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Adaptation and Stress: Animal State of Being
Stanley E. Curtis
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A.
threat or actual shift in some internal or external feature, it
reacts to preempt or counteract that change. It attempts to
keep an internal steady state, and thereby to survive and
thrive. The essence of an animal’s homeokinetic mech-
anisms is similar to that of a home’s simple thermostat: a
negative-feedback control loop.
Sound animal husbandry depends on application of
scientific knowledge of many aspects of the biology of
the animals we keep. Environmental aspects of animal
care are based on application of principles of animal
ecology in design, operation, troubleshooting, and cor-
recting deficiencies. They are crucial to both economical
animal production and responsible animal stewardship.
An environmental adaptation refers to any behavioral,
functional, immune, or structural trait that favors an
animal’s fitness its ability to survive and reproduce
under given (especially adverse) conditions. When an
animal successfully keeps or regains control of its bodily
integrity and psychic stability, it is said to have coped.
A given stimulus complex provokes different responses
by different animals, and even by the same animal from
time to time. Tactics vary. Its response depends on the
individual’s inherent adaptability, accumulated life expe-
riences, current adaptation status, and current ability to
muster extraordinary responses.
Any environment has factors that threaten to overwhelm
its inhabitants. Animals are driven to adapt to their
environments, and thereby remain fit. Adaptation is an
animal’s adjustment to its environment, especially a
nonideal one, so its life and species can continue.
Realistic Expectations
Animals sometimes fail to adapt; they experience stresses
of various kinds. So they may feel well, fair, or ill
(described later). We should expect an animal to
experience well-being mostly, fair-being sometimes, ill-
being once in a while. When an animal shows signs of
failing to adapt, correcting the problem may not be easy.
Failure to Adapt
Stress occurs when the stimulation an animal is ex-
periencing goes beyond that individual’s ability to adapt.
Environmental stress may ensue when the environ-
ment changes, adaptation status changes, or an animal
is moved to another environment. When an animal
has coped, its response is an adaptive response. But
there always are limits to adaptability. When attempts
to adapt fail, the response is a stress response, the stimu-
lus a stressor.
Failure to adapt stress has negative consequences
for animal state of being. Understanding untoward
consequences of such breakdowns for bodily integrity is
relatively clear-cut. But psychic disturbance or collapse
is often not even recognized. It is now believed that
humans can survive stress only to the extent we can cope
Animal Responses
An animal’s environment consists of a complex of
elements, each of which varies over time, across space,
in intensity. Most combine in additive fashion as they
affect an animal.
Internal steady state
An animal normally maintains steady states over time in
the various aspects of its internal environment. This
mechanism homeokinesis is the general basis of
environmental adaptation. When an animal perceives a
Encyclopedia of Animal Science
DOI: 10.1081/E EAS 120019427
Copyright D 2005 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All rights reserved.
Adaptation and Stress: Animal State of Being
psychologically. Likewise, Ian J. H. Duncan [1] thinks that
animal state of being has to do with animal feelings.
Measuring Impacts
Impacts of environmental impingements are estimated
by measuring their effects on the animal. The same
environment that would quickly chill to death a newborn
piglet might be well-tolerated by the sow. Differences in
thermal adaptabilities of the two put the same environ-
ment in the piglet’s cold zone, the sow’s neutral zone.
The numerous possible strategies and tactics for counter-
acting stimuli an animal usually has at its disposal imbue
flexibility and power to the animal’s adaptive responses
when it faces an adverse environment. But when an
animal responds to environmental stimuli, it is not
necessarily under stress or distress. Responding to stimuli
is a normal biological feat routinely carried out by every
normal, unstressed creature that lives. Typical scenarios of
environmental stimuli and animal responses run a wide
gamut. Modified versions of nine schemes created by
Donald M. Broom and Kenneth G. Johnson [2]
Tolerance Limits, Collapse, and Death
An animal ordinarily is confronted by more than one
stimulus at a time. Stimuli also impinge sequentially.
Animals in practical settings generally need to cope with
multiple stimuli.
A range of tolerance sets limits for an environmental
factors within which an animal can readily cope, thrive,
reproduce, survive i.e., experience wellness. Outside
this range are the upper and lower ranges of resistance. If
an animal resides long enough outside its tolerance range,
it eventually will die due to environmental stress.
1. In the face of stimuli, internal steady state is main-
tained with ordinary basal responses. State of being is
very well.
2. Complete adaptation achieved with minor extraordi-
nary response. Stimuli provoke adaptation. Fitness
and performance may be briefly compromised, but
wellness promptly returns.
3. Sometimes, animal response to stimuli over time is
neither extraordinary nor adequate. For so long as the
impingement continues, fitness and performance may
be reduced minor stress and fairness ensue but
after that, wellness returns.
4. Stimuli elicit some minor extraordinary response, but
over time this is inadequate for complete adaptation.
Both fitness and performance decrease awhile (fair-
ness), after which wellness returns. Stress is present at
scheme 4 and above.
5. An animal’s extraordinary response over a long period
achieves only incomplete adaptation. Although fitness
remains relatively high, performance is reduced. The
animal experiences overall fair-being.
6. To completely adapt, an animal sometimes must
mount an extreme response. During adaptation and
recovery periods, fitness and performance decline.
The animal is only fair.
7. Despite some extraordinary response to stimuli,
complete adaptation is not achieved long term. Fit-
ness and performance decline; the animal becomes
8. In some cases, an extreme response does not result in
complete adaptation even long term reducing the
ill animal’s fitness and performance.
9. An environmental stimulus may be so enormous and
swift that the animal succumbs before it can respond.
Kinds of Stress Response
There are four kinds of stress response. Some reduce an
animal’s state of being; others enhance it. Understress
occurs in simple environments that lack certain features
(social companions, play items) (stimulus underload).
Sometimes animals give behavioral signs of understress
(lethargy; exaggerated, repetitive activity apparently
devoid of purpose (stereotypy); some other disturbed
behavior). Eustress (good stress): situations of extraordi-
nary responses, but which the animal finds tolerable or
even enjoyable. Overstress: environmental situations that
provoke minor stress responses. Distress (bad stress):
circumstances that provoke major stress responses.
Judging from signs of negative emotions (anxiety, fear,
frustration, pain), distress causes an animal to suffer, but
to what extent is not yet known.
An animal’s state of being is determined by any response
the environment requires and the extent to which the
animal is coping. When readily adapting, the animal is
well. When having some difficulty, it is fair. When frankly
unable to cope, it is ill. In reality, environments that make
animals ill are not uncommon. But it is our moral
responsibility to minimize such occasions and correct
them to the extent possible.
Adaptation and Stress: Animal State of Being
Scientific Assessment
mal’s top priorities. Other performance processes may not
be critical to an individual’s survival or reproduction, so
they are least protected and least spared.
When an animal responds to any stimulus, its main-
tenance needs invariably increase. Resource expenditures
in support of maintenance processes increase progressive-
ly along with stress intensity, so the animal’s potential
performance capabilities progressively decrease.
Our understanding of an animal’s state of being depends
on generally accepted observations, scientific laws and
theories, and unique individual experiences. In 1983,
Marian Stamp Dawkins and Ian J. H. Duncan believed that
the terms ‘‘well-being’’ and ‘‘suffering’’ would be very
difficult to define. [3] That remains the case two decades
later. Until more is known, it is unlikely that kept
animals will enjoy more of the objectively defined well-
being for which we all should hope. Following are some
questions to be asked in assessing animal state of
being. [4]
How Animal Responses Affect Performance
Is the animal
Environmental stimuli provoke an animal to respond,
which in turn can influence performance processes in five
ways. [5]
. Having its actual needs met, achieving internal
integrity and psychic stability, coping, adapting?
. Showing frank signs of sickness, injury, trauma,
emotional disturbance?
. As free of suffering as possible, experiencing mostly
neutral and positive emotional states?
. To some extent able to control its environment, predict
it, live harmoniously in it?
. Performing growing, reproducing, lactating, compet-
ing, working at a high level?
. Showing signs of imminent illness or being in a vul-
nerable state?
1. Alter internal functions. As an unintentional conse-
quence, certain stress hormones secreted as part of
long-term adaptive or stress responses can reduce a
foal’s growth rate.
2. Divert nutrients from other maintenance processes
and performance. A nursling piglet that increases
metabolic rate simply to keep its body warm in a
chilly environment will have fewer nutrients left for
disease resistance and growth.
3. Directly reduce animal productivity. Thermoregulatory
responses to hot environments sometimes include
reducing internal heat production. Eggs laid by heat-
stressed hens weigh less than normal, due partly to
decreased feed intake, partly to a homeokinetic re-
duction in egg synthesis (which gives off heat).
4. Impair disease resistance. As a consequence, e.g.,
individual feedlot cattle under social stress due to
aggressive group mates are more likely to become
infected and diseased.
5. Increase variation in animal performance. Individual
animals differ in responses to stimuli and therefore
in performance even when residing in the same ad-
verse environment. Stress increases individual varia-
tion in performance.
Animal Needs
When an animal actually needs something it does not
have, it is experiencing a deficiency. At any moment, an
animal has specific needs based on its heredity; life
experiences; bodily, psychic, and environmental condi-
tions. Given its needs at a given point, then, the biological,
chemical, and physical elements of its environment
determine whether those needs are being fulfilled.
Functional Priorities Under Stress
A performing animal is one that is producing some
product, progeny, or work or performing some activity
useful to humans. The rate of performance of a
constitutionally fit animal usually is the best single
indicator of that animal’s state of being. [5] When its
performance wanes, the animal probably is not as well is it
could be.
When bodily resources become limiting as often
happens during stress some processes must be down-
played so others more vital at the moment can ascend. The
goals of individual survival (maintenance) and species
perpetuation (reproduction) in that order are an ani-
Other Considerations
Other environmental aspects of animal care include the
concepts of optimal stimulation, enrichment, predictabil-
ity, controllability, frustration, and helplessness. [6]
Foundations of success in environmental aspects of
animal care are the fundamental principles of animal
Adaptation and Stress: Animal State of Being
ecology and their application. Every situation is complex
and unique. There are no general recipes in these mat-
ters. The fundamental principles have been set forth here.
3. Duncan, I.J.H.; Dawkins, M.S. The Problem of Assessing
‘‘Well Being’’ and ‘‘Suffering’’ in Farm Animals. In
Indicators Relevant to Farm Animal Welfare; Smidt, D.,
Ed.; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Boston, 1983.
4. CAST. The Well being of Agricultural Animals; Curtis,
S.E., Ed.; Council on Agricultural Science and Technol
ogy: Ames, IA, 1997.
5. Curtis, S.E.; Widowski, T.M.; Johnson, R.W.; Dahl, G.E.;
McFarlane, J.M. Environmental Aspects of Animal Care;
Blackwell Publishing Professional: Ames, IA, 2005.
6. The Biology of Animal Stress: Basic Principles and
Implications for Animal Welfare; Moberg, G.P., Mench,
J.A., Eds.; CABI Publishers: New York, 2000.
1. Duncan, I.J.H. Feelings of Animals. In Encyclopedia of
Animal Rights and Animal Welfare; Bekoff, M., Meaney,
C.A., Eds.; Greenwood Press: Westport, CT, 1998.
2. Broom, D.M.; Johnson, K.G. Stress and Animal Welfare;
Kluwer Academic Publishing: Amsterdam, 1993.
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