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Microsoft Word - lesson_71
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Exercise 1
Read the text and choose the best answers for the questions below. (Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz najlepsze
odpowiedzi na pytania poniżej.)
Any time someone goes shopping at a supermarket, the price of each product is read from the barcode. You
can see barcodes on just about everything people buy. They are patterns of thick and thin stripes or bars,
which are read by an electronic scanner. The bars represent the 13digit number below. An 8digit barcode is
used if there is not enough space on the packaging.
A barcode carries four main pieces of information. The first two numbers stand for the country in which the
product was registered. It is not necessarily the country where the product was manufactured. The code for
Japan is 40 or 49, for Britain and Ireland it is 50. Some countries have 3digit codes. For example South Korea
is represented by 880 to commemorate the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Next comes the manufacturer's or supplier's
code. Each manufacturer has a unique fivedigit code. For example , TDK is 02030, Philips is 25160 and
Panasonic is 25232.
The second group of five numbers represents the product and the package size, but not the price. The
manufacturers can choose any number they want. Different producers can have the same number for their
goods. 32768 might be a bar of soap for one manufacturer and a packet of biscuits for another. Barcodes also
help shops with reordering. A shop's computer recognizes the whole shape of a bar code when it passes
across the scanner at a shop's checkout counter. It reads the bar code and the price of the product appears on
the till display. At the same time one item is deducted from the stock total.
Finally, the code finishes with a check digit that makes sure the barcode has been keyed in correctly. If not,
the item will either not be recognized or will be shown as a totally different product.
1. Barcodes can be found on:
a) food products
b) large goods
c) all types of products
2. Small products have:
a) 13digit barcodes
b) 5 digits less in their barcode
c) 8 digits less in their barcode
3. The first two numbers represent:
a) the producer
b) the country where the product was sold
c) the place where the product was registered
4. The code for Japan is:
a) 49
b) 4049
c) 3
5. A barcode has information about:
a) the package size and the producer
b) the price and the country where the product comes from
c) the name of the shop and the type of product
6. The number that represents the type of product:
50218261.001.png 50218261.002.png
a) is the same in all products
b) can have different meaning according to the manufacturer
c) is recognized in different ways in different shops
7. Barcodes also:
a) help to order new supplies in shops
b) help shops to look after customers
c) helps customers to recognize the product
8. Thu number that checks the barcode is:
a) at the beginning of a barcode
b) at the end of a barcode
c) on a different product
Exercise 2
Match the English words and their Polish equivalents, by inserting the number of the Polish word in the space
provided. (Dopasuj angielskie słowa do ich polskich odpowiedników, wpisując numer polskiego słowa w lukę.)
1. barcode
a) stanowisko kasowe
2. pattern
b) odejmować
3. stripe
c) pasek
4. bar
d) zapas towaru
5. digit
e) rejestrować
6. stand for
f) kod kreskowy
7. register
g) upamiętnić
8. manufacture
h) wzór
9. commemorate
i) cyfra
10. supplier
j) lada
11. reorder
k) produkować
12. checkout
l) powtórnie zamówić
13. counter
m) wyświetlacz
14. till
n) kreska
15. display
o) oznaczać, reprezentować
16. deduct
p) dostawca
17. stock
q) urządzenie kasowe
Numbers, measurements and shapes
Exercise 1
Put the names of the British measurements into the gaps. (Wstaw nazwy brytyjskich miar w luki)
1. ounce 2. gallon 3. inch 4. foot 5. stone 6. pound 7. acre 8. mile 9. pint 10. yard
a) 1 .................... = 2.54 centimetres
b) 1 .................... = 0.3048 metre
c) 1 .................... = 0.9144 metre
d) 1 .................... = 1609.35 metres
e) 1 .................... = 0.405 hectare
f) 1 .................... = 28.35 grams
g) 1 .................... = 0.454 kilogram
h) 1 .................... = 6.35 kilograms
i) 1 .................... = 0.568 litre
j) 1 .................... = 4.55 litres
Exercise 2
Put the following words into the sentences below. (Wstaw następujące słowa w luki w zdaniach)
1. area 2. capacity 3. distance 4. length 5. liquid 6. speed 7. weight 8. height
a) The .................. of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is about three hundred metres.
b) The .................. of the Charles Bridge in Prague is five hundred and sixteen metres.
c) The surface .................. of Lake Balaton in Hungary is five hundred and ninety three square kilometres.
d) The maximum .................. limit on expressways in Poland is one hundred and ten kilometres per hour.
e) The .................. of the bell in Dubrovnik's city tower is two thousand kilograms.
f) The .................. between Bratislava and Budapest is about two hundred kilometres.
g) A magnum champagne bottle can hold one point five litres of .................. .
h) The engine .................. of a Formula One car is about three thousand cubic centimetres.
Exercise 3
Choose the correct word equivalent of the number. (Wybierz prawidłowy odpowiednik słowny numeru.)
1. 12.11.2003.
a) the twelfth November two thousand and three
b) the twelfth of November two thousand and three
c) the twelfth of November twenty oh three
2. 3.66
a) three point sixty six
b) three point six and six
c) three point six six
3. 2,580
a) two thousand five hundred and eighty
b) two comma five eight zero
c) two thousand comma five hundred and eighty
4. ⅔
a) two third
b) two thirds
c) two of three
5. 5 m³
a) five metres to the power of three
b) five third metres
c) five cubic metres
6. £3.99
a) three pound ninety nine
b) three pounds ninety nine
c) three pound and ninety nine
7. 14°C
a) minus fourteen degrees Celsius
b) negative fourteen degrees Celsius
c) negative fourteen Celsius degrees
8. 6 x 7 = 42
a) six by seven equals forty two
b) six times seven equals forty two
c) six by seven is forty two
9. 3ft x 5ft
a) three foot by five foot
b) three feet times five feet
c) three feet by five feet
10. 2½
a) two and a half
b) two and one over two
c) two and half two
Exercise 4
Read the text and complete it with the numbers given. (Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij go podanymi liczbami.)
1. half 2. 5°C 3. 40°C 4. 88% 5. Hundreds 6. 200 7. 14,000 8. 1989 9. 4000 10. 5000m²
The Ice Hotel in Sweden is an interesting and cold place for a holiday. It started life as an igloo at an art
exhibition in (a) ................. . (b) ................. of people visited the exhibition and some even slept there, so the
builders decided to make it a hotel.
The Ice Hotel is open for less than (c) ................. of the year. Every May it melts and every November it is
rebuilt. It now measures (d) ................. and it needs (e) ................. tons of ice and 30,000 tons of snow to build
it. This actually means that it is more than (f) ................. snow.
The temperature inside the hotel is usually about (g) ................. . Outside the temperature can be much lower
even as low as (h) ................. . Last year more than (i) ................. visitors travelled (j) ................. km north of
the Arctic Circle to sleep in thermal sleeping bags. They got a cool reception.
Exercise 5
Put the following words into the sentences below. (Wstaw następujące słowa w luki w zdaniach.)
1. circle
2. lower
3. vertical
4. size 5. triangle 6. corner
7. square
8. upper
9. horizontal 10. shape 11. right angle
12. rectangle 13. angle
14. diagonal 15. centre 16. parallel
These two diagrams are of the same (a)............................... but of a different
(b)............................... .
This is a (c)............................... with the (d)............................... lines twice as long
as the (e)............................... ones.
This is a (f)............................... with a (g)............................... line going from the
(h)............................... to the top lefthand (i)............................... .
This is a (j)............................... . Each bottom (k)............................... is 45 .
The top one is a (l)............................... (90 ).
These two lines are (m)............................... to each other. The
(n)............................... line is longer than the (o)............................... one.
There is a (p)............................... between them.
Vocabulary revision Lesson 38
Match the English words and their Polish equivalents, by inserting the number of the Polish word in the space
provided. (Dopasuj angielskie słowa do ich polskich odpowiedników, wpisując numer polskiego słowa w lukę.)
1. opportunity ..........
a) zwolnić (pracownika)
2. divide
b) roczny
3. brief
c) odpady
4. annual
d) dzielić
5. turnover
e) usuwać
6. industry
f) okazja
7. launch
g) krótki
8. waste
h) obrót
9. research
i) nożyczki
10. scissors
j) badania
11. erase
k) przemysł
12. lay off
l) wypuścić na rynek
Vocabulary from lesson 39
angle – kąt
appear – pojawić się
bar – kostka
bar kreska
barcode – kod kreskowy
capacity – pojemność
checkout – stanowisko kasowe
circle – okrąg, koło
commemorate upamiętnić
cool – chłodny
corner róg
counter lada
cubic – sześćcienny
deduct odejmować
diagonal – przekątna
digit cyfra
display wyświetlacz
distance – odległość
equal – równa się
exhibition – wystawa
horizontal – poziomy
item – pozycja, rzecz
liquid – płyn
manufacture produkować
measure – mierzyć
melt – topić się
parallel – równoległy
pattern wzór
reception – przyjęcie
rectangle prostokąt
register rejestrować
reorder – zamawiać powtórnie
right angle kąt prosty
space – miejsce
square – kwadrat
stand for – oznaczać, reprezentować
stock – zapas towaru
stripe pasek
supplier dostawca
till – urządzenie kasowe
triangle – trójkąt
unique – wyjątkowy
vertical – pionowy
weight – ciężar
Answer key
Exercise 1
1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 b
Exercise 2
1 f 2 h 3 c 4 n 5 i 6 o 7 e 8 k 9 g 10 p 11 l 12 a 13 j 14 q 15 m 16 b 17 d
Exercise 1
a) 1 inch = 2.54 centimetres
b) 1 foot = 0.3048 metre
c) 1 yard = 0.9144 metre
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