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107 - Cosmetic Surgery
ESL Conversation
A: Did you hear that Christine is going in for a nose job ?
B: What? She doesn’t need plastic surgery . Why would she do that?
A: People have been telling her that her nose is too small. She wants to
make it bigger.
B: That’s ridiculous! Her nose is cute. How is she paying for it anyway?
There’s no way her insurance will cover this kind of unnecessary
cosmetic surgery .
A: She’s paying out of her own pocket . She’s been cutting back on a
lot of her other expenses for months in order to pay for this.
B: I sure hope it works out for her.
Phrases and Vocabulary used:
Nose job : A type of surgery on your nose to make it look better.
Plastic surgery: Surgery on a body part or skin to improve appearance or
working ability. People who experience really bad accidents often need
plastic surgery.
The scrapes on his face were really noticible after his car accident. Now
that he’s had plastic surgery, you can hardly notice them at all.
Cover : Here cover means to "pay for". We use this word when
discussing whether or not insurance will pay for something.
My insurance company told me that they will cover up to $10 000 of my
Cosmetic surgery : A type of surgery to improve appearance.
Cosmetic surgery is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Many people will
pay a lot of money to look better.
Paying out of her own pocket : If you pay "out of your own pocket" it
means you are paying the money yourself. No one else is paying for you.
I had to pay out of my own pocket for my surgery. My insurance
company said it was unneccesary and wouldn’t cover it.
Cutting back : Cutting back means using or doing less. We often "cut
back" on spending or "eating"
The government needs to cut back on their spending. They’ve been
spending more than they make for years.
You should cut back on calories if you are serious about losing weight.
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