Snow Drop FAQ By BWoodHouse(1).docx

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                                 Snow Drop (PC)

                 Copyright 2001 by Peach Princess and Will Japan





                                 Ben Woodhouse


                                 Mar. 15, 2005

                                 Version  1.30




******************************CONTENT DISCLAIMER*******************************

Snow Drop is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it contains sex. Therefore it is

intended solely for people over the age of 18.  If you are of age and still

find such material objectionable, then you probably have no interest in

playing this game or reading this FAQ.



Peach Princess does a great job of translating bishoujo games!

Check them out at






                              Easy Navigation System


                      To quickly jump to the desired section,

                hit CTRL+F and type in the section's shorthand code.


  i.    Introduction.....................................................INT1

  ii.   System Requirements..............................................SRQ2

  iii.  Characters.......................................................CHR3

  iv.   Schedule - Days 1 - 3............................................S134

  v.    Walkthrough - Days 1 - 3.........................................W135

  vi.   Schedule - Normal Days 4 - 5.....................................S456

  vii.  Schedule - True Day 4............................................ST47

  viii. Walkthrough - True Day 4.........................................WT48

  ix.   Walkthrough - True Day 5.........................................WT59

  x.    Ending List......................................................EL10

  xi.   Unlocking CGs....................................................CG11

  xii.  Version History..................................................VH12

  xiii. Copyright Information............................................CI13



                              i. INTRODUCTION                      CODE : INT1



_Straight from the back of the box_


You are Minoru Sasazuka, a hopeless romantic.  Invited on a winter

dream ski trip with a group of friends, you head for a ski lodge for

some winter skiing and fun.  For you, its a journey home...


As the interactive adventure story develops, you are confronted with

the reality of the love of childhood friend Kyoka on the one hand, and

the compelling mystery of the quiet and beautiful Shizuka on the

other.  Although many erotic temptations are in store in the quiet

mountain retreat, you must be true to your heart if you're to find the

love you seek.



                          ii. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS                  CODE : SRQ2



These are the system requirements for Snow Drop, straight from the box:


~Windows 95/98/Me

~Pentium 133 MHz or better processor

~32 MB of RAM

~60 MB Hard drive space



Note: When playing the game in Windows XP, the text will be spaced strangely,

making the text hard to read.  Fix the problem by changing the in-game text

display speed.  Go to the Settings menu and change the Message Display Speed to




                             iii. CHARACTERS                       CODE : CHR3



Minoru Sasazuka


Minoru's the character the player controls.  A hopeless romantic, he's still a

little shy when it comes to expressing his true feelings towards a woman,

mostly because he's unsure of how he really feels(and who can blame him, with

so many girls pulling at his heart!).  On this trip though, he'll have to

decide who he truly loves, or possibly face dire consequences.



Kyoka Karasuyama


She's your childhood friend, very tomboyish and bossy.  As a self-proclaimed

"super-realist", she provides a foil to Minoru's romanticism; she's constantly

teasing him about it.  Despite this, Kyoka's also very protective of Minoru,

and her reaction towards any girl coming near him borders on jealousy.  Could

her attitude just be a self-imposed defense against her true feelings?



Keika Karasuyama


Kyoka's older, and different, sister.  She's constantly thinking about sex,

and just about any guy will do, especially Minoru.  Even though they had an

encounter in the past, they're still only friends, at least from Minoru's

point of view...



Honami Sasazuka


Minoru's younger sister by a year.  She's a little self-conscious, but she

really has no reason to be; she's far and away smarter than Minoru.  However,

she still very much admires her older brother.  Squick!



Kasumi Senkawa


Kasumi owns the ski resort that Minoru and his friends have been visiting

for years, so she knows all of kids well(she's not that much older than them,

in fact).  She's usually very cheerful, despite the fact that her favorite

pasttime involves horrifying her guests with scary stories.  This year,

however, she sometimes seems full of sorrow...





Shizuka is the new maid at the lodge.  She's very shy and unassuming, and this

only adds to her air of mystery.  Minoru can't get it out of his head that he

knows her from somewhere, but he just can't seem to remember...



                         iv. SCHEDULE - DAYS 1 - 3                 CODE : S134



The first three days of the vacation are the most frustrating, just

because you must navigate them correctly to have any chance at the

true endings of the game.  However, a good deal of the challenge lies

in knowing who is where, and when they are there.  Very often, you'll

visit an area only to find that no one else is around.  The best way

to remedy this on your own is to take good notes, so you'll know what

you've already explored.  However, if you're having trouble, or are

just too lazy, this schedule should help you.


Please note, some of these meetings are dependent on previous events.

If one doesn't show up like it should, you've missed something!


Some notation:  ~Name~ will denote that a woman is present, but you,

                       the player, will not see her.(Minoru may be

                       observing her, or simply eavesdropping on her.)


                 Name-> means that choice will take you through the

                        end of the sequence.  For example, you will

                        usually get an opportunity to visit three

                        places inside the ski lodge.  However, if you

                        make a choice designated by Name-> with your

                        first or second choice, you will forego the rest.


                                   |         |

|----------------------------------|  Day 1  |--------------------------------|

|                                  |_________|                                |


       Slopes  |  Choice 1  |

    ---------- |------------|

      Beginner |   Keika    |

               |            |

  Intermediate |   Keika    |

               |            |

        Expert |   Keika    |



  <Return to the Ski Lodge>


  Choose - Apologize to Kyoka / Don't apologize - its too embarassing!




                                   |         |

|----------------------------------|  Day 2  |--------------------------------|

|                                  |_________|                                |


     Ski Lodge |  Choice 1  |

    ---------- |------------|

   Hot Springs |   Shizuka  |

               |            |

        Lounge |   No one   |

               |            |

       Kitchen |   No one   |

               |            |

Kasumi's Room |   No one   |

               |            |

Shizuka's Room |   No one   |

               |            |

   Girls' Room |   No one   |

               |            |

Minoru's Room |   No one   |



       Slopes  |  Choice 1  |  Choice 2  |  Choice 3  |

    ---------- |------------|------------|------------|

      Beginner |   Kyoka    |   No one   |   Keika    |

               |            |            |            |

  Intermediate |   No one   |   Honami   |   Shizuka  |

               |            |            |            |

        Expert |   Keika    |   Kyoka    |   No one   |



     Ski Lodge |  Choice 1   |  Choice 2  |  Choice 3  |

    ---------- |-------------|------------|------------|

   Hot Springs |   No one    |   Keika->  |   Keika    |

               |             |            |            |

        Lounge |Kyoka & Keika|   Kyoka    |   No one   |

               |             |            |            |

       Kitchen |   Kasumi    |   No one   |   No one   |

               |             |            |            |

Kasumi's Room |   No one    |   No one   |  ~Kasumi~  |

               |             |            |            |

Shizuka's Room |   No one    |   Shizuka  |   No one   |

               |             |            |            |

   Girls' Room |   Honami    |   No one   |   No one   |

               |             |            |            |

Minoru's Room |   No one    |   No one   |   No one   |







                                   |         |

|----------------------------------|  Day 3  |--------------------------------|

|                                  |_________|                                |


   <You wake up>


   Choose - Head out to the slopes. / Hang around the lodge.


   If you chose "Head out to the slopes." - skip to the slopes schedule.



     Ski Lodge |   Choice 1   |  Choice 2  |

    ---------- |--------------|------------|

   Hot Springs |    No one    |   No one   |

               |              |            |    <After Choice 1>

        Lounge |    No one    |   No one   |

               |              |            |    Choose - Hang around.

       Kitchen |Kasumi & Kyoka|   No one   |             (Make Choice 2)

               |              |            |

Kasumi's Room |    No one    |   No one   |             Head out.

               |              |            |             (Skip to slopes)

Shizuka's Room |    No one    |   Shizuka  |

               |              |            |

   Girls' Room |    No one    |   No one   |


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