Gas and Oil Boiler advice Doc L Advice 2005.pdf

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Boiler/new text
Gas and oil central-heating boilers
Advice to householders
From 1 April 2005, we
are raising the energy
performance standard
for new and replacement
gas-fired hot-water
central-heating boilers.
From that date, in normal
circumstances when
you plan to install a new
boiler or replace an
existing one, you will need
a condensing boiler to
meet the higher standards
for energy efficiency.
Why is this change being made?
You have probably heard about
climate change caused by the
increasing amounts of carbon dioxide
being released into the atmosphere.
Around 16% of the carbon dioxide
that the UK produces comes from
the gas and oil boilers that we use
to heat our homes. We are raising
performance standards because
condensing boilers are more efficient,
just as reliable, less costly to run and
they produce less carbon dioxide.
What is a condensing boiler?
Condensing boilers are more efficient
than ordinary boilers and so produce
less carbon dioxide while still meeting
heating needs. They reduce the amount
of heat that escapes up the flue,
compared with ordinary boilers.
Condensing boilers convert 86% or
more of the fuel they use into useful
heat and many carry the ‘Energy
Efficiency Recommended’ logo. Older
types of ordinary boilers may convert as
little as 60% of the fuel to useful heat.
Similar standards applying
to oil-fired hot-water
central-heating boilers
will come into effect on
1 April 2007.
Do I have to change my
boiler now?
No. The new standards apply only if
you decide to change your existing
hot-water central-heating boiler or if you
decide to change to one of these boilers
from another form of heating system.
Are condensing boilers more
expensive than normal boilers?
They may be more expensive to
install, but you will:
save money on your heating bills; and
help to tackle climate change.
Do I have to have a
condensing boiler?
No. You should have a condensing boiler
fitted if it is reasonable to do so, but the
law recognises that non-condensing
boilers are acceptable if it would be
too difficult to install a condensing
boiler in your home. Your installer will
tell you whether your circumstances
are too difficult.
For oil-fired boilers, you can
employ an OFTEC-registered installer,
or some other reputable installer who
is capable of installing condensing
boilers. OFTEC is the Oil Firing
Technical Association and their
members are approved to certify that
their work meets building regulations.
If you employ an installer who is not
registered with OFTEC, you will need
to tell your local authority’s building
control department before the
installation work starts.
How will installers decide
whether my circumstances
are too difficult?
They will use the assessment
procedure given in the Building
Regulations Approved Document L1,
which you can see in libraries or on
our website (
If I need a new boiler, what
should I do?
Choose a qualified central-heating
installer who understands the new
standards and can advise you on the
type of boiler you should have fitted.
What if I have already ordered
a non-condensing gas boiler
before 1 April 2005?
You will still be able to have it
installed as long as installation is
completed by 30 June 2005.
How do I know if my
installer is capable of fitting
condensing boilers?
In all cases, check that your installer
has recent qualifications in energy
efficiency. If your installer is CORGI or
OFTEC registered, those organisations
can confirm this. If not, you will need
to ask your installer if they hold a
Certificate in Energy Efficiency for
Domestic Heating or an equivalent
Choosing an installer
For gas-fired boilers, the installers
you employ must be CORGI registered
as a safety requirement, and they
should also be capable of installing
condensing boilers. (CORGI is the
Council for Registered Gas Installers.)
Declaration form
If your installer advises you that it would be unreasonable to install a
condensing boiler in your home, they should give you a declaration form
for you to keep. CORGI installers will issue these forms from 1 April 2005.
OFTEC installers will also issue them, even though oil-fired boilers do not
have to meet the new energy-efficiency standards until 1 April 2007.
Completion certificates
If your boiler is installed by a CORGI-registered or OFTEC-registered
installer, you will get a building regulations compliance certificate from
OFTEC after the work has been completed (to show that the work meets
building regulations standards). CORGI or OFTEC will also tell the local
authority that you have had a new or replacement boiler fitted.
If your boiler is being installed by someone who is not registered with
OFTEC, you will need to tell the local authority before the work starts.
The local authority is then responsible for checking that the work has
been carried out to the necessary standards. If it has been, the local
authority will give you a completion certificate.
You should keep these certificates as you may need them when you sell
your home.
Where can I find out more?
The Heating & Hotwater
Information Council
For general information about
central heating.
The Energy Saving Trust
0845 727 7200
For more information on
energy efficiency.
Your local authority’s building
control department.
Our website
0870 401 2300
For general information
about gas safety and to find
a local registered installer.
0845 658 5080
For information about oil
products and to find a local
registered installer.
Boiler-efficiency database
For a detailed database of
boilers on sale in the UK.
Published by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. ©Crown copyright 2005. Printed in the UK, April 2005
on material containing 75% post-consumer waste and 25% ECF pulp. Product code: 04BD03012
For more information, visit our website:
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