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Dark Heresy Apocrypha: D ARK H ERESY T IMELINE
By Alan Bligh
Dark Heresy Apocrypha is an irregular series of articles and optional game rules for the Dark Heresy Roleplay Game. The Apocrypha contains all manner of exciting
things such as rules additions, new types of character and different ways of constructing groups of Acolytes, as well as ideas for running particular types of game.
Such knowledge however, comes with a warning—it is anticipated that some Apocrypha will have substantial implications for your games of Dark Heresy if you
choose to use them. The Apocrypha are subject change and sit slightly outside of the purity of Dark Heresy’s core rules. For those of you who have steeled your soul
and crave forbidden knowledge you read at you own risk! Enjoy.
—The Curators of the Dark Heresy Oubliette of Knowledge.
Note that this timeline is by no means complete or exhaustive and offers only a snapshot of the unfolding history of the Calixis Sector, as it might be made
known to the Acolytes of the Inquisition. Much of the true nature of events, as well as whole occurrences of dire import themselves remain hidden. A few
major events found within the wider sweep of the Imperium’s history have also been included to establish context.
The Haarlock Charter : The granting of the Haarlock Great Charter by Sebastian Thor to the Free Captain Mordercai Haarlock for his
service against the apostate fleets of the Frateris Templar.
The Great Voyage: Solomon Haarlock’s fleet undertakes a perilous thirteen-year voyage and charts a volume of space beyond the
Imperium’s borders he dubs the “Calyx Expanse” finding several xenos domains, substantial mineral resources, several stable warp
channels and scattered human populated worlds of unknown providence. He also notes several worlds that he deems to mark out the
territory, of a long dead greater civilisation, aeons old, and names their former realms a “Chalice of Great and Ancient Wickedness”. He
notes the area for its entry in the Cartographia Universalis as rich in “Souls, Plunder, Wealth and Things Best Left Undisturbed”, and a
region that could be added to the Imperium but only purchased with a “ Great Effusion of Blood.”
The World of Sinophia Founded: As the Granted Personal Fiefdom of the Rogue Trader Teresa Sinos at the end of her voyages. The
planet is situated beyond the edge of the Scarus Sector and rapidly becomes a staging post for expeditions into the Calyx Expanse
and the Halo Stars.
The Age of Plunder: The stories brought back from the Calyx Expanse of wealth, xenos artefacts and life sustaining worlds draw
numerous Free Captains, Rogue Traders and renegades to the region from across the Scarus and Ixaniad Sectors. Darker tales
surface as well of inhuman empires, horrific xenos “Mind Eaters”, warp worshiping savages who were once men, the dark perils of the
limitless “Abyss of Ha’az’Roth” and of a baleful black star that presages disaster. But enough plunder flows to keep a steady stream of
adventurers, rogues and Explorators entering the expanse, many never return.
Mid. M38
The Meratis Settlement: Isolationist voider families fleeing persecution in the dynastic wars of the Ixaniad Sector settle the Meratis
Cluster in the stellar dead zone between the abyss and their former home. In time their numbers are swollen by human renegades,
outlaws and worse, forming the Meratech Clans.
The Angevin Crusade Begins: Preator Golgenna Angevin, a powerful noble from the Terran Court is raised to the rank of Lord Militant
and granted a writ from the High Lords to persecute a crusade to liberate and dominate the area of space designated as the Calyx
Expanse. His crusade forces drawn principally from the Segmentum Solar numbering over seventeen million levied troops divided into
four battle groups and a strategic reserve, re-enforced by elements of the Legios Venator and Magna, as well as the Black Templars,
Tigers Argent, Sons of Medusa and Charnel Guard Chapters of Adeptus Astartes and a significant naval deployment from the
battlefleets Solar and Obscurus. While a score of Rogue Trader and Explorator fleets range ahead of the main forces identifying
targets and providing active reconnaissance in this dangerous region of space. Swelling the forces already vast ranks are tens of
thousands of “pauper warriors” whipped up into a frenzy of holy zeal by the Ecclesiarchy and the passing of the crusade fleets and
innumerable petty hangers-on, opportunists and logistical transports, with supply trains leading back whole sectors away from the
font. Using the well established frontier world of Sinophia as its forward staging post and marker, the crusade’s main thrust in
launched like an armoured fist into the heart of the Calyx Expanse across the Periphery in a two pronged assault into the regions
heading towards two prominent systems where Rogue Traders have long established pro-Imperial human contact; Malfi and Solomon.
The Reaping of the Emperor’s Wrath: Having strongly established and fortified two salients of conquered territory into the Calyx
Expanse, with their domains now anchored on the worlds of Solomon and Malfi, as well as defeated three minor xenos empires and
innumerable other non-compliant forces in the prior twenty years of fighting, the Crusade pauses for fortification and entrenchment of
its gains before the next stage of conquests begins. The crusade is then granted a fresh influx of troops by the High Lords in
recognition of its success (and the wealth already pouring from their conquests), in order to press on. Seizing the moment, the
Crusade forces carry out the greatest single sweep of conquests of the conflict as the two-pronged assault from the salient arms
sweep together conquering as many worlds in the apace of four years as had been taken in the proceeding two decades, forming the
territory later known as the Golgenna Reach it what becomes known to the chroniclers as the “Reaping of the Emperor’s Wrath.” Of the
many famous victories of this campaign, one of the most lauded belongs too the young general Drusus, who took the war-world of
Iocanthos in single week, overthrowing a great and baleful tyranny there, while perhaps the most infamous is the Exterminatus of the
world of Amun’an Morrus, whose once-human machine population is judged to tainted to exist. Such horrors are attested to on this
world that after its destruction its former location is stricken from all records, only to live on as a dark legend.
The Golgenna Consolidation: With the first and second great phases of its vast operation complete,(and partly owing to battle fatigue
after thirty years of Crusade), Angevin’s forces consolidated their hold of what was more than two hundred captured worlds, and
shepherded the arrival of the a first wave of Imperial colonisation to the areas they controlled. During this period of relative peace,
several notable regiments who had earned great glory in the wars (such as the Brontine Centurions) were given rights of settlement to
their own worlds, while several attached forces (such as the Astartes) rotated out of Crusade service.
The Crusade Second Front is Opened: The Crusade’s third great push begins with freshly raised army group gathered from the core
worlds of the Segmentum Obscurus, under the command of High Admiral Vaakkon, opening a second front. Invading from the Calyx
expanse’s Coreward, with the goal of linking up with Angevin’s own forces who advance from Golgenna to meet them. This phase of
the campaign proves disastrous, as worsening warp conditions and a series of calamities and reversals beset the conflict, and when
the fleets finally meet in 363.M39 at Orendal the Imperial losses of the last four years nearly equal that of the first two decades of the
Crusade. Angevin commands the world of Orendal to be transformed in a shrine to honour the fallen dead and retreats, some say a
man broken in will and purpose, to the interior of Golgenna Reach, devolving command of his armies to his senior generals and
admirals with mixed success, as with no clear line of authority factionalism and bitter rivalries start to appear in their ranks.
The Bleak Years: With the Crusade’s forward impetus stalled, its domains begin to come under repeated and sustained attack from
without, weathering the storms of an Ork Waagh, and the privations of xenos corsairs and raiders whose assaults claims the lives of
millions. Signs and opens are everywhere; a burning black fire is seen in the skies of Lossal prime days before all contact with the
thriving colony world is lost, the wreckage of an entire overdue re-enforcement battle group out of Akurion is discovered by piquet
ships operating on the fringes of the Ha’az’Roth region and plagues decimate the worlds of the Malfian Holdfast. Rebellions and cult
activity rises to threaten what were thought to be stable worlds and assassins claim the life of Arch-Confessor Melcher El, the
Crusade’s spiritual leader. Worsening rivalry between the generals and Imperial Commanders break out into petty conflicts, betrayals
and wave of outright distrust allows matters to deteriorate further. For the first time the Crusade’s gains begin to be lost, and the
Imperial forces are stretched increasingly thin in their defence of the new realm, and morale problems and discord grow in the ranks.
Only the fleets of the Rogue Traders Sibylline Haarlock and Ludd Sabrehagen providing rapid transport and redeployment for the
brilliant and daring counter attacks of General Drusus’s army group against the warp-worshiping xenos race known as the Yu’vath and
their debased human allies prevent the entire Malfian region from collapsing and leaving the Crusade’s conquests wide open for
assault. Drusus is widely acclaimed as a saviour but many power figures view him as a dangerous warmonger and would-be usurper.
The Transfiguration of Drusus: According to some sources, betrayed by agents of his rivals among Angevin’s generals, Drusus is
attacked by a deadly assassin while rallying his depleted forces on Maccabeus Quintus and is seemingly slain, before rising again - an
event many see as a true miracle and a clear mark of the Emperor’s favour. The Drusine Imperial Cult begins to flourish in his
shadow, already revering him as a living saint, while shadowy agencies, some say belonging to the Ordo Malleus of the Inquisition also
bring new aid to his forces in the persecution of the Yu’vath and their allies (which include traitors within the Imperial’s own ranks).
Almost by sheer force of personality and by independently rallying much of the Crusade’s forces to his own banner with tacit backing
from the wider Imperial powers, (including the involvement of a sizable force from the Iron Hands Astartes Chapter). So empowered,
Drusus forces the Angevin Crusade’s beginning the third and final great phase of conquests destroying the powers that controlled
much of what would later be known as the Drusus marches in his honour, laying waste to as many worlds as he dominated.
The Great Founding: Mass colonial expeditions from the overpopulated worlds of the distant Segmentum Solar, and from nearer a-
field in the troubled Mandragora and Gehenna Sectors arrive within the fledgling Calixis Sector, creating a great influx of population to
the region.
The Death of Angevin : Golgenna Angevin dies at his palace on Quaddis, the official judgement is natural causes, with rumours
accounting his decline in health to advanced old age and a surfeit of fine living, darker stories persist of the Officio Assassinorum’s
hand in matters as punishment for his latter failings. Drusus is named Lord Militant by wide acclaim in his stead (with both
Departmento Munitorium and Inquisition backing) and as soon as a state period of mourning for the late Angevin is over, immediately
sets to re-forging the regions military forces for a final counter attack into the regions of the Adrantis Nebula and remaining
strongholds of the Yu’vath Hell Worlds.
The Grant of The Lathes: In recognition of their invaluable assistance and heavy losses in the purging of the taint of the Adrantians, as
well as their service to the Crusade in decades past, Drusus grants the Lathe system to be the sole domain of the Adeptus Mechanicus
in perpetuity, and ratifies their claims to several other worlds and rights of free and unchecked passage through the stars the Crusade
has conquered. By this act, the lords of Mars were bound in strength both to the fledgling sector and to his own banner.
The Angevin Crusade officially Ends in the Birth of the Calixis Sector: With the final defeat of the xenos Yu’vath and the Bale Childer,
and the Exterminatus of their homeworlds, the final serious organised resistance to Imperial Rule in the Calyx Expanse ends and
Drusus declares the Crusade to be complete. Drusus installed with full rights and title by the Equerry Primaris of the High Lords of
Terra as the first Lord Sector Calixis to much acclaim. Among his first acts are the confirming the world of Scintilla as his capital, the
ratification of the great trade charters to the mercantile shipmasters and rising commercial powers that had maintained the Crusade,
binding the sector’s life blood of trade and creating what would become the great Chartist families and first great houses. His other
achievements include the creation of the sectors great legal code, the Corpus Presidium Calixis and the instillation of a Calixian Holy
Synod at Tarsus on Scintilla. Full effective pacification of the sector will however consume much blood and material of the Imperial
war machine for a further three centuries to come.
The Death of Drusus: The first and greatest Lord Sector dies and is succeeded by Marshal Corin Shultus, his former aide-de-camp
and distant kinsmen to the late Angevin. The final resting pace of Drusus’s mortal remains is kept a secret, although rumours
circulate that he was taken back to Maccabeus Quintus to be interred at the site of his first “ death”. Mass lamentation and unrest
accompany the news of his passing and the entire sector undergoes a seven-year cycle of mourning.
The Beatification of Saint Drusus: After nearly a century of deliberation the General Synod of Holy terra confirms sainthood on
Drusus, whose cult and dogma had already flourished within the Calixis sector to become a dominating factor in the local Imperial
The War of Hubris: The independent world of Sinophia fights a covert trade war with the burgeoning commercial powers of the Calixis
Sector and is laid low. As a result in the years that follow, much of its population is repatriated to the sector itself, its hives emptying
and Sinophia, now retains but a shadow of its former prominence and grandeur, nominally passing under the writ of the Lord sector
Calixis, and condemned to long, slow economic starvation.
The Threefold Curse: Two heavily defended Battlefleet Calixis watch-stations and a sizable capital ship taskforce, lead by the grand
cruiser Fire of Heaven, are destroyed by unknown assailants within a year in the outer reaches of the Hazeroth abyss, forcing an
retrenchment, effectively shrinking the border of the sector and ending further military expansion in the region. The only clue to the
cause is found carved on a bulkhead in the hulk of sentry-17, which reads, “The worms that walk have come for us all”.
The White Sorrows: Eldar corsairs, later known as the Cabal of the White Sorrow, plague the area of space known as the Periphery
with a devastating series of raids. The corsairs are shattered and their threat ended at last when confronted and brought to battle by a
force consisting of Battlefleet Calixis, Explorator and Rogue Trader forces (aided it is rumoured by unknown xenos forces) under the
overall command of the Rogue Trader Kobras Aquairre. The battle turns when Aquairre’s flagship, The Son of Seth, successfully rams
and boards the corsair flagship Altar of Torment , Kobras himself slaying the enemy’s Butcher Archon in single combat.
Tanis is Lost: The thriving hive world of Tanis and its surrounding system, which had been an outer bulwark of the Calixis Sector’s
power in the Hazeroth region, is visited by a unexplained phenomena in the shape of a baleful black “Tyrant Star” that presages
destruction, madness and death. Within a period of weeks, the Tanis System is ravaged, resulting in over two billion dead or missing.
Survivors are only found on the agri-moon of St. Astrid’s Fall, which itself is badly ravaged. The “Tanis incident” is covered up with full
Inquisitorial authority and declared a forbidden subject on pain of death. Civil data is adjusted accordingly so that Tanis never existed
in the public record. This event, taken with a long and erratic slew of other dark mysteries and a rising weight of deadly prophesy,
leads to the formation of the current incarnation of the Tyrantine Cabal to investigate the matter and take whatever action is necessary
to combat what was now classified as the phenomena of the Hereticus Tenebrae.
The War of Brass: The hive worlds of the Gelmiro Cluster fall into sedition, following the charismatic leadership of a figure calling
himself the “Emperor of Brass” , debasing themselves into the worship of the Ruinous Powers. Heavily militarised, the renegades quickly
sponsor and arm rebel groups on nearby worlds and when counter-attacked, reveal the hand of dark forces from the Eye of Terror in
their ranks. The so-called “War of Brass” that followed was comparably brief but bloody, involving forces drawn from across the sector,
and the involvement of the Adeptus Astartes and the titans of Legio Venator, it rendered the once thriving worlds of Gelmiro blasted,
rubble strewn rocks. Classified as war worlds and the haunt of murderous scav-mutants, renegades and wreakers ever since, while the
reign of the Emperor of Brass is long over, the system is still a shunned no-man’s land to this day.
Mara Colonised: The ancient, frozen world of Mara in the Hazeroth Abyss is colonised, miners explore the worlds icy depths for rare
and unique trace elements.
The Birth of Ateanism: The arch-heretic Julius Ateanos “accidentally” creates the Eris Transform , a heresy that will claim thousands of
souls and lives down the years that follow.
The Dark Heresy: The Propheticum Hereticus Tenebrae ; being a compilation of many sources, case studies and prognostications is
compiled into a single archive of dark lore by the Tyrantine Cabal and housed in the depths of the Bastion Serpentis, (although
rumours abound that is merely a version of some much earlier work of unknown origin). Its implications trouble the sleep of many
great minds.
Mara Isolated: All contact with the colony on Mara is lost amid warp disturbances troubling the area. Later contact finds no trace of
the former inhabitants.
The Meritech Wars: The clans of the Merates Cluster secede from the Imperium, rallying many renegade factions to their cause,
raiding deep into the sector and causing widespread disruption and anarchy. The wars, at their height, pose the greatest threat to the
sector’s stability in generations and even threatens to provoke internecine conflict with the bordering Ixaniad Sector. Thanks to the
rise in power of Myram Harvala as sector governor, the Meritech clans are crushed and the worlds of the cluster are scoured clean of
life. In the aftermath, the tech-heretic conspiracy of the Logicians is proved to have been behind the war.
The Seventeen Holy Martyrs: A small force of Adeptus Sororitas die to a woman defending the agri-colony of Gallowglass in the Malfi
system from a cult of decay, slaying an incarnate daemon of great power in the process. A permanent shrine is raised to their honour
in memoriam of this great deed.
Tyrant Star Appears: The Asteroth Mining Colony in the Drusus Marches falls to heretical rebellion and waves of mass suicides
following a visitation by the Tyrant Star. The colony is effectively destroyed, survivors flee to the nearby Locura system where they sow
discord and unrest before a joint Inquisitorial and Adeptus Arbites purge of the refugees.
The First Siege of Vaxanide: The Vaxanide system is besieged by an Ork raider fleet, the Ork forces also make planet fall to assault its
hive cities but are swiftly repulsed. The Orks are eventually driven off by the Battlefleet Calixis, one sizable splinter force landing on
the world of Ganf Magna.
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