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019 - Saturday Night Date | ESL Podcast
And: What are you smiling about?
Add: I’ve got a date Saturday night.
And: Who’s the lucky lady ?
Add: That chick I was talking to when we went bowling last week.
And: That’s awesome! She was really cute.
Add: I know. Hey, can I borrow your cell phone to call her?
And: Why don’t you just use yours?
Add: Because I’ve been calling her all day and she won’t pick up the
phone. She doesn’t know your phone number so she might pick up
if I use your phone
And: That’s ridiculous. Don’t be such a psycho . She’s going to
think you are a stalker .
Add: Ya, you’re right. Do you think I blew it already with the 3
And: Probably not. But definitely don’t call again until she calls
you. And no messages either. You don’t want to seem so needy .
Chicks don’t like that.
Add: I am being a psycho. Wow.
And: Forget about it. It’s easy to do. Just relax and try to play it
cool .
Key vocabulary and phrases that are discussed in the podcast:
Chick – Slang word to refer to a good looking girl or young woman. Men
often use this word when talking to each other about girls they are
interested in. Sometimes girls use it too.
Psycho – A really crazy person. It’s short for the word psychopath. This
kind of person should be in a mental hospital. Often in daily English we
use this word to describe a person to acts really ridiculously.
Stalker – A person who keeps following and watching another person.
When we talk about dating, if one person really loves another person and
keeps thinking about them, calling them on the phone, and always wants
to be with the person, we make fun of them and call them a stalker.
Blew it – Ruined my chance.
Needy – if a guy seems like he really wants to be with a girl too much,
we call him needy. It’s like he can’t live his live without her. He needs
her. This word can be used to describe a girl as well. You can also seem
needy in a job interview. In other words you seem too excited to get the
job, like you really need it.
Play it cool – Just relax. Try to let things happen naturally. Don’t make
a big deal out of things.
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