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Swaying Minuet
Swaying Minuet
Book 4 in the Dominant Blood series.
Minuet has lived a thousand years and grown exhausted of a life of never-ending
sameness. She stops feeding. She stops interacting with humans and vampires alike.
When Nazario, a fellow vampire on a secret council of Kinsmen, tries to lure her with
the release of the Final Death, the thought is very tempting.
Enter the Summon Luscious, who’s not only luscious by name, but in mind, body—
and in bed. And for a jaded, tired vampire, Luscious’ version of unbridled, uninhibited
passion is just the tonic Minuet needs.
In the deadly game of vampire politics, blood is the only currency. Either by
persuasion or by fangs, Nazario wants Minuet eliminated, and only Luscious, a mere
human, stands in his way.
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Swaying Minuet
ISBN 9781419926563
Swaying Minuet Copyright © 2009 Amanda Sidhe
Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book publication December 2009
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Amanda Sidhe
Swaying Minuet
Chapter One
“Nothing changes, eh? Forever there is sameness,” Nazario murmured in his
Italian-accented English. He gestured with his gin glass to the people milling around in
the electronically illuminated town below the balcony. “Makes me wonder why we
bother to linger at all.”
Minuet didn’t need Nazario to add a layer to her depression. She already wore it
like a cape wrapped tightly about her, numbing her further to the connection to this
time. “Why must you torment me so?” No conviction laced the words she barely spoke.
She could not even turn her head, knowing the truth in his eyes would overcome her.
“What is there to cling to, Baroness?” His closed hand traced the delicate line of her
She startled at the touch, recoiling against the railing merely two stories above the
street. Life teemed below her. Why could she not feel any of it? The cold stone railing
beneath her palms offered her no link to the world she saw, but was not a part of.
Nazario opened his gloved hand, inches from her face. A thin chain dropped from
his grasp. He kept the end of the chain pinched between his fingers, so the vial at the
other end danced before her eyes. “Painless release. In the end, what more can any of us
“Be gone.” Her voice barely disturbed the air it was so soft. In telling him to leave
she met his timeless dark eyes. A gentle evil reflected there.
“A merciful end,” he promised. The tiny vial swung innocently before her, like a
hypnotist’s pendulum. “You suffered a thousand years, captive in this non-life. The
Final Death is freedom.”
“If I am not mistaken,” the strong timbre of Deacon’s voice shattered the moment,
“the baroness asked you to leave.”
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