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English Grammar: Modii ers
Study Guide
This study guide should be used along with the follow-
ing program published by Video Aided Instruction. The
instructor works through the exercises found in this
guide – and much, much more – during the course of the
actual program.
Video Aided Instruction’s English Grammar Series
makes the tricky rules of English grammar easier
to learn than ever before – whether you’re new to
English or you’ve been speaking it for years!
English Grammar: Modii ers
1 DVD · 1 hr. 35 mins.
item #VAI-1078 · price $39.95
isbn 1-57385-107-8 · upc 600459107895
Adjectives and adverbs let us add descriptive infor-
mation to nouns, pronouns, and verbs to make our
sentences more colorful and interesting. But many
of us make mistakes when using modifiers. With this
informative program, you’ll learn how to use modi-
fiers correctly and effectively – even when making
comparisons with superlatives!
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English Grammar: Modiiers Study Guide
Lesson 1 – Adjectives and Adverbs
Exercise 1
Directions: In each of the following sentences, a modiier is underlined. Based on how the modiier is used
in the sentence, decide whether the modiier is correct or incorrect. If it is incorrect, decide what modiier
would be correct.
1. Glancing at himself in the mirror just moments before the job interview, Enrico felt well about his
2. The chef’s hands moved quick as she demonstrated the proper technique for dicing onions.
3. Although Jason seems happy about moving to California, he admits that he will miss his friends in
4. Because of her extreme nervousness, Soon Lee performed the sonata bad during her audition for
the college orchestra.
5. The team doctor decided that Mona was well enough to play in Saturday’s championship game.
Lesson 2 – Misplaced and Dangling Modiiers
Exercise 2
Directions: In each of the following sentences, there is a modifying phrase or clause. Underline the modify-
ing phrase or clause in each sentence, and decided whether it is misplaced or dangling. If it is, rewrite the
sentence to correct the modiier.
1. Having lost one of the most controversial elections in history, many expected Al Gore to run for
president again in 2004.
2. Distracted by the demands of my two children, the chicken in the oven was burned.
3. When birds ly in the path of an airplane, they can produce dangerous and costly accidents.
4. Hoping to make the space more sunny, Nancy’s bedroom was expanded and itted with a large
5. Swollen by a week of heavy rain, the grasslands on either side of the Missouri River were eventually
Lesson 3 – Comparisons Using Modiiers
Exercise 3
Directions: In each of the following sentences, a modiier is required. Fill in the blank with the correct com-
parative or superlative degree of the modiier whose positive degree appears at the end of the sentence.
1. Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris began painting around the same time, but Picasso continued painting
__________________ than Gris. ( long )
2. Of all the sopranos in the choir, Lizette sings __________________. ( well )
3. Although Nadja and Katya are both expert programmers, Katya is considered __________________
than her colleague. ( talented )
Copyright © 2004 Video Aided Instruction, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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English Grammar: Modiiers Study Guide
4. The island of St. Martin boasts thirty-six beaches, and many visitors say that Orient Beach is the
__________________ of them all. ( alluring )
5. No one feels __________________ about the mistake Carlos made than Carlos himself. ( bad ).
Lesson 4 – Special Problems with Comparisons
Exercise 4
Directions: In each of the following sentences, a comparison is made. For each sentence, decide whether
or not the comparison is stated correctly. If it is incorrect, decide how the sentence should be changed to
make the comparison correct, and correct it.
1. The story of the development of anesthesia is stranger than any other scientiic discovery.
2. The Hermitage in St. Petersburg has the world’s most impressive collection of paintings by Rem-
3. The government of Switzerland is older than any government in Europe.
4. Both Sheryl Crow and Björk are gifted songwriters, but the music of Björk is more unique than that
of Sheryl Crow.
5. Generations of travelers have described the waters of the Dead Sea as the most saltiest on Earth.
Copyright © 2004 Video Aided Instruction, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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