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- 2009 Issue 6
6 NIC's Cate
Your Move
Interview: Hikaru Nakamura
He's changed. lie' left behind an unhapp� period in his
life and gotten rid of 'the dimaction,'. The ne \l Ilikaru
akamura, \\ho in aint Loui� \Ion the L.S. Champion­
ship for the second tim ,no longer �eeks oeat sidelines
but pla� s mainline theor�. H i . ne \\ approach seems to be
\l orking, a' he prO\ed again in an 'ebasli!n.
Dir. Jan ten Geulendam had a frank lalk \\ith Ilikaru
\akamura 2.0 at an unulual hour.
Naka in Ca p a's Footste p s
.h parr of the preparations filr a Centenaf) toufnament in
2011, Baque G�l Fcli, l7eta organized a hes festival in
e\actl� the same lu\urious hall in \IhiehJose Raul Cap a ­
blanca triumphed in an Sebastian in 191 l. "nd as if his­
tor) wanted to hale it this Il a), the top group lIas lIon b�
another � oung and aspiring grandm�tef I ho had crossed
Ihe \t1�lntic to tf) his luck in Europe.
34 Kramnik on Cloud Nine in Dotmund
The 37th>en Chess-\ leeling in Dortmund ended
in a resounding Iictor) f(lf \ Iadimir ..ramni.. The R us ­
sian G\l \\on the elent for the ninth time,an am;ving feat
that im ited comparison� IIith Garr� kaspar()\; nine II in'
in the I.inares ,uper-tournaments.
Maxime to the Max
The traditional chelS feSlilal in Bid �taged the strongest
closed tournamcnt eler held in 'II it/crland. First place
1\1, sen. ationall� claimed b) .\.nime Vachier-Lagralc,
the II )ear-Qld French promise, \\ho po�ted the gr-atest
uccess in his burgeoning LIreer. )annick Pelletier report s.
64 Another Silent Estonian
Ten )ears ago the life of Lembit 011came to an end. In the
murning of �;I) 17, (999, Ihe bod) of the Estonian G\1
lias f(lUnd ne\t to the apartment building IIhere he had
been li \ing alone after the eparation from hi, 1\ife. In a
mo \ing tribute, Jaan Ehhsl shares his memories of Lem­
bit DILlIe is joined b) \Ie\ )ermolinsk), \\ho enmuntered
the IJmentcd Estonian in a \\undrous \arict) of pl.lces.
' .. linn Allard Hogland ll"IU·II·UIU Dik Jan ten Guzendam. Jan immsn
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The Long and the Short of It
If you want to win the World Open, it might take you
seven days. Or three... make that two. Evgeny Najer and
Hikaru akamura took very different paths to arrive at the
winner's circle ahead of thirty-two other hungry grand­
masters. Joel Benjamin tells the story.
Shabalov and Corrales Shared First in Sao Paulo 84
This year's American Continental Championship, held
in Sao Paulo, boasted 268 participants, including 27 GMs
and 30 IMs. In absolute numbers it was a record, as FIDE
had allowed the participation of many low-rated and even
unrated players, a decision that was not welcomed by eve­
rybody. If in previous editions 8'12 or even 8 points out of
I I were needed, this year Alex Shabalov and Fidel Cor-
rales had to score an impressive 9 points to share the high-
est prizes.
Beyond the Illusion of 'Talent'
Talent is a word we easily use to describe extraordinary
players. 'But, when you take away demographic fortune,
deliberate practice, opportunities to gain feedback, social
and parental support and cultural legacies, what is left of
talent?' Jonathan Rowson wonders.
In the Style of Tal and Fischer
Jan Timman presents highlights from the Dutch Open,
where the world's youngest grandmaster Anish Giri was
the crowd-puller. The highly gifted youngster also proves
to be a consummate annotator.
Just Checking
Guess who's Rustam Kasimdzhanov's favourite chess
player of all time?
Levon Aronian, Joel Benjamin, Fidel Corrales,
Jaan Ehlvest, Alexandr Fier, Anish Giri, Rustam
Kasimdzhanov, Vladimir Kramnik, Peter Leko, Gilberto
Milos, Alexander Morozevich, Evgeny ajer, Hikaru
Nakamura, Yannick Pelletier, Ruslan Ponomariov,
Jonathan Rowson, Peter Svidler,Jan Timman, Maxime
Vachier-Lagrave, Giovanni Vescovi, Alex Yermolinsky
Torsten Behl, Biel International Chess Festival, Chris
Bird, Dagobert Kohlmeyer
Hikaru Nakamura: New In Chess
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