Let It Loose.rtf

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Gloria Estefan & The Miami Sound Machine (Let It Loose)


Let It Loose is the 10th studio album released by Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine released in 1987. The album was titled Anything for You in Europe with a different cover design. (Wiki)



Gloria Estefan & The Miami Sound Machine:


Let It Loose


01 - Betcha Say That

02 - Let It Loose

03 - Can't Stay Away From You

04 - Give It Up

05 - Surrender

06 - Rhythm Is Gonna Get You

07 - Love Toy

08 - I Want You So Bad

09 - 1-2-3

10 - Anything For You



Total Mp3 Play Time - 00h:38m:09s


Total File Size - 94mb (Including Mp3s, Art Covers & WorDoc)


Total Bit Size - 320kbps


Music File Type - Nero Powerpack Lame Mp3 Format


Music video Format - N / A


Scanned Artwork - Yes


Original CD Rip - Yes - Inert01


Original Uploader - Yes - Inert01


Upload Speed - 33-35KB/s


Music Genre - Pop


Originally Released 1 June 1987


Record Company - Epic Records



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