Unit 6 For Sale.doc

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1              First   read   the   notices   on   the   school   notice-board

below and  match  them  to the  pictures.  Then  read them  again  and  answer the  questions that follow.



1      Who wants to sell something? What is it?

2      Who wants to buy something? What is it?

3      Which   notices   give   information about something which is for sale?

4      Which notice asks for information about something?

2 Read Bob's reply to Jim's note. Parts of the mountain bike are highlighted in the text. Find these parts in the picture and label them, as  in the  example.


3        Read  Bob's  letter again  and answer the questions below.

1 Does Bob's letter ask for or give information?

2 What does Bob describe in his letter?

3 What colour is it?

4 How old is it?

5 What condition is it in?

6 How many gears has it got?

7 Has it got a front light?

8 The bike has got one new part. What is it?

9 What is the saddle made of?


10   Is there anything wrong with the bike?

11   Why is Bob selling his bike?

12   How much money does he want for it?

5        Write the adjectives from the list below in the correct column.

old, thin, grey, plastic, young, blue, small, five-year-old, metal, short, paper, green, rubber, large, white, red, leather, long, brand new, glass, tiny, tall, brown, cotton, big, wooden


Opinion adjectives are those which express our personal opinion: that is, what we think about something (e.g. beautiful, ugly, comfortable, cute, etc). Fact adjectives are those which express facts: that is, what something really is (e.g. red, long, old, leather, etc).

An opinion adjective goes before a fact adjective. e.g. It is a beautiful red mountain bike, (beautiful is an opinion adjective. - red is a fact adjective.)

4        Put the  adjectives  in the correct  order,  as in the  example.

6       Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order, as in the example.

e.g. It's a ...large leather... (large, leather) bag.


e.g. It's a ...beautiful black... vase.              (black/beautiful)

1              It's a              chair.


2    She's got a               lamp, (green/pretty)

3    Look at this               dress, (silk/lovely)

4    It's a(n)               chair, (plastic/ugly)

5    Pam's got a              kitten, (white/cute)

6    He's gola(n)               house.


1              It's a              (cotton, brown, big)


2      We've got a              (black, young) puppy.

3      They are              (long, green) trousers.

4      She's got a             

(tiny, paper, yellow) hat.

5      I like this               (old, wooden) bed.

6      He is selling his              

(brand new, white) Porsche.


When you describe something you want to sell, you may use a variety of adjectives to describe it in detail. When you use two or more adjectives, you must always put them in the correct order. We don't normally use more than two or three adjectives to describe a noun.

7 Look at the pictures below and describe them, as in the example. Use adjectives from  Ex. 5.

e.g. 7 It's a pair of long yellow rubber flippers.

8 Look at the above pictures again and the words below. Ask and answer questions as in the example.

rubber, plastic, cotton, leather, wood, metal

e.g. What are the flippers made of? They are made of rubber.

10 Read the following short texts and underline the most important words. Then, write notices using the underlined words, as  in the example  below.

e.g. I'm interested in buying two tickets for The

Rovers concert next Friday. The seats must be

in or near the front row. I can pay up to £20 for

each ticket. Please call me. My name is Jan and

              my telephone number is 7140019.

11        PROJECT

Use the pictures from the Photo File section at the back of the book and write two notices for something you want to buy and two for something you want to sell. Write only the most important words in your notices.

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