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Archiwum cotygodniowego kursu jħzyka angielskiego dla Ļrednio zaawansowanych
Lekcja 62
Materiaþ przygotowany przez MojaNauka.pl Sp. z o.o.
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There are two main methods of forming questions in English
1. Adding an extra auxiliary verb in front of the subject e.g.:
Statement: She works in a bank.
Question: Does she work in a bank?
Where does she work?
Statement: They went home at 10.
Question: Did they go home at 10?
When did they go home?
Remember: Use the main verb in its base form.
This method is used only in the Past Simple and Present Simple tenses when the main verb is not
ÒbeÓ or a modal.
2. Inversion of the modal verb or the auxiliary verb with the subject e.g.:
Statement: She is standing at the bus stop.
Question: Is she standing at the bus stop? Where is she standing?
Statement: He can drive a lorry
Question: Can he drive a lorry?
What can he drive?
Remember: Keep the form of the main verb.
Be careful: Some auxiliary verbs can also work as full verbs e.g.:
Statement: They have a lot of money.
Question: Do they have a lot of money?
(NOT: Have they a lot of money?)
Statement: She does shopping.
Question: Does she do shopping?
(NOT: Does she shopping?)
Practice 1
Make questions about the underlined information. When there is ÒIÓ use ÒyouÓ in the question.
(Uzupeþnij pytania dotyczĢce podkreĻlonych informacji. Gdy w twierdzeniu wystħpuje pierwsza
osoba, w pytaniu uŇyj drugiej.)
1. I wash my hair three times a week .
2. She is wearing her black shoes now.
3. Mary is talking to her boss at the moment.
4. I work every day from 9 o'clock until 5:00 .
5. This morning he brushed his teeth .
6. Lee worked in a bank from 1987 to 1992.
7. It stopped raining at noon.
8. They did a lot of housework yesterday.
9. They have got a villa in the country .
10. Linda got married when she was 23.
11. Ann went to the movies three times last week.
12. Mr Wood came to work by taxi .
13. I watched TV with my family .
14. She was a professional footballer .
15. I am very good at small talk .
16. It was dark , so I switched on the light.
17. The concert began at 7:30.
18. The president was killed last Sunday afternoon.
19. I could swim when I was three.
20. Jack should study harder .
Practice 2
Complete the questions with one of the words. (Uzupeþnij pytania jednym z podanych sþw.)
1. (Do / Have / Should) you got a dog?
2. (Are / Do / Have) you watching TV at the moment?
3. (Are / Can / Have) you swim?
4. (Have / Do / Are) you work in a bank?
5. (Will / Are / Do) you going to a party next weekend?
6. (Will / Should / Did) you go shopping yesterday?
7. (Do / Will / Have) you be at work tomorrow?
8. (Is / Does / Has) your husband having a drink now?
9. What (could / would / must) you like to drink?
10. How often (have / do / does) your mother go to the cinema?
11. What (has / was / could) your best friend doing yesterday at 10 in the morning?
12. What (have / were / are) you been doing so far?
13. When you arrived at the station, (has / was / had) the train already left?
14. (Has / Had / Is) she lost her wallet? She canÓt find it anywhere.
15. (Has / Is / Can) the road being repaired?
Practice 3
Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Poukþadaj wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejnoĻci
aby powstaþo pytanie.)
1. you / tomorrow / going / are / to / work
............................................................................................ ?
2. jacket / in / did / Taiwan / buy / you / this
............................................................................................ ?
3. home / this / will / evening / you / be
............................................................................................ ?
4. night / the / how / party / was / last
............................................................................................ ?
5. fly / plane / 500 / an / can / this / miles / hour
............................................................................................ ?
6. shouldnÓt / why / drink / I / alcohol
............................................................................................ ?
7. have / a / did / you / nice / holiday
............................................................................................ ?
8. like / party / come / you / would / to / a / to
............................................................................................ ?
9. your / gone / have / friends / where
............................................................................................ ?
10. were / doing / twelve / what / you / at / oÓclock
............................................................................................ ?
Read the text and do the exercises below. (Przeczytaj tekst i zrb ęwiczenia poniŇej)
Gweru and Midlands
Gweru, established in 1894, is the capital of the Midlands Province and an important
communications and administrative centre. The city is a major industrial centre and home of some
of Zimbabwe's major factories producing shoes, glassware, metal alloys and a variety of dairy
products. Because of its geographical position it is the most central city in the country and is an
important road and rail junction.
Gweru is the home of the Midlands Museum which specializes in military history. Although
the museum is the smallest in the country it has a unique quality. There are exhibits displaying
weapons used in the wars of liberation from 1896 to 1980 as well as military materials from both
world wars. The museum is divided into an army gallery, an airforce gallery, and a military history
gallery. Gweru has an active modern theatre.
Each urban centre in the Midlands offers a choice of hotel accommodation, and there are
numerous caravan and camping parks. Golf clubs and other sports organizations welcome visitors.
Lying to the southeast of Gweru are the Nalatale Ruins, an ancient walled settlement.
Nearby are the Dhlo Dhlo Ruins, one of the most beautifully constructed ruins in Zimbabwe.
Although small and considerably damaged by treasure-seeking vandals, these two ruins are
probably the most attractive in the country and well worth seeing.
Within the Midlands are the Ngezi and Sebakwe recreational parks, both created around
small lakes that offer a quiet, scenic retreat to the visitor. Camping and caravan sites are fully
furnished. National Parks accommodation are available at Ngezi.
Exercise 1
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the text (Wybierz prawidþowĢ odpowiedŅ
w oparciu o informacje zawarte w tekĻcie).
1. What is the capital of the Midlands Province?
a) Ngezi
b) Gweru
c) Nalatale
2. What is produced in Gweru?
a) milk and metal products
b) military products and shoes
c) railway equipment and glasses
3. Where is Gweru located?
a) in the southeast of the country
b) in the centre of the country
c) in the north of the country
4. What does the Midlands Museum display?
a) weapons used in the First and Second World Wars
b) the ruins of ancient settlements
c) modern military equipment
5. How many galleries are in the Midlands Museum?
a) two
b) three
c) four
6. Dlo Dlo Ruins are:
a) very beautiful
b) near a lake
c) fully furnished
7. Who damaged the Nalatale and Dhlo Dhlo Ruins?
a) tourists
b) treasure seekers
c) soldiers during the war
Exercise 2
Match the words and their translations. (Dopasuj sþowa do ich tþumaczeı.)
1. established
a) miejsce odpoczynku
2. alloys
b) stopy (metali)
3. variety
c) rŇnorodnoĻę
4. dairy
d) zaþoŇony
5. junction
e) wħzeþ
6. exhibits
f) wyposaŇony
7. displaying
g) zakwaterowanie
8. accommodation
h) mleczny
9. ancient
i) skarb
10. settlement
j) eksponaty
11. considerably
k) pokazujĢcy
12. treasure
l) staroŇytny
13. scenic
m) powaŇnie, znacznie
14. retreat
n) malowniczy
15. furnished
o) osada
Travelling and holidays
Practice 1
Choose the correct alternative for each sentence. (Wybierz prawidþowe sþowo, aby uzupeþnię
1. You have to .......... (check / book / board) your holiday at least 3 months in advance.
2. When you arrive at the airport, go to the .......... (check-in / take-off / duty-free) desk where they
weigh your luggage.
3. When you go through passport control, wait in the .......... (overhead locker / baggage reclaim /
departure lounge) before you board the plane.
4. When you arrive at your hotel, .......... (check in / tip / order) at the reception.
5. Many people go on a .......... (cruising / customs / sightseeing) tour of a town, usually in a bus.
6. If you go to Scotland, it is .......... (worth / hire / included) spending a few days in Glasgow.
7. If you want to travel round a bit, you should .......... (lift / rent /guide) a car.
8. Many people spend their holidays in seaside .......... (resorts / tans / statues).
9. If you like .......... (sunbathing / strolling / sunburning) , you should use suntan lotion to protect
your skin.
10. Interesting places are usually .......... (full / packed / cosmopolitan) with tourists in the summer.
Practice 2
Put the activities in the correct order . (Poukþadaj zdania w odpowiedniej kolejnoĻci.)
1. We queue for tickets.
2. We make a reservation.
4. We buy a train ticket.
5. We go sightseeing.
6. We go back home.
7. We take a taxi to the hotel.
8. We plan our journey.
3. We go by train.
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