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honrs Revenge
Table of Contents
Design: Richard W. and Anne Brown
Editing: Timothy €3. Brown
Cover Art: Ken Frank
Interior Art: Ken Frank
Cartography Supvr. /Designer:
Dave Sutherland/Dennis Kauth
Building Fold-ups: Frey Graphics
Typography: Gaye O'Keefe
Graphic Design: Stephanie Tabat
Chapter 1: Interesting Company ..............
Chapter 2: Something Rotten in Greyhawk ..... 9
Chapter 3: The Plot Thickens
Chapter 4: Shacktown ...................... 19
Chapter 5: The Great Burn .................. 23
Chapter 6: The Diary ....................... 30
Chapter 7: Where Evil Lurks ................. 35
Chapter 8: The Spurned Cult of Iuz ...........
Chapter 9: The Falcon Freed ................. 52
Appendixl: NPCs ......................... 57
Appendix 2: New Magic
Appendix 3: New Monsters .................. 61
Appendix 4: Rumors .......................
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ISBN 0-88038-830-7
Introduction ...............................
Falcon ’s Revenge is the first in a
trilogy of modules that take place
in the Free City of Greyhawk. The
modules are designed to flow to-
gether smoothly. However, each
module is also equipped with an
appropriate alternate ending
which brings the module to a satis-
factory conclusion for DMs who do
not wish to play the entire trilogy.
Thus, any of the modules will be
equally enjoyable regardless of
whether the others are played.
If possible, the DM should deter-
mine whether he plans to use more
than one module at the beginning
of the adventure. However, the
modules are designed so the alter-
nate endings only affect the last
few pages of the module. If the DM
changes his mind near the conclu-
sion of the adventure, he will have
little difficulty “changing gears” to
accommodate either ending.
Should the DM decide to end the
adventure with the first module
and later decide that he wishes to
proceed with subsequent modules
in the trilogy, advice is offerred for
circumventing this earlier deci-
sion in order to keep the story
The conrenr 01 rnis moauie is
meant for the DM’s eyes only. The
DM is free to give portions of the
text or maps to the players to ease
play, but for the most part, the in-
formation is directed to the DM.
Any text that appears in a box is
meant to be read aloud (orsumma-
rized) to the players.
Large l2mple
Several city gates
Locating References
When information from another
source is required, the page num-
ber of the reference is given along
with an abbreviation of the book in
which it is found. PH refers to the
AD&D@ 2nd Edition Player’s Hand-
book. DMG refers to the AD&D
2nd Edition Dungeon Master’s
Guide. GA refers to the
GREYHAWK@Adventures hard-
bound book. %o references are
from The City of Greyhawk boxed
set: GoF, indicating the “Gem of
the Flanaess” booklet, and FFF, in-
dicating the “Folk, Feuds, and
Factions” booklet.
The Setting
The City of Greyhawk boxed set
is recommended, but not required
to play this adventure. The adven-
ture is designed to take place in
Greyhawk, but it would work
nearly as well in another large city
with some additonal work from
the DM.
Most of the locations are de-
scribed in detail in this adventure;
the DM would need only to locate
them somewhere in his own city.
Other locations that are described
in the boxed set are referred to the
description in the box, but are ac-
companied by staging notes so a
DM may generate an appropriate
setting. For example, when the DM
is referred to the description in The
City of Greyhawk boxed set for the
dungeons beneath the Grand Cita-
del, the DM who is not using the
box set is advised to create an ap-
propriate setting for a small sec-
tion of the dungeon of a large city.
The sectionsthat a DM might need
to generate are generally more ge-
neric settings (such as a jail cell)
that should be easy to design.
If the DM is using a city other
than Greyhawk, he should make
certain that the city has the follow-
ing features:
?b assist the DM, the following is
a brief summary of the events of
this module.
Many years ago, the City of
Greyhawk was infiltrated by an
evil cult whose members desired
to destroy the government and
drive away the citizens. They
hoped to establish Greyhawk as a
city of evil life, devoted to the cult.
The followers of St. Cuthbert dis-
covered the secret, and a battle
was declared against the members
of the cult. A speciallychosen force
of four-a cleric, a paladin, and
two mages fought to save their
The forces of good eventually
overcame the forces of evil. Rather
than put the evil cult leader to
death, the heroes decided to im-
prison her, alone, for all eternity. A
special dimension was opened for
her, and she was cast inside. The
portal was finally sealed, and the
How the Module
is Laid Out
The events of this adventure are
presented chronologically. Certain
events must happen in a specified
order. Other events may occur as
the PCs choose. The DM should
read the adventure thoroughly be-
fore play to help ensure that the
adventure will run smoothly. The
DM is encouraged to add to the
events listed here to enhance the
atmosphere of the adventure and
to adapt it to his own campaign
and his players’ styles.
Burned section
Sewer sys tem
citizens of Greyhawk were able to
return to their normal lives with-
out even realizing the evil that
threatened them.
All of the cult members were
killed. The youthful members,
however, were spared. They be-
came determined to bring their
cult to power. They have been
careful over the years to keep their
plot a secret. Now, they are prepar-
ing to work the magic that will free
their imprisoned leader. Cult
members have infiltrated many
levelsof the city government in or-
der to keep their secret from the
higher officials.
The PCs will unknowingly stum-
ble onto this plot. They must not
only stop the cult’s activities, but
they must first unravel the secrets
of the cult and learn what they are
up against.
If the PCs are confused or need a
push in the right direction,feel free
to read rumors as necessary.
These can provide helpful hints in
times of need without spoiling the
plot for the players.
Use caution not to give out too
much information. Overexplain-
ing can spoil the fun and reduce
the sense of suspense and mystery
that is so important to this adven-
ture. It can also give players a
sense that the adventure will un-
fold as planned regardless of their
actions and decisions. A good DM
can ration the clues he gives so the
players maintain a sense of con-
trol, discovery, progress, and ulti-
mate success.
General Advice
This adventure is somewhat un-
usual. Before the players can ac-
complish their mission, they must
first figure out what their mission
is. The PCs stumble into this ad-
venture quite by accident, and re-
alize that something funny is
going on long before they unravel
the entire problem. Pieces of the
puzzle fall into their laps; at first,
to arouse their suspicions, and
later, to help them discover the
A Note About AD&D@
2nd Edition Rules
This adventure is written using
the terminology and rules of the
AD&D@ 2nd Edition game, but is
still easily playable by those who
are using the original game mate-
Some of the more noticeable dif-
ferencesare changes in name only.
The term “magic-user’’has been
replaced by “mage” (or, in a few
places, the more general designa-
tion of “wizard”). The “cleric”
character class is now the “priest”
class, although members of that
class are still usually referred to as
“clerics.” “Fighters” are now
called “warriors” and “thieves”
are now called “rogues.”
Another significant change is
the presentation of monsters. The
descriptions of the new monsters
designed for this adventure are
identicalin format to the presenta-
tion of monsters in the new Mon-
strous Compendium series.
Although the information is orga-
nized differently and has been
somewhat expanded, nothing
from the original format has been
omitted; everything that 1st Edi-
tion” DMs are accustomed to see-
ing is still provided in the new
descriptive format. The pages on
which the new monsters for this
adventure appear can be photo-
copied and inserted in a Monstrous
Compendium binder if the DM so
Once the PCs have learned the
whole story, they can begin to de-
feat the evil that threatens the city.
If the PCs begin to stray off
course, there are several ways to
nudge them back on track.
1. Provide them with one or
more appropriate rumors from the
rumors table at the end of this ad-
venture. This may give them the
clue they need to get back on
2. Use ’hlasek to offer sugges-
tions for finding information. For
example, if the PCs are able to find
clues in Greyhawk’smarketplace,
but none of the players think to in-
vestigate the market, let Blasek
suggest it. He can be used very ef-
fectively to guide the players in the
right direction.
3. Ask the PCs to make anintelli-
gence check. PCs who make the
check have a sudden burst of in-
spiration that never occurred to
the players. Simply inform the
players of the idea the character
has. For example, using the mar-
ket example above, the PC who
makes anintelligencecheck might
suggest a trip to the market rather
than Thlasek.
Using the
Rumors Table
The final page of this module
lists many rumors that the PCs
will encounter at some time dur-
ing this adventure. At certain
points throughout the module, the
number of a rumor will be indi-
cated. Read the players that rumor
at that time. At other points in the
module, random rumors are indi-
cated. Roll ld20 and read the ap-
propriate rumor from the table.
Check off the rumors as they are
Some rumors are true; others
are not. Only the rumors that are
designated “confirmed as true”
are true: the rest are only tall tales.
When rolling for random rumors,
read the false rumors only once. If
the number of a false rumor is
rolled a second time, ignore that
roll and reroll for another rumor.
Rumors that are true may be read
any number of times. Following
these guidelines should help to
keep the PCs on track and avoid
“wild goose chases.”
1: Interesting Company
The adventure opens as the PCs
arrive in the City of Greyhawk.
They should arrive with no imme-
diate plans, perhaps passing
through the area on their way
home from an adventure, or per-
haps on a holiday with nothing
more than plans for fun and sight-
The party will stumble onto the
plot of this adventure completely
on their own. When they arrive in
Greyhawk, they will have no in-
kling that anything is wrong. They
have not been hired to investigate,
nor have they heard any rumors of
Greyhawk. Those carrying swords
will also be asked to pay the
Freesword 7h.x of three gp. (See
page 44, GoF, for more detail on
these customs.) If the adventure is
not taking place in Greyhawk,
these activities may be omitted or
enhanced at the DM’s discretion.
Once the party has made its way
through the gate, they will witness
a bustling, busy city. Shops and
homes line the streets, tended by
merchants and housewives. Chil-
dren play and tend to their chores,
and animals are led by farmers
and butchers. The sounds and
smells of supper being prepared fill
the air, enhancing the hunger and
weariness of the PCs.
Arrange for the party to visit one
or two inns in an attempt to find
lodging, only to be turned away.
Adventurers are having difficulty
finding lodging lately, as they will
soon learn. Some innkeepers
openly refuse to rent rooms to ad-
venturers, while others offer weak
excuses and seem nervous just
having adventurer-types on the
premises. Adventurers seem to at-
tract trouble to their lodgings, al-
though this phenomenon seems to
have manifested itself only within
the last six to eight months. A few
of the innkeepers find this odd,
and many of them don’t remem-
ber ever having this kind of trouble
renting to adventurers. Other inn.
keepers are too dull to have no-
ticed this unusual trend.
Street. Since this is a fairly major
street, the PCs should not have dif-
ficulty finding it. Refer to the map
on the inside cover of this module
3r its exact location.
The road on which you travel
soon branches into a four- way
crossroads, forming an elon-
gated x-shape. Various shops
and stores line these streets,but
your attention is drawn to a
large, well-kept inn on one of the
triangular parcels of land
formed by these roads. A freshly
painted sign in the shape of a
plump fish bears the name of
this interesting establishment:
TheWhistling Fish, Potentate of
The inn is built of the half-
timber construction common to
Greyhawk. Its size, however,
makes it unique. From the posi-
tions of the inn’s windows, the
building appears to have two
floors, but the structure looks
far too tall to be an average two-
story inn. Its roof, made of wood
shakes, towers above the other
buildings in the neighborhood.
Even the front door seems un-
usually tall.
Adventure Around
Every Corner
The pz in
Greyhawk la
long day of- travel. They should ar-
rive in the late afternoon orjust be-
fore nightfall, eager to find lodging
and a hot meal. Route the party so
that they enter the city through
the Marsh Gate, if possible. The
Druid’s Gate would be a good sec-
ond choice if the party has a prob-
lem reaching the Marsh Gate.
Since the gates of Greyhawk are
frequently under repair, this is a
good excuse to have a closed gate,
forcing the party to find another
entrance (themen working on the
gate will suggest the Marsh or
Druid’s gates).
If the adventure is being played
in a city other than Greyhawk,
make sure to coordinate the ar-
rival of the party with a location
convenient for them to find The
Whistling Fish.
When the party approaches any
of the city gates, they will be asked
to sign the roster. This is custom-
ary for all persons entering
By now, the adventurers should
have been turned away from at
least one or two inns, and they
should approach The Whistling
Fish somewhat eagerly. If they do
not wish to visit The Whistling
Fish, encourage them to enter.
Their adventures will begin soon
after they take up lodging here.
The whistling Fish
This inn is important to the ad-
venture. The DM should refuse the
PCs lodging (in the form of dis-
traught innkeepers) until they
reach the Whistling Fish.
The Whistling Fish is located in
the River Quarter along Marsh
inn. The grass is a color peculiar
to Greyhawk: the blades are a
deep green along the edges but
are dark red down the centers.
irty should arrive
c tired and dusty frorr
. __
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