Demon the Fallen - Days of Fire, Analysis.pdf

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Days of Fire Analysis
Days of Fire Analysis
By Ian James and Allison Oleksa
This is my personal analysis of the book Days of Fire by Greg Stolze. I did this so
that storytellers can read and understand the cryptic speech and use it in their games. If
you feel that something that I said is wrong, feel free to e-mail me at with your comments and questions.
Springtime of the World
1. This is the beginning. God, a.k.a. the One Giver, created 9,009,909 angels and all was
good. God is also referred to as a female.
2. This is the creation of man and woman.
3. This is God’s confusing decree. In the corebook, this is given as “Love the humans
more than you love me, but hide yourselves from them.” However, the actual decree is
not given in this account. All it says is that God ordered them to disobey her and no one
could find out why she said this.
4. This is the great debate. For those of you keeping track, the people referred to are:
Belial, Ahrimal, Lailah, and Usiel. Usiel is known here as “the one beyond the deeps, sky
and wind.” Here, Lucifer is what is being referred to as THE LIGHT.
5. This is where Lucifer’s gang reveals themselves to humans. ¾ of the humans side with
the demons. It is interesting that Adam and Eve have only 2 sons in this part of the story:
just how old were Caine and Abel? Could these be some other sons, or just abstract ideas
for the entire kingdom of man? It was said in the corebook that on one level Adam, Eve
and their kids represented all the monkeys that would evolve. I believe that these 2 sons
are just abstract for the rest of humanity and Caine and Abel were actual people after God
struck the world and destroyed most of the abstract realms.
6. This is the judgment from God’s brain to Michael’s mouth. From now on, Lucifer’s
buddies and the others who fell were known as demons. Also, from this point on, Lucifer
is referred to as the Dimmed Light. Does this mean a decrease in power, status or purity?
I think all three.
The Summer of the World
7. God’s Angels = 6,006,606. Demons = 3,003,302. Lucifer is the missing demon listed
that would bring the total to 3,003,303 and making it a full third of heavens forces.
Interestingly enough, 2 demons, Amiel and Ank-Rhuhi, gave up and went to heaven to be
unmade. Why then is only Lucifer missing out of the count?
8. This is talking about when God struck the world.
9. This talks about humans during the Age of Wrath. All humans knew cold, want and
doubt. The difference is that the humans who obeyed God were more animalistic and
didn’t have the intelligence to mind this situation. The humans that followed Lucifer not
only had the knowledge that this sucked, but also knew that they were truly outcast and
couldn’t go home.
10. This is the story of Caine. The wording here is interesting in that it says “Then the
oldest son of Adam and Eve who was most like the One Giver.” Does this mean that
Caine was most like the One Giver (God), or that Adam and Eve were most like God?
Anyway, for those of you who don’t know the story of Caine and Abel, Caine was a
hunter while Abel was a farmer. God liked Abel’s tribute more than Caine’s. Caine got
jealous and offered up Abel to God, thus killing him with a big rock. This was the first
murder and Caine was cursed to walk the land forever. In Vampire the Masquerade,
Caine was cursed with vampirism and that is how the vamps came about. I also like how
it says “From human choice came all that followed.” As illustrated in Three Paths through
the Burning Forest, only we can get out of what has happened because we got ourselves
into it.
11. Caine unleashes murder on the world and the demons take to it like second nature.
12. This chronicles the creation of Lying. I am confused as to whether or not it was
created by humans or demons.
13. I think that this is all about demons eating the essence of angels. It seems to have been
a common practice to do on the enemy.
14. This is the curse of Caine handed down by angels. It doesn’t say exactly who went or
what was given, leaving it open for a little interpretation. From this point on, Caine will
be called The Great King of Blood.
15. This talks about demons diverting more from their angelic nature. It also brings the
number of angels down to 5,005,505.
16. God gets pissed and kills the same amount of demons, bringing their number down to
17. God created new creatures and stuff to get rid of the demons. Could this be the
Malhim? Or could it be the first hunters?
18. This is talking about the demons being put in the abyss. As for their greatest gift being
their greatest mistake, it is talking about how the abyss was created from stuff that
demons made. I wonder why the Nephilim weren’t mentioned in this section.
The Autumn of the World
19. Again, demons placed in the abyss.
20. Angels went away, but it doesn’t say where. Demons = 2,002,204. The extra 3 are the
loyalist angels who were sent to Hell for doing evil things in God’s name: Usiel, Angel of
Pain and Forguel. Also, humans go back to normal.
21. This is about the creation of mages. People working their will upon reality by
invoking shapes and patterns and stuff are what Mage is all about. There might also be a
connection with the Fae, but I am not sure.
22. Caine rises from wherever he hid and founds Nod. He calls this the first city. He
makes 13 children to correspond with the 13 clans of vampires today. It reiterates that
vampires are bad to all.
23. This is about Wraiths showing up/being created. Interesting how it says that not even
angels knew where human souls went after dying.
24. It says here that God created Oblivion for Wraiths and Demons. Could they end their
existence or were they forever trapped in the abyss? As for the 2 corpses in one grave
reference, I think that means that the Wraiths and the Demons are the 2 corpses and the
dark umbra/shadow lands is the grave.
25. This is all about the invention of summoning. Caine summoned wraiths and probably
taught it to Cappodocian. Also, this is the creation of the earthbound.
26. The 5 are the first earthbound that were Lucifer’s generals. Caine also cursed his
children with curses and created the clans we know today. The high spirit could be Gaia.
If they meant God, it would say One Giver. The war that it talks about is the original war
of rage that the werewolves did. Their punishment was destroying that which they
needed. Also, men and women made society and went to war.
27. This is about the flood or biblical deluge. The last part is probably referring to the
vampire antediluvians who survived that.
28. Definition time: Children of the Book are the Jewish people, the book being the
Torah. Children of the Dream = Australian Aborigines? Children of the Wealthy Land =
Native Americans. America is now the wealthiest country and was known as the pure
lands by the Croaton. Children of the Middle Kingdom = Asians. Children of the Land of
the Skull = Africa. Could this be an allusion to Azreal, the slayer archduke earthbound
who set up shop there? Humans weren’t as smart as their predecessors, but that was the
plan. Thanks to ShepardsBook for clearing some of this up.
29. Could this mean the founding of democracy? It sounds like the Greeks to me.
30. This is about the Romans. In their mythology, two twins named Romulus and Remus
were raised by a wolf. They went on to found Rome. Rome went on to conquer most of
the world at that time. The Romans conquered the Middle East and Africa. The children
of the Book (Jews) were their slaves. The true conqueror could be Christianity.
31. Condemned Man = Jesus. This is the founding of Christianity and the Romans being
converted to it.
32. This is talking about how the Middle Empire arose from Rome and people emulating
Rome. And Europe has been around ever since. Also, this is when the First Great
Maelstrom from Wraith appears.
33. This is about the creation of the nation of Islam. The man talking about visitors in the
night is Muhammad. Tribe of Seven Pillars = Muslims.
34. This is about the beginning of the Dark Ages. For vampires, this was their golden age.
As for when this will happen again, I think that it might mean either the Victorian age
when vampires were first romanticized or nowadays with the Gothic culture. The second
great storm is the Second maelstrom.
35. This is talking about the Anarch revolt from Vampire. The curse talked about is that
all of Caine’s children will turn upon each other and that Caine can never truly create
anything that will last. The number 14 might refer to the 14 th Generation which was up
until recently the lowest generation. The one less strength could be Tremere diablerizing
36. This is about the Inquisition. Priests are called fathers even though they don’t have
any children. Vampires and Jews were put to the stake and set aflame.
37. This is talking about the renaissance. The man with the glass eye is Galileo. The man
with the silver nose is Tycho Brahe. The wise fool is Johannes Keplar. They found
modern science a.k.a. the tribe of the mind. In mage terms, this could be the order of
reason later to become the Technocracy.
38. The wealthy land is now confirmed as the Americas. The iron men in wooden fish are
the conquistadors and they brought plague with them as well as horses. The third plague
could be canons. The fourth plague is the rats that stowed away on the ships.
39. This is talking about the third great maelstrom. If the first sin is decimating the Native
Americans, the second is slavery. This is talking about how the slaves worked the
plantations picking cotton and sugar cane fields.
40. This is talking about the industrial revolution and the beginnings of a loss of belief in
supernatural things among all of humanity. It also talks about people saying they are
religious, but not truly believing in it.
41. This is about the American Revolution in that the colonies rose up against Britain due
to the tax on tea (the drink) and tobacco (the leaf). They won trade routes to Asia and
Europe with this. The Ancient kingdom is Britain. The tax was then passed on to the
British people.
42. This is a prophesy section about what is to come and that is the Apocalypse.
The Winter of the World
43. God’s angels = 2. This would be the Ebon Dragon and the Scarlet Lady mentioned in
Hunter and Kindred of the East books. Demons in Hell = 2,002,199. The Demons of the
Earth = 5. The one remaining is Lucifer. This is interesting; someone might have bad
math skills. At our last count, there were 2,002,204 demons in the abyss. Minus 5 as
earthbound and it evens out. Was Lucifer not counted in the original count? Was he ever
counted at all after stanza 7 because at that point he was neither angel or in the abyss.
44. Science rules the land. The 9 suitors could be the 9 traditions of mages. The scientists
think they are doing the right thing and acting as God wishes, but in fact they seem to be
toying with things they cannot understand. The reference to children being alone could be
talking about God and the angels not being there.
45. Everyone thinks it is great except for the Africans and the children of the dream
(Australians and/or Asians). This is the Victorian Age.
46. This is talking about all that we have done: we have made great things. It also talks
about our lust for more despite what we already have.
47. This is talking about colonialism in Africa when most of the Superpowers of that time
carved up Africa for their own. This brought on the First World War. They are referring
to this in the lines about gas and wars in the sky and sea.
48. This is about the fourth great maelstrom of the shadow lands. It also alludes to the
next 2 being even worse.
49. World War 1 didn’t stop until America got involved. The disease could be referring to
the great influenza outbreak in America, or maybe just disease brought on by war.
50. This is talking about the Second World War and the fifth great maelstrom. The
twisted spider is the swastika and the Jewish people were killed as if it were the right
thing to do.
51. Japan is the Island of Eastern Light. Middle kingdom is Europe. The last part is
talking about the Fascist Italians trying to take over North Africa just like the Romans
52. Again, America saves the day, but this time it was more costly for us with things like
Pearl Harbor. This gives way to the cold war and the fear of Communism.
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