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Brain, Mind, and the Signifying Body
Open Linguistics Series
Series Editor
Robin Fawcett, University of Wales, Cardiff
This series is 'open' in two senses. First, it provides a forum for works associated with any school
of linguistics or with none. Most practising linguists have long since outgrown the unhealthy
assumption that theorizing about language should be left to those working in the generativist-
formalist paradigm. Today large and increasing numbers of scholars are seeking to understand
the nature oflanguage by exploring one or other of various cognitive models oflanguage, or in
terms of the communicative use of language, or both. This series is playing a valuable part in re-
establishing the traditional 'openness' of the study of language. The series includes many
studies that are in, or on the borders of, various functional theories oflanguage, and especially
(because it has been the most widely used of these) Systemic Functional Linguistics. The
general trend of the series has been towards a functional view of language, but this simply
reflects the works that have been offered to date. The series continues to be open to all
approaches, including works in the generativist-formalist tradition.
The second way in which the series is 'open' is that it encourages studies that open out 'core'
linguistics in various ways: to encompass discourse and the description of natural texts; to
explore the relationships between linguistics and its neighbouring disciplines - psychology,
sociology, philosophy, cultural and literary studies - and to apply it in fields such as education,
language pathology and law.
Recent titles in this series
Analysing Academic Writing, Paul]. Thibault
Classroom Discourse Analysis, Frances Christie
ConstruingExperience through Meaning: A Language-based Approach to Cognition, M. A. K. Halliday
and Christian M. I. M. Matthiessen
Culturally Speaking: Managing Rapport through Talk across Cultures, Helen Spencer-Oatey (ed.)
Development of Language, Geoff Williams and Annabelie Lukin (eds)
Educating Eve: The 'Language Instinct' Debate, Geoffrey Sampson
EmpiricalLinguistics, Geoffrey Sampson
Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School; Frances Christie and J. R. Martin
The Intonation Systems of English, Paul Tench
Language, Education and Discourse, Joseph A. Foley (ed.)
Language Policy in Britain and France: The Processes of Policy, Dermis Ager
Language Relations across Bering Strait: Reappraising the Archaeological and Linguistic Evidence,
Michael Fortescue
Learning throughLanguage in Early Childhood, Clare Painter
Multimodal Discourse Analysis, Kay L. O'Halloran (ed.)
Pedagogy and the Shaping of Consciousness: Linguistic and Social Processes, Frances Christie (ed.)
Register Analysis: Theory and Practice, Mohsen Ghadessy (ed.)
Relations and Functions within and around Language, Peter H. Fries, Michael Cummings, David
Lockwood and William Spruiell (eds)
Researching Language in Schools and Communities: Functional Linguistic Persepctives, Len Unsworth
SummaryJustice: JudgesAddress Juries, Paul Robertshaw
Syntactic Analysis and Description: A Constructional Approach, David G. Lockwood
ThematicDevelopments in English Texts, Mohsen Ghadessy (ed.)
Ways of Saying: Ways of Meaning. Selected Papers of Ruqaiya Hasan, Carmen Cloran, David Butt and
Geoffrey Williams (eds)
Words, Meaning and Vocabulary: An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology, HowardJackson and
Etienne Ze Arnvela
Workingwith Discourse: Meaning beyond the Clause, J. R. Martin and David Rose
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Brain, Mind, and the
Signifying Body
An Ecosocial Semiotic Theory
Paul J. Thibault
with a foreword by
M. A. K. Halliday
The Tower Building, 11 York Road, London SEl 7NX
15 East 26th Street, New York NY 10010
© Paul J. ThibauIt 2004
Foreword © M. A. K Halliday 2004
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system,
without prior permission in writing from the publishers.
First published 2004
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 0-8264-6965-5 (hardback)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Typeset by Kenneth Burnley in Wirral, Cheshire
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wilts
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