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While EAÓs Madden franchise has taken the NFL license and run
with it, 2k Sports was left to deal with the vacuum their competitionÓs
exclusivity left. In the end, there appeared to be very little left, at
least until the idea was sprung on someone that using ex-NFL
players would be an interesting route to take. And so All-Pro
Football 2k8 was born, a game with a whole slew of ex-NFL all-
stars. By creating your own team with these players under the
moniker of fictional team names in a completely farcical league full
of outrageous stadiums and interesting home city choices, you can
play an NFL-style season full of some of the best football players in
football history without being tied to the so-called NFL form.
Some may consider this a positive, and others a negative.
Regardless, All-Pro Football 2k8 offers a lot of that Madden simply
doesnÓt, and thatÓs why weÓre here at IGN Guides - to help you out.
The Football 101, Offense and Defense sections of the guide cover
the essentials of American football (also known as real football),
while the Choosing Your Team section will run down the unique
statistics in the game, how to choose your own teams, and even our
own choice for the perfect team.
In this All-Pro Football 2k8 strategy guide, you'll find:
BASICS // All things elementary.
FOOTBALL 101 // Keys to help you understand the game of football.
OFFENSE // A novice's guide to offense.
DEFENSE // Fundamentals to stopping the pass and run.
CHOOSING YOUR TEAM // The meat of the guide - how to choose the perfect team.
Guide by: Colin Moriarty
¨ 2007, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part,
without IGNÓs express permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.
All rights reserved.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Even without the NFL license, All-Pro Football 2k8 proves to be an intensely detailed and stimulating football experience
that essentially mimics NFL rules. For more information on the game of football itself, you should refer to the Football
101 section of this very guide. For information and tips on picking your team, you should check out the Choosing Your
Team section of the guide. Otherwise, read on for information on how to navigate your way through the game with ease.
Quick Game
After choosing your team or loading one youÓve already created (both of which are covered in the aforementioned
Choosing Your Team section of this guide), youÓll be greeted with the Quick Game option. Generally, this is the option
youÓll use most often if youÓre trying out a new roster, want to play a (wait for it) quick game, or want to play against a
friend. Remember that if playing outside of a league, the makeup of opposing teams will generally be randomized. YouÓll
face some strong teams, some weak teams, and some standard teams. League play, since the teams will be more
ultimately determined, will have a more concrete roster makeup from team to team.
Remember that, if you so choose, you can alter the variables of a quick game, including the stadium played in, the
difficulty of the CPU (if youÓre playing a one player game), the length of a quarter, the time of day, and the weather.
Definitely explore these options since they will make the game more interesting.
By choosing this option, you open yourself up to many more options that you can deal with. The Teams option allows
you to create a new team (probably some of the most fun you can have in the game), as well as manage created teams,
and view the rosters of created teams and default squads alike. Since the team names and makeups are made up and
completely randomized, itÓs best to view your competition first hand when you can, to see what the CPU has created for
you and the teams surrounding you.
While in the Teams section, you can also create brand new players to your liking, and edit any players youÓve already
created. Player Abilities, which we cover in-depth in the Choosing Your Team section of the guide, can also be viewed
here. Remember that each position has specific Player Abilities that you should explore, as some are definitely more
useful than others.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Part of the fun of playing any sports game, especially when youÓre by your lonesome, is playing through a season. In the
fictional world of All-Pro Football 2k8, the seasons are made up of fictional teams playing other fictional teams with
rosters that are a hodgepodge of real ex-NFL all-star talent and fictional characters that will make up the rest of your
squad. You can save multiple seasons playing as multiple teams at once so you can try out different stuff with different
teams, or start a new season at any time, all via this menu option.
If you want to practice your skills, then you neednÓt look any further than the Practice option, which will allow you to try
out a plethora of plays and skills in order to get comfortable with the gameÓs feel and control scheme, which are in many
ways a complete contrast to the Madden feel and scheme that many gamers will otherwise be comfortable with during
2kÓs football hiatus.
This section, not surprisingly, allows you to control the game options. This includes things like quarter length, play
calling, game speed and things of that nature (so you can make your games as NFL-like or non-NFL-like as you want).
This also includes other options such as CPU difficulty and presentations, as well as what penalties will and wonÓt be
called, and yes indeed, control options as well. The latter is especially important to explore to make your controller as
comfortable as you can make it for your style of play. Your button preferences are key to in-game playability!
If you want to see all of the cool extras 2k has put into the game for you, then the Features section is the place to go.
You can listen to all in-game music, watch some videos, check out the trophies youÓve won, and more. The coolest part
of this section, however, is by far the Celebration Maker. In the real NFL, excessive celebration is frowned upon. But in
the fictional world of All-Pro Football 2k8, excessive celebration is applauded and encouraged. Why not check out what
special celebrations you can put together to really rub it in to the other team?
Xbox Live
Of course, no sports game in the nextgen would be complete without the option to play online, and by selecting the Xbox
Live option, you can do just that.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Football 101
Welcome to the "Football 101" part of the guide. This section of the guide covers the basic aspects of the game of
football itself, in case you may find yourself lost or confused on certain aspects of playing the game. Most All-Pro
Football 2k8 players can skip this part; this is simply a refresher course for those unfamiliar with the game of football, or
who have been away from it for a while. Hey, we can't all know everything!
One of the most confusing parts of the game of football is learning all of the positions on both the offensive and
defensive sides of the ball, and knowing exactly what that person does. Below is a grid of the offensive and defensive
(and the often-overlooked special teams) positions and a brief overview of what each position does/is expected to do.
Please Note: The position explanations are brief. They are simply to give you an idea of what each player generally
does. It is by no means a complete, in-depth positional reference.
Position Name Explanation
C (Center) Hikes the ball to the quarterback on each play, blocks defensive linemen, opens up
holes for the running game, ensures against blitzes and pass blocking.
FB (Full Back) A running back (RB) who is used primarily to block for the half back, and is also used to
sometimes run the ball.
HB (Half Back) A running back (RB) who is used primarily for running plays, though he can also block.
LG (Left Guard) An offensive lineman to the left of the center who blocks, creates holes, and ensures
against the pass block and blitz when applicable.
LT (Left Tackle) An offensive lineman on the left side of the line who is more mobile than a guard.
Blocks, but has more movement.
QB (Quarterback) The "captain" of all offensive plays. Hands off the ball, throws the ball, runs the ball...
everything is done through him.
RG (Right Guard) An offensive lineman to the right of the center who blocks, creates holes, and ensures
against the pass block and blitz when applicable.
RT (Right Tackle) An offensive lineman on the right side of the line who is more mobile than a guard.
Blocks, but has more movement.
TE (Tight End) A versatile player who can catch passes, block
WR (Wide Receiver)
Wide receivers (of varying varieties) are the primary receivers of thrown balls by the
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Position Name Explanation
FS (Free Safety)
A pass defense specialist who is versatile enough that he can be used against the run
as necessary.
LCB (Left
Speedy runners who keep up with the wide receiver's motions and spoil any pass
attempts to the man they cover.
LDE (Left Defensive
A more mobile version of the defensive tackle who blocks passes, closes holes, and
blitzes. Also a more eligible tackler.
LDT (Left Defensive
Does battle with the offensive lineman, tries to get to the quarterback, close holes, and
block passes, amongst other things.
MLB (Middle
The most versatile "tight end-like" player who sits amid the weakside and strongside
and is effective against the run and the pass.
RCB (Right
Speedy runners who keep up with the wide receiver's motions and spoil any pass
attempts to the man they cover.
RDE (Right
Defensive End)
A more mobile version of the defensive tackle who blocks passes, closes holes, and
blitzes. Also a more eligible tackler.
RDT (Right
Defensive Tackle)
Does battle with the offensive lineman, tries to get to the quarterback, close holes, and
block passes, amongst other things.
SLB (Strongside
Versatile, defensive version of the tight end who plays defensive roles in both the run
and pass defense.
SS (Strong Safety)
A run defense specialist who is versatile enough that he can be used against the pass
as necessary.
WLB (Weakside
Versatile, defensive version of the tight end who plays defensive roles in both the run
and pass defense.
Special Teams
Position Name Explanation
K (Kicker)
Responsible for extra point and field goal attempts, as well as kickoffs.
P (Punter)
Responsible for all punting.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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