Alexis Canto - Tantric Kiss.pdf
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Tantric Kiss
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Tantric Kiss
ISBN 9781419919626
Tantric Kiss Copyright © 2009 Alexis Canto
Edited by Helen Woodall
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book Publication April 2009
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Alexis Canto
For my husband. Thanks for everything you do. (And I’m glad you’re not a Shadow
Tantra master.)
Thank you to everyone who has taught me about energy, sexual or otherwise
(including you, CKPZ, you big goof). Thanks also to my fantastic editor, Helen
Woodall, for the best input I could ask for.
Tantric Kiss
Chapter One
Bodies thronged in the conference center’s wide hallway. As Lise was about to step
into the room where she would teach her last yoga seminar of the day, she saw him.
Marcus Blair. Her heart beat painfully and she could feel her pulse at the base of her
throat. She had to be mistaken. It couldn’t be him. She couldn’t be seeing that face,
almost unchanged after ten years.
Hesitating outside the lecture room, she blinked hard, half afraid to look again.
When she did, he was still there, lost in conversation with another man. He seemed
oblivious to her presence, thank God. She’d been sure she would never see him again.
She didn’t know what she would do if he caught her staring at him like this, her cheeks
undoubtedly flushed, sexual heat coming off her in waves.
Anyone passing by would think she was responding to the warmth of the
overcrowded conference center halls. But Marcus would know better. If he turned his
head right now and looked at her face, he would know her pussy was swollen against
the thin, taut fabric of her yoga pants. And he would know the exact shape of her hot,
juicy folds. The way each hair curled between her legs. He would be able to imagine
exactly how she would moan if he so much as touched her labia with one sure finger.
Because he had heard it all and seen it all before.
She watched him as he engaged in a relaxed yet energetic discussion. His face bore
a few more lines than it had when he was twenty-nine. Other than that, he hadn’t
changed at all. His dark reddish-brown hair was as thick as ever. She caught a glimpse
of his eyes and her heart nearly stopped. She’d forgotten the effect those pale brown,
almost golden irises had on her. He was pure lean muscle and he moved as smoothly as
a lion. Every angle of his body evoked raw sensuality, from the bulge of his deltoids to
the square shape of his pecs.
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