Read Me.txt

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	  ABSTRACTICA� - Readme.txt


        Reactor Products & MJK Games

        v1.01 (141006b) October 2006

1 General stuff
This version of Abstractica� is a freeware 
game, so you can play it freely for as long
as you like.

However, changing anything in its original
package OR selling the game or some other
product where the game is included is NOT

In these cases, you'll need a written per-
mission from

2 Abstractica game concept
The game contains in total of 250 levels of
different kind of riddles and puzzles which
all have 1 or more correct answer. Player
must write this answer to the answerbox to
proceed in the game. The levels are not in
any particular order of difficulty, but gene-
rally they will get harder towards the end
of the game.

If you complete all the 250 levels, you will
be rewarded! In addition to that, there is
one secret extra level which is available
all the time for everyone!

Notice that not always the levels have the
most logical solution in your opinion. The
Abstractica� answers don't necessarily have
to be logical in any way to be "correct".
The game itself decides what's a right ans-
wer and what's not.

So, even if the riddle is just an empty
screen, the logical answer would be "nothing"
or "empty", the correct answer, can still be
"everything" or "car". They may not be logi-
cal at all!

3 Game actions
Try it! - press this to enter your answer.
Tip - you can have 15 tips in one game.
Skip - you can skip 3 levels of your choice.
CTRL+F - restart a level
CTRL+M - stop the music (title screen)
CTRL+S - disable/enable samples
CTRL+L - enable log-saving (title screen)
ALT+ENTER - switch to full screen mode

To save multiple games, change the player
name from the 2nd instructions screen.

4 Version history

14.10.2006: v1.01 build 141006b
- few additional bug fixes

13.10.2006: v1.01 minor update
-2 bugs removed in "editor"-level and
"beating heart"-level
-couple of tip corrections
-secret extra level!

08.10.2006: v1.0 released with
-250 levels
-tips option
-skips option
-automatic game save
-multiple save slots
-bug fixes
-level difficulty adjustments
-level order adjustments
-full in-game instructions

01.10.2006: Beta version released
and the test period started
-the first publicly released version

29.09.2006: First alpha version of
Abstractica� finished

16.09.2006: Development of Abstractica�
started by Reactor Products and MJK Games

12.09.2006: Abstractica released
-48 levels

28.08.2006: Development of Abstractica
started by Reactor Products

5 Credits
Abstractica� is made by Reactor Products and
MJK Games in August-October 2006.

Game concept - Reactor Products
Riddles and puzzles - MJK Games and Reactor
Overall look - MJK Games
Music - Olivier Degand

Thanks for beta-testing to:
-Simo Martikainen
-Jussi Immonen
-Stephen 'Steve' Harden
-Tommi Ala-Kulju
-Tino Myllyselk�
-The J
-Nicolas 'TheNiccer' Robertson
-Jonne Kuusela
-Niko Finsk
-Ourselves, phew!

Contact Reactor Products at
Contact MJK Games at
Contact Olivier Degand at


Copyright 2006 Reactor Products & MJK Games
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