Additions List.txt

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Includes Dupes Conflicting With The Current Archive!
After this list was made, a good chunch more were added. Sorry!
Actual Estimate? About ~1350 Songs.  Idk.

= August 2012 =


ADDED: 368 Songs

My Little Pony Intro (Sung by Shannon Chan-Kent).mp3
01 - My Little Pony (Acapella).mp3
02 - Giggle At The Ghostie (Acapella).mp3
03 - Grand Galloping Gala (Acapella).mp3
04 - Pinkie Pie's Ticket Song (Acapella).mp3
05 - Hop, Skip and Jump (Acapella).mp3
06 - Evil Enchantress (Acapella).mp3
07 - Evil Enchantress Reprise (Acapella).mp3
08 - Winter Wrap Up (Acapella).mp3
09 - Cupcakes (Acapella).mp3
10 - Art of the Dress (Acapella).mp3
11 - Hush Now Quiet Now (Acapella).mp3
12 - Hush Now Sweetie Belle (Acapella).mp3
13 - Cutie Mark Crusaders (Acapella).mp3
14 - You've Got To Share (Acapella).mp3
15 - So Many Wonders (Acapella).mp3
16 - Pinkie's Singing Telegram (Acapella).mp3
17 - I'm At The Grand Galloping Gala (Acapella).mp3
18 - Pony Pokey (Acapella).mp3
19 - At The Gala (Acapella).mp3
E01 - An Old Mare's Tale.mp3
E01 - Fillies and Gentlecolts.mp3
E01 - He's So Cute!.mp3
E01 - Sweet Apple Acres.mp3
E01 - There You Are, Twilight.mp3
E01 - Twilight Heads Home.mp3
E01 - You Foals.mp3
E02 - A Party!.mp3
E02 - The Elements of Harmony.mp3
E02 - The Honest Truth.mp3
E03 - Dueling Ponies.mp3
E03 - Impressing The Wonderbolts.mp3
E03 - Run!.mp3
E04 - An Apple-Related Letter To Celestia.mp3
E04 - Applejack Upside-down.mp3
E04 - Rabbits Run Rampant.mp3
E04 - Rainbow's Plan.mp3
E04 - Twilight's Attempted Speech.mp3
E04 - Yee Haw!.mp3
E05 - Gilda.mp3
E05 - Junior Speedsters Chant.mp3
E05 - There Is No Escaping Pinkie Pie.mp3
E06 - Another Day in Ponyville.mp3
E06 - Anything You Can Do.mp3
E06 - Applejack's Talents.mp3
E06 - Rainbow and Dash.mp3
E06 - Twilight Fixes Everything.mp3
E06 - What Makes You Think You're So Awesome.mp3
E07 - Dragon Takes Flight.mp3
E07 - Fluttershy.mp3
E07 - The Team is Ready!.mp3
E07 - You Do NOT Hurt Her Friends.mp3
E08 - Pillow Fight.mp3
E08 - Prettifying The Trees.mp3
E09 - Applebloom Taking Charge.mp3
E09 - Applejack Wranglin' Rainbow Dash.mp3
E09 - Insisting Upon These Trances.mp3
E09 - Let's Save Applebloom!.mp3
E09 - What A Gorgeous Day.mp3
E10 - Checking On Preparations.mp3
E10 - Getting Rid Of The Parasprites.mp3
E10 - Pinkie Pie Polka.mp3
E10 - The Parasprite.mp3
E11 - A Winter Related Letter To Celestia.mp3
E11 - It's Winter Wrap Up Day!.mp3
E11 - Twilight Uses Her Magic.mp3
E11 - Winter Wrap Up (Reprise).mp3
E12 - Rainbow's Cutie Mark Academy.mp3
E12 - Runs In The Family!.mp3
E13 - Applejack and Rainbow Dash Run Off Together.mp3
E13 - Applejack Runs.mp3
E13 - Iron Pony Competition.mp3
E13 - Rainbow Runs.mp3
E13 - Ropes and Rodeos!.mp3
E13 - Them!.mp3
E13 - Years of Applebucking.mp3
E14 - And How Hoity He Is!.mp3
E14 - Fashion Show, Take Two.mp3
E14 - Fashion Show.mp3
E14 - Opal.mp3
E14 - Tell Me Tell Me Tell Me!.mp3
E15 - A Faith-related Letter to Celestia.mp3
E15 - To Froggy Bottom Bog.mp3
E15 - Twilight the Spy.mp3
E15 - Twitchy Tail!.mp3
E16 - Celestia's Competition Speech.mp3
E16 - Cloudsdale (and some bullies).mp3
E16 - Cloudsdale Tour.mp3
E16 - Let The Games Begin.mp3
E16 - Rarity Sprouts Wings.mp3
E16 - The Sonic Rainboom.mp3
E16 - The Wonderbolts.mp3
E16 - Training Session.mp3
E16 - Weather Factory.mp3
E17 - If You Hadn't Come Along.mp3
E17 - Sleepover At Rarity's.mp3
E18 - A Crusade-Related Letter to Celestia.mp3
E18 - Scootaloo Scoots!.mp3
E18 - Sweetie Belle the Songwriter.mp3
E18 - The Cutie Mark Crusade.mp3
E18 - You Won 'Best Comedy!'.mp3
E19 - A Gem From Rarity to Spike.mp3
E19 - Carousel Boutique.mp3
E19 - Sapphire Shores.mp3
E20 - Another Fashion Show!.mp3
E20 - I Have Arrived.mp3
E20 - Photo Shoot.mp3
E20 - Putting Together The Dress.mp3
E20 - Too Much Blush.mp3
E21 - Appaloosa!.mp3
E21 - Differences Aside.mp3
E21 - Railroad Tracks.mp3
E22 - Phoenix Rising.mp3
E23 - Diamonds In The Rock & School Play.mp3
E23 - Fluttershy's Talent.mp3
E23 - Let's Ask Rainbow Dash!.mp3
E23 - Rainbow Dash To The Rescue!.mp3
E23 - Run Home, Applejack!.mp3
E23 - The Summer Sun Celebration.mp3
E23 - Twilight's Power Awakens.mp3
E24 - Meteor Shower.mp3
E24 - Number One Assistant Getting Ready.mp3
E24 - Twilight Loves Spike.mp3
E25 - Party of Six.mp3
E25 - Pinkie Spy.mp3
E25 - Pinkie's Complete Breakdown.mp3
E25 - They Don't Want To Be My Friends.mp3
E26 - Arriving At Canterlot.mp3
E26 - DJ Pinkie Pie.mp3
E26 - It's The Prince!.mp3
E26 - Not What I Imagined.mp3
E26 - Princess Celestia!.mp3
E26 - The Best Gala Ever!.mp3
01 - My Little Pony (Instrumental).mp3
02 - My Little Pony Ending (Instrumental).mp3
03 - Giggle At The Ghostie (Instrumental).mp3
04 - Grand Galloping Gala (Instrumental).mp3
06 - Hop, Skip and Jump (Instrumental).mp3
07 - Evil Enchantress (Instrumental).mp3
08 - Evil Enchantress Reprise (Instrumental).mp3
08 - Pinkie Pie's Ticket Song (Instrumental).mp3
09 - Winter Wrap Up (Instrumental).mp3
10 - Cupcakes (Instrumental).mp3
11 - Art of the Dress (Instrumental).mp3
12 - Hush Now Quiet Now (Instrumental).mp3
13 - Hush Now Sweetie Belle (Instrumental).mp3
14 - Hush Now Sweetie Belle (Instrumental) (No Chorus).mp3
15 - Cutie Mark Crusaders (Instrumental).mp3
16 - You've Got To Share (Instrumental).mp3
17 - So Many Wonders (Instrumental).mp3
18 - Pinkie's Singing Telegram (Instrumental).mp3
19 - I'm At The Grand Galloping Gala (Instrumental).mp3
20 - Pony Pokey (Instrumental).mp3
21 - At The Gala (Instrumental).mp3
22 - At The Gala (Instrumental) (Choir).mp3
Art of the Dress (Arabic).mp3
Art of the Dress (European Portuguese).mp3
At the Gala (European Portuguese).mp3
Cupcakes (European Portuguese).mp3
Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme (Czech).mp3
Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme (European Portuguese).mp3
Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Portuguese (Brazil) (SB humming).mp3
Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Portuguese (Brazil).mp3
Evil Enchantress - Flutterguy (European Portuguese).mp3
Evil Enchantress - Pinkie Pie (European Portuguese).mp3
Giggle at the Ghosties (European Portuguese).mp3
Hop, Skip and Jump (European Portuguese).mp3
Hush Now, Quiet Now (European Portuguese).mp3
Hush Now, Quiet Now Fluttershy Portuguese (Brazil).mp3
Hush Now, Quiet Now Sweetie Belle Portuguese (Brazil).mp3
I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala (European Portuguese).mp3
Intro (European Portuguese).mp3
Intro (Finnish).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Brazilian Portuguese).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Chinese).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Czech).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Dutch).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (European Portuguese).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (French).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Hungarian).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Italian).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Latin American Spanish).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Polish).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Russian).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Spanish).mp3
Junior Speedsters Chant (Swedish).mp3
Pony Pokey (European Portuguese).mp3
Singing Telegram (European Portuguese).mp3
So Many Wonders (European Portuguese).mp3
The Grand Galloping Gala (European Portuguese).mp3
The Grand Galloping Gala (Finnish).mp3
Twilight is My Bestest Friend (European Portuguese).mp3
Twilight is My Bestest Friend (Finnish).mp3
Winter Wrap Up (European Portuguese).mp3
You Gotta Share, You Gotta Care (European Portuguese).mp3
01 Intro.mp3
02 Grinse Wenns Dich Gruselt.mp3
03 Pinkie's Gala Fantasie Song.mp3
04 Der Ticket Song.mp3
05 Fliegerjugendferiencamp Song.mp3
06 Ein Hop Und Ein Sprung.mp3
07 B?se Zauberin.mp3
08 Flutterboy - B?se Zauberin.mp3
09 Winter Ade Tag.mp3
10 Muffins.mp3
11 Die Kunst Der Schneiderei 1.mp3
12 Die Kunst Der Schneiderei 2.mp3
13 Schlaflied.mp3
14 Sch?nheitsfleckenclub Probe.mp3
15 Sch?nheitsfleckenclub.mp3
16 Also Vertragt Euch Und Sagt.mp3
17 Was f?r ein Ort.mp3
18 Singendes Telegramm.mp3
19 Auf Der Gala.mp3
20 Hurra Ich Bin Hier Auf Der Gala.mp3
21 Pony Pokey.mp3
22 Wir Wollen Doch Hier 'Ne Party Feiern.mp3
23 Outro.mp3
01 - My Little Pony Theme Season 2 Mix (Acapella).mp3
02 - Find A Pet (Acapella).mp3
03 - The Type of Pony Everypony Should Know (Acapella).mp3
04 - The Heart Carol (Acapella).mp3
05 - The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 (Acapella).mp3
06 - The Perfect Stallion (Acapella).mp3
07 - Smile, Smile, Smile (Acapella).mp3
08 - Cranky Doodle Donkey (Acapella).mp3
09 - B.B.B.F.F. (Acapella).mp3
10 - This Day (Acapella).mp3
11 - Love's In Bloom (Acapella).mp3
E01 - A Discordant Theme.mp3
E01 - Celestia's Harmonious Plan.mp3
E01 - Somepony Broke My Rules.mp3
E01 - Your Horn! My Horn!!.mp3
E02 - Memories.mp3
E02 - Repairing Rainbow.mp3
E02 - Stay Here and Rest.mp3
E02 - The Elements!.mp3
E02 - The Return of Harmony.mp3
E02 - These Six Friends.mp3
E03 - Attacking The Barn.mp3
E03 - Celestia's New Assignment.mp3
E03 - Clock Is Ticking.mp3
E03 - Crazy Twilight Suite.mp3
E03 - I'll See My Friends!.mp3
E03 - I'm Tardy!.mp3
E03 - Therapist Twilight.mp3
E04 - Luna Makes Good.mp3
E04 - Luna Messes Up.mp3
E04 - Nightmare Night.mp3
E04 - Princess Luna!.mp3
E05 - Applejack.mp3
E05 - Rarity's Family.mp3
E05 - Rarity's Realization.mp3
E05 - Rarity's Sleep Interrupted.mp3
E05 - Sheep Herdin'.mp3
E05 - The Apple Sisters Working Together.mp3
E05 - The Muddy Truth.mp3
E05 - The Sisters Race.mp3
E06 - Applebloom's One-Pony Talent Show.mp3
E06 - Applebloom.mp3
E06 - Soon You'll Be Able To.mp3
E06 - What Are We Gonna Do Today.mp3
E06 - Zecora's Advice.mp3
E06 - Zecora.mp3
E07 - Pet Showdown.mp3
E07 - Race!.mp3
E07 - Ride of the Valkyries (Into a Rockalanche).mp3
E07 - The Best Pet Wins.mp3
E08 - A Mys...
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