It is a paradox that technology increases communication, yet can tend
to make people feel isolated.
- It seems paradoxical to me, but if you drink a cup of hot tea it seems to cool you down.
- The old paradox of fighting a war for peace.
- It’s a curious paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty.

JV495 (Myopic and Oscillate)

MYOPIC = (adjective)
1. being nearsighted–having myopia; 2. lacking foresight or understanding, unable to understand a situation or the way actions will affect it in the future.

MYOPIA = noun 1 short-sightedness. 2 lack of foresight or intellectual insight

nearsighted, short-sighted, narrow-minded, closed-minded


- While baseball managers sometimes see less successful teams as being
capable of developing future talent, fans tend to be more myopic,
wanting to win now.
- The myopic child was reluctant to participate in school because she could not clearly see the blackboard.
- The Prime-Minister had a very myopic vision for the country, which neglected to address
future problems like Social Security and Health care.
- Joanne’s myopic and unimaginative thinking would never produce any great ideas.
- The Dutch government myopic refusal to act now will undoubtedly cause problems in the future. (unable to understand a situation or the way actions will affect it in the future:)

OSCILLATE = (verb) 1. to move from side to side; 2. to be undecided and waver back and forth about a decision or opinion. to move repeatedly from side to side or up and down between two points, or to vary between two feelings or opinions

swing, undulate, sway, change, pendulate, waver, fluctuate, teeter, vacillate, alternate

remain, stay, settle

- Thanks to the oscillating fan in the office, my and my colleagues stayed cool.
- Lisa’s emotions oscillated between love and hate.
- The needle on the dial of the old car oscillated between ‘full’ and ‘empty’.
- Marc won’t oscillate on his decision; he’s going to stand firm.


JV494 (Insubordinate and Lustrous)

(n.) a person who does not submit to authority or follow orders; (adj.) not submitting to authority, disobedient or rebellious:refusing to obey orders or submit to authority

(adj.) defiant, disobedient, disorderly, rebellious, antagonistic, insurgent

(adj.) subordinate, complaisant, harmonious, agreeable

- Because the marine never followed his captain’s orders, he was considered an insubordinate.
- Joanne defended her insubordinate behavior by exposing corruption in high places
- When Lisa’s boss told him to file the report, she decided to be insubordinate and not follow the order.
- Military personnel who do not follow orders could be charged with insubordination.
- Mark had a life-long history of being insubordinate toward his
employers, and therefore, had a difficult time finding work when he was

shining or gleaming

shining, glowing, gleaming, bright, glossy, luminous, radiant, burnished, brilliant


- My girlfriend has a conditioner that gives her hair a lustrous glow.
- Phoebe gave Joey an endearing smile and tossed her long, lustrous hair.
- Using our brand of furniture polish will give your tables a lustrous glow.
- The supporting actress gave a truly lustrous performance and stole the show from the star.
- Each night, Lisa brushed her long hair until it was soft and lustrous.


JV493 (Homage and Impertinent)

HOMAGE = something done to show respect and deference–a show of reverence

honor, deference, reverence, adulation, loyalty, respect, admiration, allegiance, honor


- In 2009 a lot of scientists will pay homage to Charles Darwin for his achievements in his field of research 200 years ago.
- Micheal paid homage to his ancestors by maintaining as many of his family’s traditions as he could.
- The actor was given a star on the Hollywood walk of fame in homage to
his celebrity and his many achievements.
- When Ronald Reagan died, thousands of people all over the world came to pay him homage.

1. brash, especially in showing disrespect to a superior or to someone
older; 2. not relevant, not pertinent to the discussion or issue at hand.

Synonyms: insolent, rude, impudent, impolite,
brash, brazen, audacious, irrelevant, extraneous, foreign, immaterial,
inapplicable, inapposite, irrelative

pertinent, respectful, polite, relevant, applicable

- Marc was impertinent when he asked if she was married.
- The impertinent little boy was bossing his babysitter around, telling
her where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do.
- Lisa even had the impertinence to...

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