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The Inconnu
The Inconnu
By Daniel Harms
Contributions, revisions and updates by Luís Rodrigues and Rodrigo O. Perez.
The following is a document I wrote with regard
to the Inconnu. Within it, I’ve tried to incorporate
whatever I could find within the World of Darkness
books I have on the subject. If anything herein runs
counter to World of Darkness canon, it’s because I
didn’t see the source or found other sources with
conflicting information (this especially applies to
“The rumours our younger ones start! Well, I
can hardly leave you ignorant on such an important
point of our history...”
Since that night, I’ve cross-referenced what
Ryan told me with what little else is known about
the Inconnu. For the most part, it seems to go along
with what little I have been able to find out about
them, but I leave it to the reader to judge the
information given (and since he was Baali, any
tidbits you could pass on would be appreciated).
The Inconnu, as they were called later, were
originally a coalition of Ventrue, Lasombra, and
Malkavians, and a few True Brujah, who controlled
various factions among the Romans. Though
spending a good deal of their time squabbling with
one another, they were able to present a united front
for long enough to maintain their position of power.
With the secret aid of these generals and statesmen
with their millennia of experience, Rome was able
to obtain unquestioned dominance of the
One of the most important acts undertaken by
the Inconnu was the destruction of the Brujah
centre of Carthage following the Third Punic War.
Though it was hinted within the Inconnu that the
Brujah had dabbled with infernal matters and
Carthage should be destroyed to be purified, the
logic behind it was probably more economic than
anything else. Whatever the cause, the city’s
destruction led to centuries of strife between the
Brujah and the Inconnu nonetheless. After the
Punic Wars, the Toreadors began to move to Rome
in force, and many of them joined the Inconnu.
It was not until the first century AD that the
Inconnu began to have true dissension within its
ranks. The exact events are lost to history, but some
time after the reign of Caesar Augustus the
Toreador, along with a few Malkavian allies,
wrested control of the Empire from the Ventrue.
The coalition who gained power lasted for quite
some time, and was able to perform such coups as
conquering the Tzimisce-controlled region of Dacia
A few weeks before his untimely departure at
the hand of a deranged holy man, I was speaking
with Ryan Copeland, Baali of the Southeast Cabal.
Midnight was rapidly approaching, and we had
spent most of the evening discussing various
matters relating to vampiric history and traditions.
The subject had moved to Mithraism, the Roman
mystery religion based around a Ventrue elder who
later became prince of London.
“He’s been missing since the Blitz, but I
wouldn’t write him off entirely,” Ryan was saying.
“After all, he was a member of the Inconnu before
they were the Inconnu.”
“But why would a member of the Inconnu be
allowed to become prince?” My attention had
begun to wander, and I was trying to keep awake.
“Well, he split from the group when their
mission changed just after the Anarch Revolt. I take
it you haven’t heard that much about it?”
“No one seems to want to talk about them. I’ve
read the ‘Vlad Tepes’ document where the Inconnu
are only elders hiding from their childer and each
“Ah yes. You know, some believe that your
friend Sarkov might have been responsible for that.
A source of useful information, but rather
inaccurate on that point.”
I almost asked about Sarkov, but decided to
continue. “And there are some Kindred I’ve talked
to who say that the Inconnu are actually the guiding
forces behind the Jyhad and the servants of the
to the north. The long-term conflict that resulted
from this would eventually lead to the fall of the
Roman Empire to Alaric and other barbarians led
by the Ventrue and the Tzimisce. After Rome’s
destruction, the Ventrue reformed the group, but the
Toreador held a grudge against their returning lords
and deserted them.
During the Dark Ages, the former Roman
backers fell back, trying to engineer another
centralized imperial government such as they had
enjoyed in Italy. They backed various individuals,
including the French Merovingian line, but it was in
the Roman Catholic Church that they found the
closest parallel to their former glory. Their aims
were often frustrated, however, as various
manipulators worked behind the scenes on plans
that often conflicted with those of others. So
confusing did the newer Kindred find this, and so
little was known of these secret powers, that the
term “Ignoti”, meaning “The Unknown” (but also
implying “Ignoble”), first came to describe them.
Those within the group, however, often referred to
themselves as “The Order”.
It has been said elsewhere that the shock of
Saulot’s diablerie was the force that drove the
Inconnu together. This is only partly true. Saulot’s
death did come as a great blow to the order, and the
group did become more centralized after his death.
This was mainly the result of anti-Tremere
sentiment among the group, however. Efforts were
made to damage the Tremere’s standing, but the
Inconnu were hampered by Clan Tzimisce’s
decision to exclude them from their homeland
where the battle was raging, as well as a faction
within their own group that held that Saulot’s death
was in fact planned by the Healer and therefore
should not be avenged. For the most part, though,
the Inconnu were too busy within their home
provinces to cause the Tremere much trouble at the
What truly brought the Inconnu into their
present form and purpose was the Anarch Revolt,
along with the diablerie of Cappadocius. The elders
who survived saw that their attempts to gain more
power for themselves had in the end resulted in
chaos and destruction. Diablerie, which had
previously been a rare occurrence, suddenly
became an omnipresent threat. The group had
become more and more disenchanted with pursuit
of material matters, and more interested in higher
truths. Even the more pragmatic considered a
withdrawal from the Jyhad wise, if only as a way to
preserve their own existences.
The rise of Augustus Giovanni was also a
matter of great concern. They, like the Tremere,
attempted to destroy the clan of the Founder they
killed. The Tremere, however, set out to do this by
discrediting and demonising their foes in a
propaganda campaign that lasted centuries. The
Giovanni had not gained the same connections
within the Kindred community, so were instead
forced to hunt down the Cappadocians themselves.
To do so, they made use of a special ritual that
allowed them to detect Kindred of the Clan from a
great distance. It was this innovation that led them
to perform the ritual at Hunedoara Castle which
shielded it from all intrusion.
The newly formed Council of Twelve sent the
word out through the world about the sect’s new
policies. Many of its former members, among them
Mithras, Prince of London, were unwilling to give
up their temporal power and involvement in
Kindred affairs, but at the same time the new
message had appeal to some in the Brujah and
Toreador communities. Over time, more of the
Ancients who had grown tired of the Jyhad were
won over, until the Inconnu reached the strength
that it now possesses.
No one can join the Inconnu by asking; when
the time comes, the Inconnu will contact the
individual and extend an invitation. To be accepted,
a candidate must have a true desire to exempt
himself or herself from the Jyhad, as well as the
wisdom and the power to make the separation and
to avoid further manipulation by one’s fellows.
The closeness of the vampire to Caine is one of
the major qualifications for the order. The applicant
must be sixth generation or higher to join. If
diablerie was used to gain the rank, the members
will consider the number of years ago the act was
committed and the motivation behind it; a few
“youthful indiscretions” might be tolerated, while a
more recent act will probably not be (performing
diablerie just to gain entrance to the Inconnu is
considered particularly bad form.) Though age is an
important factor (the potential member must be at
least three hundred years old), closeness to Caine is
These rules, however, are relaxed for those who
have attained Golconda. Such Kindred are
considered to have the requisite maturity and
potential, and indeed are regarded with deep respect
by other Inconnu. Usually a quester will come into
contact with a member of the Inconnu during their
search, and the organization will keep tabs on them
afterward. All who complete their Suspire
successfully are invited to join. Ryan later told me
that exceptions have been made for those who reach
Golconda through the Path of Power and the Inner
Voice, though the individual is always evaluated
beforehand. Those who fail in their quest, however,
will never receive an invitation.
There is one other possible group that can enter
the Inconnu — those who have chosen at the apex
of their Suspire to become human rather than reach
Golconda. According to legend, such individuals
have been allowed into the Inconnu when they have
appeared, but currently there are no known human
members of the group. There probably never were
any such members, Ryan asserted. Golconda, to his
understanding, was an acceptance of one’s nature,
and anyone who wanted to become human at the
end of the quest had failed already. Still, it could be
asked how much a Baali knows of Golconda
No matter how the person becomes a member,
she will be met in private by two or three Inconnu
who will extend an invitation. If refused, the
Inconnu will continue to evaluate them and may
once again extend membership within a century or
two. If they agree, they are accepted as a member.
To truly become a member in good standing,
however, they must travel to Hunedoara Castle and
take a solemn oath before the Council of Twelve to
give up all roles in the Jyhad and leave behind all
other sect or clan loyalties, as well as any boons
owed or given to vampires outside the organization.
The clan leaders will break any Blood Bonds placed
upon the individual, then place a magical mark
upon them that will provide them with immunity
from the fear and forgetfulness which Hunedoara
Castle causes.
Though exemp tion from the Jyhad in itself
might be seen as benefit enough, the association of
elder Cainites within the order is also an important
factor. Though no member of the Order is bound to
come to the assistance of another save under the
direct order of the Council of Twelve (which is
very rarely given), friendship between members of
the Inconnu is often strong enough that informal
pacts of mutual protection come into being. In
addition, those in the Order are more than willing to
trade each other information, or even tutor others in
disciplines, if given sufficient incentive.
One other convenient aspect of the Inconnu is
its remission of its member’s prestation. All bonds
made before joining to anyone outside the Inconnu
are considered null and void, and anyone called
upon to fulfil them may claim exemption with little,
if any, loss of Status. The Order does tend to avoid
potential members who have a good number of
debts, however.
There are very few rules by which a member of
the Inconnu is exp ected to abide, and even fewer
that are enforced. Members of the Order must
remain apart from the Jyhad; this is the most
important of all of the group’s rules. Even contact
with one’s non-Inconnu childer should be kept brief
and impartial.
The Inconnu is also dedicated to the
preservation of the vampiric species. This does not
mean, however, that an Inconnu member cannot
destroy vampires in self-defence — or truly, for any
other reason. The Council is likely to give the
individual the benefit of the doubt in these cases, so
long as no Jyhad-based motivation can be found.
Killing another Inconnu, however, is treated with
the highest degree of severity, the offender usually
being hunted down and killed.
Leaving the Inconnu
A person can leave the Order by either
requesting dismissal or being expelled by the
Council of Twelve. For the most part, however, the
Inconnu interferes little in its members’ lives, so a
Cainite can remain aloof for centuries and still be
considered a member. The only possible reasons for
expulsion are continued interference in outside
affairs, or if the Council judges that the Kindred’s
continued presence would irreparably damage the
organization or its members.
Council of Twelve
The Council consists of Cret, the Monitor of the
Tremere, along with eleven of the most experienced
Kindred within the Order. Councillors remain in
their position until their deaths or resignations. New
members are not elected, but chosen from a list
drawn up by the Council. Age is an important
factor, but the Councillors also look for a person
who will complement their own abilities. Such a
position is rarely sought; many members have
turned down invitations to join the Council to
pursue their own goals.
The Council’s duties, at the present time,
include collecting and correlating Monitor reports,
dispensing justice, and aiding the Tremere Monitor
in his duties. The Council could serve in a great
number of capacities if needed, but prefers to keep
their present, somewhat weak role. They realize
that the Council’s greatest power is its ability to
rally the strong-willed and recalcitrant elders, and
that any attempt to centralize the group’s authority
would alienate many powerful members.
One position often volunteered for is that of
Monitor of a given city, state, or region containing
fifty or more Kindred. Those outside the Inconnu
often think of such a person as a nearly omnipotent
individual, whose spies are everywhere. This is
true, in a few cases, but the style of each Monitor
varies widely, with many taking little or no interest
in their areas. It is possible, in fact, for the
territories of two Monitors to overlap considerably.
For the most part, these people keep their presence
secret, though a few announce themselves openly or
even re-enter Kindred society under an assumed
identity. The latter are themselves closely observed
by the Council to watch for “lapses.”
The duty of the Monitors is simple: report any
unusual activity to the Council. This is generally
taken to mean the appearance of new bloodlines,
major supernatural incursions, and drastic power
shifts within the Kindred community, but the exact
definition of “unusual activity” is largely left up to
the Monitor in question. Failure to notice or report a
major occurrence, however, may result in some
unpleasantness from the Council.
A lesser-known fact is that the Inconnu also
maintains Monitors for the various clans whose
duty is to study their history, politics, rumours, and
so forth. For the most part, these Monitors are
mostly scholarly members of the clan in question.
For the Tremere, the Setites, and the Giovanni, the
situation is much different. Cret, the charismatic
Ventrue who sits on the Council of Twelve, has
taken up a post of Monitor of the Tremere, and
other Councillors often aid him in his duties. The
Monitors of the Giovanni and the Setites are less
valued though nonetheless important posts. The
Council has debated whether the irregularities
displayed by the Samedi bloodline warrant the
appointing of their own Monitor, though the matter
has remained inconclusive.
Ryan claimed that no Monitor of the Baali
existed, but I think that this had more to do with his
own failure to spot any such individual than
anything else.
The Inconnu, like any organization, has often
been split among its members. It differs from other
associations, however, in that it is so diverse and
decentralized that such differences cause no
schisms, merely opportunities for lively debate and]
discussion. These factions come and go, depending
on their pertinence to the situations at hand.
There are two groups, however, that have
survived the centuries and who still pursue their
separate agendas into the present age. The first are
often grouped under the label “The Seekers”. This
faction sees the pursuit of Golconda as the highest
task to which a Kindred may aspire. Those who
have already attained Golconda, or who do not
spend all their time in pursuit of that state, take it
upon themselves to find those not in the Inconnu
who seek it and help them upon their way. For the
Seekers, the true fulfilment of the Kindred species
will come when each member learns to accept his
or her true nature.
On the other side of the question are the
“Purifiers”. Despite its title’s sinister overtones, the
members of this group are quite benign in their
pursuits. Usually more rational in methods than
their competitors, they believe that through science
and magic, the Kindred can overcome their
limitations while maintaining their unique nature.
Centuries ago, the two factions were relatively
equal in number. Since the Age of Enlightenment,
the Purifiers have grown in number, and in fact
most of the Councillors now rank among them.
Suppression is not in the nature of the Inconnu,
however, so it is unlikely that any action will be
taken against the Seekers.
Only the Council of Twelve knows the complete
list of members of the Order. If a member wants to
be put in touch with another member, it is
customary to ask the Council, though others may
also direct them to the desired person.
Few Assamites have joined, and none of these is
less than fifteen centuries old. All are heretics
despised by the clan.
The memory of Carthage is still strong for many
in this clan, but many of those Sired after the city’s
defeat have chosen to join the sect nonetheless,
drawn by its emphasis on freedom.
It is believed that the Giovanni destroyed all the
Cappadocians. However, if any did survive, the
Inconnu might be the best place for them to hide.
Followers of Set
Two or three renegades who have (supposedly)
given up the ways of their founder have been
inducted — though not without some reservations.
With their love of the wilderness and aloofness
from Kindred society, the Gangrel are closest to the
Inconnu spirit, and appear in greater numbers than
any other clan.
It is possible that the first gargoyle has been
inducted into the Inconnu, but if so no lower-level
members have seen him for many years.
Only a few of this reclusive bloodline have
joined the Inconnu.
Following the destruction of their clan founder,
many Lasombra felt the need to re-evaluate their
priorities. Many of the “Old Guard” Lasombra
joined the Inconnu, and a good number of these still
follow the Path of Heaven.
would meet the requirements posed by the sect at
any rate. At least one Tzimisce member, Vlad
Tepes, is known.
It is difficult for most Ventrue to give up the
idea of acquiring power over others, but a
surprising number have nonetheless become
The Malkavians fit into the Inconnu with the
same ease (?) that they do within the Camarilla or
the Sabbat.
The Inconnu includes a wide variety of paths,
with Humanity and the Via Bestiae being especially
popular. Also common are the Paths of Harmony,
Honourable Accord, Scorched Heart, and (in more
recent years) Self-Focus. They tend to frown upon
the Path of Caine and its forerunner, the Via
Sanguinus , since they condone diablerie. Those
known to be of the Paths of Typhon or Evil
Revelations are never asked to join, as they would
have a disruptive influence on the rest of the
Few of these Kindred meet the generation
requirement for the Inconnu, so only one or two at
most have joined.
Both Nosferatu and Nictuku are welcomed
within the Inconnu, though they are expected to
give up their feuding upon induction.
Old Clan Tzimisce
Just as with their Lasombra brethren, the
Anarch Revolt caused many of these individuals to
re-examine their priorities. Many of them have
joined the organization, unsatisfied with living with
their masters under the Oradea League.
Though the description of Hunedoara Castle in
the World of Darkness book is accurate for the most
part, a few notes regarding its history should be
made. First of all, Vlad’s raid on the Turkish
garrison at Hunedoara never happened — at least,
not at Hunedoara. The incident described occurred
at Giurgiu, halfway across the country and on the
Turkish border. Secondly, the timeline in the article
seems flawed, as the diablerie of Saulot occurs at
the same time as the Anarch Revolt. For the
purposes of this article, I’ve taken the time closer to
Vlad the Impaler and used Cappadocius’ diablerie
as the reason for the group’s final change in policy.
All Salubri who succeed in their quests for
Golconda are allowed into the group, though their
stay there is usually cut short when their Childer
diablerise them. If the Storyteller rules that any
higher-generation Salubri still exist, they will most
likely belong here (and will be regarded with some
awe by most of the rank-and-file).
Toreado r
Not as many Toreador have returned to the
Inconnu as that group might have liked, but more
and more of this Clan are finding Kindred politics
to be a distraction to their art and see joining the
group as the only way to gain true freedom.
Predictably, few Poseurs have joined the group.
The Catacombs
Before the Council cast its spell over Hunedoara
Castle, the Inconnu usually had met within the
catacombs beneath the old Roman cities, such as
Paris and Constantinople (the organization was
forced to desert its former haunts beneath Venice
due to flooding and the presence of the Giovanni,
though the Monitor of the Giovanni is said to keep
his residence in one of the remaining tunnels). The
Roman catacombs still remain the most popular
place for meetings due to the low Kindred
population and a cordial agreement with the local
True Brujah
A good number from this bloodline who are not
affiliated with the Black Hand are instead members
of the Inconnu. Such members have, of course,
given up on their feud with the childer of Troile —
or so they say.
As stated in the World of Darkness book,
Geneva serves as an unofficial meeting place for
those Inconnu unwilling or unable to make the trek
Very few of these have joined the Inconnu, as
the Old Clan lobbies against their presence, and few
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