The Word of God in English - Criteria for Excellence in Bible Translation.pdf

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The Word of God in English: Criteria for Excellence in Bible Translation
“Gripping! I could not put it down! It is also most disturbing, for Ryken
argues that most modern Bible translations sell their readers short. They
are not exact enough, and their style is not right for reading aloud or
memorization. Everyone considering the choice of a Bible translation for
use in private study or public worship should read this book. It will help
you distinguish the wheat from the chaff.”
G ORDON W ENHAM , Professor of Old Testament
University of Gloucestershire, UK
“What is at stake here is huge! Our children and grandchildren will rise
up and call Dr. Ryken blessed, if his words (!) will be read and heeded
by this generation. How odd to live in a time when biblical scholars
labor over the very words of Scripture (in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek)
to understand Scripture’s meaning, and at the same time many of the
same biblical scholars endorse a translation theory of the Bible in which
the ‘ideas’ or ‘concepts’ of Scripture are used for translating Scripture’s
meaning in another language. Ryken’s Word of God in English demon-
strates clearly and forcefully that the widespread practice of ‘dynamic
equivalence’ in translation takes us away from the path of careful, accu-
rate, faithful rendering of the very words of God for English readers.”
B RUCE A. W ARE , Senior Associate Dean
School of Theology
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
“A masterful and convincing argument for literal, that is to say, trans-
parent translation of the Holy Scriptures.”
D R . J. I. P ACKER , Professor of Theology
Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.
“Brilliantly convincing! This book stands alone on the subject of English
Bible translation. Dropped into the muddy water of English versions,
this tablet brings instant clarity, revealing how anything other than a lit-
eral translation undermines the Word of God. That serious charge is
carefully established and proven page after page. May our Lord give Dr.
Ryken a loud voice, so as to rescue many from versions that diminish
the glory of divine revelation by being more concerned with the human
reader than the divine author.”
Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA
“This is a very important book. The persistent, detonating logic of Lee
Ryken’s pen will educate and convince any fair-minded person that the
primary Bible for study and preaching must be an essentially literal
D R . R. K ENT H UGHES , Pastor
College Church, Wheaton, IL
“Ryken’s winsome and unanswerable arguments are the best I have ever
read. He carries the day for the ‘essentially literal’ method for transla-
tion of God’s Word in English.”
D R . N EIL N IELSON , President
Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, GA
“Not all Bible translations are the same, and they are not all equally
excellent! In a courageous book that challenges much modern thinking,
Professor Ryken draws on decades of experience in teaching literature
to college students to show that many modern English translations fail
to meet accepted standards of excellence in accuracy, faithfulness to the
words of the author, clarity, vividness, concreteness, preservation of
metaphor, preservation of ambiguity, preservation of verbal intercon-
nections, respect for the principles of poetry, theological precision, reten-
tion of the world of the biblical text, retention of multi-layered meaning,
respect for the abilities of the reader, effective rhythm, and beauty of
“Ryken gives us reason for deep concern about the present ‘destabi-
lized’ text of English Bibles, in which nobody in a Bible study can be sure
what a verse says because many modern translations have failed to
translate the author’s very words and have given us instead their own
varied and often watered-down interpretations of the author’s thoughts.
Ryken calls for a return to the historic principles used by the ‘essentially
literal’ translations that may vary slightly in wording but preserve sub-
stantial agreement on the meanings of most of the words.
“I predict that after you read this book your eyes and ears will be
opened to read and hear every translation of the Bible with a level of
insight and understanding that you never had before.”
D R . W AYNE G RUDEM , Research Professor of Bible
and Theology, Phoenix Seminary, Scottsdale, AZ
“I highly recommend this book. It is my hope that it will convince many
that there is scarcely any greater need in the church today than for an
essentially literal translation.”
G. I. W ILLIAMSON , New Horizons Magazine
“An important book—one for which many have long waited. Ryken’s
central thesis . . . is ably and repeatedly defended, cutting through the
fog generated by debates over contemporary Bible translation philoso-
phy. His chapters on ‘Common Fallacies of Translation’ are worth the
price of the book on their own.”
D R . W. B INGHAM H UNTER , Pastor of Adult Ministries
Harvest Bible Chapel, Rolling Meadows, IL
“An ideal guide to choosing a translation of the Word that transcends
trendy words. In the process, he implicitly indicts those who settle for less.”
D R . M ARVIN O LASKY , Editor-in-Chief, World Magazine
“The best single-volume survey of these critical issues, offering a per-
spective that is both unique and invaluable. I found it so interesting I
could not stop reading it.”
R EV . P AUL T. M C C AIN , Interim President
Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO
“A sensible and crucial call to count on and relish a Bible translation that
stays as close as possible to the original words God inspired. How
refreshing to hear this new voice in the translation debate—from a dis-
tinguished professor of English literature who is a lover of words and of
the inspired words of Scripture.”
Writer and Bible Study Teacher
“. . . my most important read of the century—or, for that matter, of the
millennium. . . . [Ryken’s book] may do more to change how you view
the Bible (and how you read it) than any book, preacher, professor, or
other influence you have ever had. . . . Leland Ryken devastates the
dynamic-equivalent position. Systematically, comprehensively, repeti-
tively, he argues in such convincing fashion that I predict you will never
again be satisfied with a translation of the Bible that is even mildly
‘dynamic.’ . . . It will increase your wonder for the very words God has
used. It will draw you into closer personal fellowship with God Himself.”
J OEL B ELZ , Chairman, World Magazine
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