Psychology of Dexter, The - bella depaulo.pdf

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Other Titles in the Psychology of Series
The Psychology of The Simpsons
The Psychology of Survivor
The Psychology of Harry Potter
The Psychology of Superheroes
The Psychology of Joss Whedon
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of dexter
EditEd by bElla d E paulo, p h d
with lEah wilson
an imprint of BEnBELLa BooKS, inC.
Dallas, TX
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tHiS pUBLiCation HaS not BEEn prEparED, approVED, or LiCEnSED BY anY
EntitY tHat CrEatED or proDUCED tHE WELL-KnoWn tELEViSion SHoW DEX-
TER or tHE DEXtEr BooK SEriES.
“predator on the prowl” Copyright © 2010 by Jared Defife
“rethinking Dexter” Copyright © 2010 by Lisa firestone
“naughty by nature, Dexter by Design” Copyright © 2010 by Joshua L. Gowin
“the psychology of Dexter’s Kills” and “it’s all about Harry” Copyright © 2010 by marisa mauro
“the Scientist and the Serial Killer” Copyright © 2010 by morrie mullins
“on Becoming a real Boy” Copyright © 2010 by Stephen D. Livingston
“the angels on His Shoulder” Copyright © 2010 by Jeremy Clyman
“the Dark passenger in all of Us” Copyright © 2010 by melissa Burkley and Edward Burkley
“the Dark Defenders” Copyright © 2010 by Wind Goodfriend and Chase Barrick
“the Killer Within” Copyright © 2010 by adi Jaffe
“rita’s rocky relationships” Copyright © 2010 by David Barber-Callaghan and nigel Barber
“Denial and rita” Copyright © 2010 by tamara mcClintock Greenberg
“Why psychopaths Like Dexter aren’t really all that Bad” Copyright © 2010 by paul Wilson
“faster, Dexter! Kill! Kill!” Copyright © 2010 by matthew E. Jacovina, matthew a. Bezdek,
Jeffrey E. foy, William G. Wenzel, and richard J. Gerrig
“Being Dexter morgan” Copyright © 2010 by Christopher ryan
“introduction” and “Deception: it’s What Dexter Does Best (Well, Second Best)” and other
materials Copyright © 2010 by Bella Depaulo
all rights reserved. no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles
or reviews.
Smart pop is an imprint of BenBella Books, inc.
10300 n. Central Expy., Suite 400
Dallas, tX 75231
Send feedback to
printed in the United States of america
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication Data is available for this title.
iSBn 978-1-935251-96-5
Copyediting by Erica Lovett and Stephanie fingleton
proofreading by Gregory teague and Stacia Seaman
Cover design by Sammy Yuen, Jr.
text design and composition by perfectype, nashville, tn
printed by Bang printing
Distributed by perseus Distribution
to place orders through perseus Distribution:
tel: (800) 343-4499
fax: (800) 351-5073
Significant discounts for bulk sales are available. please contact Glenn Yeffeth at or (214) 750-3628.
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tablE of ContEnts
Bella Depaulo
Predator on the Prowl
Jared Defife
Rethinking Dexter
Lisa firestone
Naughty by Nature, Dexter by Design
Joshua L. Gowin
The Psychology of Dexter’s Kills
marisa mauro
Deception: It’s What Dexter Does Best
(Well, Second Best)
Bella Depaulo
The Scientist and the Serial Killer
morrie mullins
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