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Books by Karla Turner
Books by Karla Turner
Masquerade of Angels
TAKEN: Inside The Alien-Human Abduction Agenda
Karla Turner, Ph.D.
Ted Rice
Foreword by Barbara Bartholic
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First published 1994 ©Karla Turner 1994
Foreword v
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without prior permission of KELT
Introduction vii
Part One: The Siege 1
First Edition, First Printing, November 1994
Printed in the United States of America
Part Two: The Child 41
Part Three: The Call 100
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 94-096491
ISBN 0-9640899-1-2
Part Four: The Maze 150
Part Five: The Light 19
Post Office Box 32, Roland, Arkansas 72135, USA
Midday sun through the wall of glass illuminated my
office as I sat contemplating the beauty of autumn and the
willow branches softly skimming the pond, laden with ducks.
The harsh tone of the phone abruptly jolted me from my rev-
erie, but the voice on the other end was the welcome sound of
my colleague and confidant, Dr. Karla Turner. She began to
relate details regarding a man who consciously recalled a
group alien abduction encounter. Having documented a simi-
lar case in a rural area on the outskirts of Tulsa, I readily
agreed to help her research the case.
November third, two weeks after Dr. Turner’s initial call,
Ted Rice stepped over my threshold, and secure reality as we
once had both known it was never to be the same again.
At first glance you sense his intelligent, warm personal
demeanor. Shortly thereafter, I came to appreciate his infec-
tious style of humor that would leave a living room audience
begging for mercy during one of his numerous side-splitting
comedic routines. Paradoxically, the serious side of Ted Rice
reveals an extraordinary psychic, sensitive ability which
allows him to peer through the veiled, darkened corridors
into an alien netherworld.
Yes, we asked to see the truth, knowing ‘the truth would
set us free.’ Yet neither one of us was prepared for the discov-
eries about to be revealed. I have investigated hundreds of
abduction reports through the years, documenting evidence
that in most cases has been recovered only in partial, incom-
plete glimpses of the events. The memories of these events
are consistently blurred by strata of confusing and mislead-
ing screens which prevent the abductees from discovering the
actual nature of their encounters. And I have developed
methods that assist abductees to penetrate these screens.
Masquerade of Angels
Working with Ted to peel back the layers of deceptive
illusions and probe the depths of consciousness required long
hours of concentrated focus. The intense ordeal revealed a
man of tremendous courage, willing to trust, willing repeat-
edly to subject himself to the mental torture chamber in
which the truth became reality. And even when that reality
brought him close to an emotional crisis, Ted Rice persisted
through agonizing hours of tears and recollections as he
worked toward recovery and recognition. Through his
unceasing effort and determination, we have all gained a
greater understanding of this illusive alien relationship with
Destiny. Karma. God’s plan for your life.
Whatever you want to call it, there is a force at work—or
at large—in this world that can move us around like pieces
on a boardgame. Most of us go through life thinking that we
are in control of things, hardly aware of subtle touches from
fate’s hand. In the disguise of coincidence, it rarely reveals
itself. But in the lives of some people, these manipulations are
more direct, more blatant, and often more terrifying than our
worst nightmares.
As a researcher into a phenomenon of highest strange-
ness, the abduction of humans by non-human beings, I have
talked with many sane people whose experiences include
bizarre encounters with ‘alien’ entities performing physical
procedures on them and delivering messages of predictions,
warnings, and esoteric information. In most of these cases,
alien encounters seem to be rare intrusions into an otherwise
normal life.
But in the case of Ted Rice, a gifted psychic, the pattern of
planned manipulation in his life has been consistent. When I
began investigating his experiences, I had no reason to think
this case would be any different from hundreds of others.
Delving into his background, however, I soon discovered that
almost everything in his life had been shaped by an external
force. Where he lived, the people he met, the work he per-
formed, even the details of his dreams—all was directed
toward molding Ted into a very unique individual, possessed
of paranormal abilities, whose course through life has been
propelled by the most extraordinary events.
In the course of this investigation, Barbara Bartholic and I
interviewed almost thirty people who had first-hand knowl-
edge of Ted’s various experiences and who had in many
Barbara Bartholic
Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 1994
Masquerade of Angels
Masquerade of Angels
instances been personally involved in the events in this book.
Hypnotic regressions were performed with some of these
people, eliciting more information, and signed affidavits from
all of the principle characters are on file attesting to their per-
mission for the accounts presented here.
For purposes of confidentiality, however, many of the
names used in MASQUERADE OF ANGELS are pseudo-
nyms, and for purposes of simplicity, a few of the characters
are composite figures. But all of the incidents are presented
exactly as they occurred. My own involvement in Ted’s life
was an inevitable part of the investigative process, because
his experiences continued to occur in the course of our
research. In retelling his story, I have referred to myself as a
third-person participant, in order to keep the focus squarely
on Ted.
It is clear now that Ted Rice has been ‘designed.’ But by
whom, and for what purpose? The story of his life, unfolded
in the following pages, explores these questions. And because
that story involves both the realm of psychic, paranormal
activities and the realm of UFOs and alien abductions, it also
gives us new and disturbing insights into phenomena that
affect thousands of people around the world.
Although it may read like science fiction, Ted’s story is
true. His experiences occurred within a reality we all share,
and what we learn from this account may tell us more about
the hidden nature of that reality than we ever wanted to
Part One
The Seige
Ships dim-discovered dropping from the clouds.
James Thomson
It looked as if a night of dark intent Was
coming, and not only a night, an age.
Masquerade of Angels
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