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The Source - Chapter One

“ Speaking”


Draco Malfoy was sitting at the Slytherin dinning table and glaring at the one and only Boy-Who-Lived; his usual sneer[1] was present on his aristocratic face and his silver gray eyes were cold and piercing[2].

Stupid Potter! The nerve[3] of him, threatening me, a Malfoy, just you wait; I’ll get you back[4]. How dare he make me promise to… Draco was shook out[5] of his thoughts by Lisa Hutchins, a Sixth year Ravenclaw latching onto[6] his arm.

“Draco! Did you miss me? I know I missed you.” She leaned over[7] and gave Draco a kiss on the cheek before hugging his arm even tighter.

“Lisa, how many times have I told you not to kiss me in public? Also I did NOT miss you. Now, kindly remove your grip[8] from my arm,” Draco said coldly. He glared down at Lisa and gave her his famous, stony glare. Lisa removed her arm away from his and gave him a pleading[9] look.

“But, Draco, last week you said… and I was so happy… I thought you loved me, and we.…”

“Hutchins. Are you really as dense[10] as you look? I never said anything; you were the one who jumped to conclusions. Now please leave, the sight of you makes me sick,” Draco drawled out[11]. The sixth year Ravenclaw burst out into tears and ran out of the main hall, another heart broken by Draco Malfoy.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room sat Harry Potter, with his friends Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley and his kid sister Ginny Weasley. “Come on, Harry,” whined[12] Ron. “Why is Malfoy still here? I know you know.”

“For Goodness sakes[13], Ron,” Hermione said, “leave Harry in peace. I’m sure he’s had enough of your badgering[14], you’ve been going on like this for two whole weeks now.”

“If Harry would tell me then I would stop the badgering,” Ron retorted[15].

“Well why can’t you not badger now?” Hermione said sounding very annoyed.

“I find it quite surprising you don’t want to know too Hermione; considering how you want to know everything all the time.”

“I do not want to know everything all the time!” Hermione said defensively.

“Sure you don’t,” Ron said sarcastically before rolling his eyes.

“Hey guys!” Harry’s voice cut through Ron and Hermione’s argument so they stopped yelling[16] immediately. Harry turned to face Ron and placed his arm around his best friends shoulder. “Sorry, Ron, but I took a wizards oath that I could not reveal[17] what happened or else I’ll go bald before I’m 20, go blind at 30, go deaf at 40, my legs will fall off at 50 and I’ll have slugs coming out of my mouth when I die at 60.” Ron cringed[18] at the last ‘or else’.

“Oh Damn. That has got to be the worse oath I’ve ever heard of. That’s alright Harry, you don’t have to tell me and I’ll stop pestering[19] you.”

“Finally,” Hermione breathed a big sigh of relief. “I don’t have to hear your voice all the time.”

“Hey, there happens to be a lot of people lining up, just he hear my lovely, charming and hypnotizing voice,” Ron boasted[20] sarcastically. The trio burst out laughing but stopped when they noticed the commotion coming from the Slytherin table. Their eye’s then followed the girl who ran out of the hall in tears.

“What the bloody hell happened over there?” exclaimed[21] Ron.

I’ll go see if she’s alright.” The trio turned their heads and looked at Ginny. They had forgotten that she was sitting there and if she had not spoken they wouldn’t have notice either. Ginny got up and left the hall in search of the heart broken Ravenclaw.

Draco began eating his Breakfast after Lisa Hutchins had left. Not caring where the girl went or how she felt. On his left sat Crabbe and Goyle and to his right sat Blaise Zabini. She was looking at a slightly pink colored parchment and snickering[22].

“What’s so funny Zabini?” Draco enquired[23] while not even looking at her.

“Well, Malfoy, it seems that I have found a cure for our boredom. How does taking off house points sound?”

“Keep talking,” answered Draco in his usual careless tone. He was Head Boy this year so he had the right to take house points off other students, and he’d been waiting to find a chance to use that privilege.

“I’ve come across some information that a couple of sixth year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws have a weekly gambling[24] game in one of the classrooms after curfew. This would be a great chance to show some of your power, eh, Malfoy?” she said while smiling.

“Not a bad idea Zabini, but where did you get this information? How do I know it’s reliable? I have better things to do than wander around[25] looking for non existent get-togethers.”

Blaise lifted the pink parchment and waved it about. “Oh it’s definitely reliable. It has yet to fail me.”

Draco grabbed the parchment from Blaise’s hand and looked at it questionably:

Level Two, classroom 213

Wednesday weekly.

After midnight, after curfew gambling.

Ravenclaw’s: Jane booty, Kit Lengly and Jason Heroning.

Hufflepuff’s: Bobby Smith, Silvia Oldfield and Megan Hadger.


“What is this Zabini? And whom is it clarified by?” Draco asked.

Snatching back[26] the parchment, Blaise turned her nose up at Draco. “This is where I got the information, and that,” she pointed to the weird ‘S’ at the bottom of the page, “is a symbol. It stands for The Source.”

“The Source? What is that?” Draco asked.

“More like who is that.” Draco gave Blaise a what-are-you-talking-about look before she answered, “All I know is that it's someone who trades information for money. Anything you want to know about anyone at Hogwarts he can tell you. You just have to pay the right price.”

Draco smirked. A plan was forming quickly in his head. Payback time Potter.

“So Blaise. Where can I meet this Source guy?”

Blaise raised her eyebrow at the use of her first name. “Why Draco? Planning to dig up some dirt off someone?” she said in a very seductive[27] voice.

“You could put it that way,” Draco said while smirking. Blaise and Draco eyed each other knowingly before Blaise leaned over and whispered into his hear.

The Source - Chapter Two

“ Speaking”


It was late into the night and Draco was patrolling the halls like a good Head Boy would do, but little did others know, he was actually out looking for his revenge.

Ok. According Zabini, it should be somewhere around here.

To buy information from The Source, you have to go to the deserted corridor on level two and into the first room on your right. Write on a piece of parchment what you want to know about whom and sign it with your name and House. Make sure you go alone after midnight today; I’ll contact him for you so he can meet you and tell you the rules.

Meet me and tell me the rules? Who does this guy think he is? Some godfather of crime or something? Draco reached the deserted corridor and turned into it.

The corridor was very dark because it was only lit with one torch situated at the entrance, but it was bright enough for him to see the room he was looking for. Draco stepped into the room and observed his surroundings; the room was about the size of a classroom except it was round, and had draws placed against the curved[28] walls throughout the whole room. You could tell the drawings were designed specifically for this room because they too were curved and fit perfectly against the walls. Directly across from the door he entered was another door, and in front of that door were an office desk, with one chair behind and one chair in front.

The door behind the desk creaked[29] open and in walked a figure draped in dark robes. The robes were long and covered the figures feet and also what they were wearing underneath[30]. The hood of the cloak was over the figures head and cast a shadow on his face making it impossible to tell who it was. But when he looked up he was also wearing a mask that covered his face from the nose upwards, but their rich brown eyes could still be seen.

“Mr. Malfoy, please take a seat,” Said the dark figure. The figure sat down on the chair behind the desk and Draco moved to sit on the chair in front. The figures voice was deep and rough[31], and sounded like it belonged to a very mature male. “Zabini has notified me of you interest in some of my services. I don’t normally meet in person for these trades but I do like to meet new potential customers.”

Draco leaned back[32] on his chair and crossed his arms, a smirk plastered on his face. “Zabini said you would tell me about some of your Rules.

“Ah, yes. You see Mr. Malfoy, different types of information have a different price, and the more secret it is the more it will cost to retrieve[33] it. It also depends on whom you want the information of; everyone has their own price depending on their degree of difficulty.”

“Fine,” Draco said not really caring.

The figure passed a piece of parchment to Draco and then stood up. Seeing the figure stand Draco stood too and followed the figures movement towards a cupboard.

“You can write the information you request on some parchment, signed with your name and house, and place it into this draw along with the payment. My reply will be sent to you by owl.”

Before Draco could say anything the figure had turned around and was leaving through the door.

“Goodnight Mr. Malfoy,” he said before disappearing through the door. Draco stood still in his spot in front of the draw. He pulled out a parchment from his robes and then opened the draw to place it in along with ten Galleons before leaving to go back to his own room.

Ginny sat at her desk in her room which she shared with four other Gryffindors and stared at a big pile of parchments.

“Hey Ginny, why aren’t you asleep yet?” Hermione Granger stood beside Ginny and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Hi Hermione, I’m just not tired yet,” Ginny answered. Hermione noticed a black velvet pouch[34] and gestured to it.

“Did you just get paid?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Ginny said happily.

“How about we go to Hogsmead this weekend together and do some shopping?” Hermione suggested hopefully.

“Nah, I think I’ll stay here. I have a lot of homework to do, also a lot of proofreading[35] too,” Ginny said, sounding very apologetic[36].

Hermione sighed. “Ginny, ever since you got that job for that publishing company we haven’t seen much of you. Maybe you should relax a bit or maybe just quite the job, you look stressed.” Hermione had a very concerned expression on her face and Ginny just couldn’t snap back[37] at her.

Easy for you to say, you’re not the one who’s poor. You don’t have to get hand-me downs all the time and be laughed at by other people.

“Don’t worry Hermione,” Ginny said with a smile, “I’m fine. I really need this job, it pays very well and I’m good at it. I really don’t mind that I have to stay in all the time.”

“Alright then,” Hermione said at bit sadly, “goodnight.”

“Goodnight Hermione,” Ginny said back.

After Hermione left her room, Ginny shuffled[38] all the parchments into her draw and took out a red leather bound book with a Golden ‘H’ on it. She had a lot of work to do.

The Source - Chapter Three

“ Speaking”


For those who don’t know how wizarding money works its 29 Knuts 1 Sickle, 17 Sickles 1 Galleon.

Draco was in his room lying in his bead. He had four more hours before he had to get up for breakfast but he couldn’t sleep; instead he was reading the parchment the Source gave him.

1 Sickle per Question.

1 Galleon for Basic Report.

2 Galleons for Full report.

Special Requests have to be negotiated with The Source.

Slytherin’s: 3 Sickles Extra

Gryffindor’s: 2 Sickles Extra

Hufflepuff’s and Ravenclaw’s: 1 Sickle Extra


1) When caught and asked for where information was retrieved, the Source must never be named.

2) Full payment must be made (placed into Request draw and labeled) within 3 days of request, or trading is cancelled and previous payment will not be returned.

3) The Source is not held responsible for any sudden change in information after reply letter has been sent to Customers.

4) If the Source fails to deliver information within 14 days after request, or if the Source is unable to deliver information for any other reason, then double the money will be returned.

5) Special Requests have to be placed into Request Draw and customers wait for notification from the Source.

The Breaking of any of the above rules will result in your darkest secrets to be revealed to the whole school! Be WARNED.

The Letter ended with the source’s weird ‘S’ symbol and Draco couldn’t help wondering who this mysterious person was.

Would this Source be able to find the information I want? If he’s as good as Zabini says then it should be simple.

Ginny was late for class so she was running down the hall as fast as she could, but it didn’t help that the 7th years all had a free period now, and were blocking up the hallways. Not only did she oversleep and miss breakfast so she was now very hungry, but she would also surely get a detention[39] from Snape for being late to his class.

After rounding a corner too quickly Ginny’s bag of quills[40] tumbled[41] from the stack of books she was holding and rolled onto the floor until it stopped between two sets of feet. Ginny looked up, and saw none other than Pansy Parkinson and Garret Closter, another Slytherin 7th year, snogging[42] in the middle of the hall and also dangerously close to stepping on her bag of quills.

Great. Just what I need, can my day get any worse? Ginny thought bitterly.

Ginny carefully headed towards the heated couple while gripping her books tightly in front of herself.

“Ah. Excuse me,” whispered Ginny, but they either didn’t hear her or were ignoring her so she tried again. “Excuse me,” she tried a little bit louder, but since they were obviously not paying attention to her; Ginny bent down and tried to retrieve her quills from between their feet, but instead got her hand stepped on. Ginny didn’t scream or whimper[43] in pain; instead she quickly pulled her hand back and rubbed at it furiously.


Ginny stopped rubbing her hand immediately and looked at the floor in front of her, where her now broken quills lay. Ginny’s first reaction was shock but then quickly morphed[44] into anger, which she was struggling to hold in. Those quills were from her brother Charlie, who had sent them over to her as a reward for being accepted into Mediwitch practice at Hogwarts. Ginny shot up from her crouching position so suddenly that it surprised Pansy and her boyfriend out of their snogging. Her anger had a mind of its own now.

“You would think that you two fondle[45] each other enough in the prefects bathroom every night to have the decency[46] to not snog in the middle. OF. THE. HALL.”

Ginny was screaming at the top of her lungs so loudly and suddenly that Pansy and her boyfriend was speechless and standing dead still. Taking advantage of the stillness in the corridor, Ginny swiftly bent down and grabbed her bag of broken quills before pushing past Pansy and her Boyfriend.

“Why don’t you spare us all from your revolting[47] behavior and go get a room if you’re really that desperate!” Ginny yelled over her shoulder before she stormed down the hall and turned around the corner trying to get to her potions class as soon as possible.

Stupid Snape! Giving me one whole week of detention AND taking 50 house points off just for being late.

Ginny had scored a whole week worth of detention with Snape for coming ten minutes late to class, her punishment being to clean up the potions class room everyday after the last class. So there was Ginny scrubbing furiously at the desktops when a knock was heard. Snape strode towards the door and yanked it open to reveal Draco Malfoy.

“Ah, Mr. Malfoy. The ingredients you need are at the back, and while you are here, please supervise[48] Miss Weasley for me until she has wiped down all the desks, then she may be dismissed. I have more important things to attend to.”

Draco nodded his head and mumbled, “Yes Sir.”

Snape left the room to leave Ginny to her detention duties and Draco to do whatever he was going to do.

Ginny kept cleaning the desks not paying attention to Draco; the sooner she finished the sooner she could leave. But then Draco just had to taunt[49] her.

“Gee Weasley, never knew you could be so fierce[50].” Draco was leaning[51] against one of the cleaned desks observing Ginny with his arms crossed over his torso. Draco had crisp clean robes that were neatly pressed, with shiny black shoes and his hair gelled[52] back. Ginny was a complete opposite, she had old fading[53] rags[54] with worn out shoes, and her hair had the top half done up in a messy bun while the rest streamed down[55] to the middle of her back.

Ginny didn’t even look at him and just continued on to the next dirty desk.

Draco found it to be his duty to tease the young Weasley and didn’t plan to stop. “You know, I find it very surprising how being as poor as you are, you could possibly afford to buy such private information about Pansy.”

Draco waited for a reaction and Ginny eventually looked up from her work to stare blankly[56] into his silver gray eyes, but then quickly resumed[57] her wiping.

Draco pushed himself up from his leaning position and took slow steps towards Ginny.

“Such exclusive detail into Pansy’s private life must have cost a fortune. I wonder where you could possible get so much money Weasley?” Draco leaned down on the table Ginny was cleaning and tried to look into her eye’s but she just kept on scrubbing and refused to look at him, so Draco straightened up and put his hands into his pockets. “So what did you do Weasley? Sell one of your never ending supply of brother’s as a slave[58]?”

That’s it. I’m putting an end to the worst day of my life, Ginny thought.

Ginny threw her cleaning cloth onto the table and whirled around to glare at Draco. He could see a streak of red flash past her brown eyes. Bingo, he thought.

“What makes you think I had to buy that information Malfoy?” Ginny had her hands on her hips with her head held high questioning Draco. She wasn’t that much shorter than Draco; she came up to about his eyebrows, so she just had to tilt her head very slightly to look at him.

“Then I presume you have voyeur tendencies. Taking pleasure in watching others snog Weasley?”

“I don’t have to explain myself to you Malfoy.” Ginny grabbed her bag and stormed out of the potions classroom leaving a smirking Draco behind.

Ah, the pleasures of annoying a Weasley.

When Draco reached his Head Boy room, he found a pink colored parchment on top of his desk. That was Quick. he quickly opened it up and it read.

Harry Potter fears nothing.


“WHAT!” Draco yelled.

The Source - Chapter Four

“ Speaking”


Draco was stomping down[59] the halls that night not caring about how much noise he was making. When he reached his destination, Draco flung open the door, angrily, and slammed it shut behind him.

The Source was sitting at his desk flipping through parchments and occasionally counting some money. He was dressed in his usual long black robes and wearing his black mask.

Draco strode[60] up to the table and slammed the pink parchment, which he had received that morning, o...

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