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Series Editor
David J. Chalmers, Australian National University
The Conscious Mind
In Search of a Fundamental Theory
David J. Chalmers
A Place for Consciousness
Probing the Deep Structure
of the Natural World
Gregg Rosenberg
Deconstructing the Mind
Stephen P. Stich
Three Faces of Desire
Timothy Schroder
The Human Animal
Personal Identity without
Eric T. Olson
Gut Reactions
A Perceptual Theory of Emotion
Jesse J. Prinz
Minds and Bodies
Philosophers and Their Ideas
Colin McGinn
Ignorance and Imagination
On the Epistemic Origin of the Problem
of Consciousness
Daniel Stoljar
What’s Within?
Nativism Reconsidered
Fiona Cowie
Simulating Minds
The Philosophy, Psychology,
and Neuroscience of Mindreading
Alvin I. Goldman
Dreaming Souls
Sleep, Dreams and the Evolution
of the Conscious Mind
Owen Flanagan
Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal
New Essays on Consciousness and
Edited by Torin Alter and Sven Walter
Purple Haze
The Puzzle of Consciousness
Joseph Levine
Beyond Reduction
Philosophy of Mind and Post-reductionist
Philosophy of Science
Steven Horst
Consciousness and Cognition
A Unifi ed Account
Michael Thau
Thinking without Words
José Luis Bermúdez
What Are We?
A Study in Personal Ontology
Eric T. Olson
Identifying the Mind
Selected Papers of U. T. Place
Edited by George Graham
and Elizabeth R. Valentine
Supersizing the Mind
Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive
Andy Clark
Supersizing the Mind
Embodiment, Action,
and Cognitive Extension
Andy Clark
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Copyright © 2008 by Oxford University Press, Inc.
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The appendix fi rst appeared as “The Extended Mind”
(with David Chalmers) in ANALYSIS 58: 1 (1998): pp. 7–19.
Thanks to the editors and the publishers for permission
to use this material here.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Clark, Andy, 1957–
Supersizing the mind : embodiment, action, and cognitive
extension / Andy Clark.
p. cm. — (Philosophy of mind)
ISBN 978-0-19-533321-3
1. Philosophy of mind. 2. Mind and body.
3. Distributed cognition. I. Title.
BD418.3.C532 2008
9 87654321
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper
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