Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition 2 - Israel Regardie.pdf

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The Practicus Grade
n the 3 = 8 grade the initiate takes the third Elemental initiation into
the eighth Sephirah, Hod, on the Qabalistic Tree, continuing the
process of spiritual Alchemy within the aspirant's psyche. For the
first time the initiate is faced with the prospect of stepping off the
~.Si relative "safety" of the Middle Pillar and onto the Black Pillar of
.. Severity. The Practicus grade thus represents a point in the initiate's
spiritual growth where more weight is theoretically placed on one side of the aspi-
rant's psychic scales of balance. It is important to remember that once the student
begins on this path of Elemental introspection, allfour Elemental Initiations should
be completed. Even if the student decides in the middle of this course that the
Golden Dawn System is not his/her spiritual path, all of the Elements should still
be equilibrated within the mind for the sake of harmony. One should not be left
hanging off balance on one pillar or the other.
The title of Practicus is derived from the Greek word for "practitioner."
The Element offered for the process of transmutation in this grade is Water, or
rather the watery portion of the aspirant's psyche (in actuality it is the Water of
Malkuth in Assiah).77
Initiates of this grade usually experience a sense of ease and relief at having
passed through the astral turbulence of Yesod (Although the initiation ceremony
itself can sometimes prove to be quite eventful.) In fact the nurturing Waters of Hod
can feel truly comforting to those initiates who have experienced firsthand the
harmful effects of an unbalanced materialistic society. The problem is that some-
times students are reluctant to leave the Water temple for the Fire grade of Philoso-
phus. There is also an increased awareness of student's own creative faculties, some
of which may have remained dormant until this time. The Planet assigned to this
grade is Mercury, the orb of the Intellect, communication and expression.
The 3 = 8 ceremony can be summed up as follows: After the standard (self-
initiatory) rite of opening, the forces of Elemental Water are invoked. Then the
candidate must prove that s/he has grasped the secrets of the Theoricus grade
and swear an oath. Between the spheres of Malkuth and Hod lies the 31st Path of
Shin, a journey of psychic purification and consecration through Elemental Fire.
On this path, the candidate is confronted by three figures known as the Kabiri, or
godforrns from the Samothracian Mysteries. These figures symbolize the various
77 And also Hod of Malkuth.
aspects and attributes of Elemental Fire. On the path of Shin the Kabiri expose the
candidate to the different energies of Fire which are used to purge the aspirant of
psychic impurities before the Water temple is entered. After completing the 31st
Path, the candidate is shown the Tarot card of Judgment.
Next the mysteries of the 30th Path of Resh are revealed to the candidate
by the Kabiri who take on various Solar and seasonal aspects. The Path of Resh is
a journey of intellectual awareness where the student is exposed to the Higher
Powers that have gone into the formation of his/her own personality. (Whereas
the 31st Path is a journey of purification, the 30th Path is one of consecration.)
When the journey on the Path of Resh is finished, the candidate is shown the Tarot
card of The Sun.
The later part of the ritual, involves the initiate's entry into the temple of
Hod. During this time the aspirant is shown symbolism concerning the Garden of
Eden before the Fall and the Practicus Hall. The secrets of the 3 = 8 grade are
divulged, until at length, the Powers of Water are released.
It is important to note that in this grade, two fiery paths are traversed in
order to arrive at a watery Sephirah. This shows the constant equilibration which
is inherent to the G:. D:. system. Fire and Water, the two primary opposing Ele-
ments, are always counterbalanced one against the other so that neither is allowed
to overpower the energies of the other. Water is maternal and nurturing, while
Fire is paternal and inseminating. The aspirant is led to the receptive Waters of
Hod by way of the vitalizing energies of Fire. Thus the union of the two is the only
possible route to building a firm creative base for spiritual attainment. The Waters
of Intellect must never be allowed to become stagnant and insensitive; they must
be ever excited by the passionate Fires of Emotion;
There are only three officers stationed in the Practicus Hall besides the Dais
officers-these are the three Middle Pillar officers only-the Keryx is no longer pre-
sent. This leaves three officers who form an approximate equilateral triangle. The
triangle, whose apex is marked by the station of Hierophant, refers to the Fire trian-
gle and the Fiery nature of the 31st and 30th Paths in relation to the Tree of Life. The
placement of the pillars in the Northeastern part of the Hall suggests the actualloca-
tion of these paths on the diagram of the Tree. In the final part of the ritual the Hiero-
phant takes up a temporary position West of the altar, forming a Water triangle with
the other two officers (like that indicated by the items on the altar).
Many of the speeches in the 3 = 8 grade are symbolically given by the
Samothracian Kabiri, but are in actuality taken from excepts of the Chaldean Ora-
cles, a body of work which is from a much later time period than the Samothra-
cian mysteries.e
The Samothracian Mysteries
Samothrace was the name given to a Greek island in the Northeast portion of the
Aegean Sea that was the center of the oldest of the Greek mystery cults. This island
was said to be settled by the ancient Pelasgi, early Asiatic colonists in Greece. The
esteem shown the Samothracian Mysteries by ancient literary sources proved that
The Practicus Grade
they once ranked alongside the Eleusinian Mysteries in importance and popular-
ity. This stormy, mountainous and wooded island was renowned as the home of
the mysterious gods known as the Kabiri (or Corybantes, as they are sometimes
referred to). So great was the respect for the mystery rites of Samothrace that the
island itself was considered sacred, a sanctuary to be respected by all nations.
Not much is now known of the Kabiri or "great gods" whose name is
derived from the Kabira mountains or Phrygia.?" The rituals are immersed in
profound secrecy. It is certain though that great festivals were held to worship
these gods and initiate new candidates into their mystery rites.
The mysteries of Samothrace included the rites of the Kabiri and the rites of
Hecate. Hecate's secret mysteries were said to have taken place in the cave of Zeryn-
thia, called the Grotto of Hecate, where a nocturnal ritual was performed by torch-
bearing participants who sacrificed dogs to honor the goddess of the Underworld.
Near the door of the temple of the Kabiri on Samothrace, there were two
bronze statues (it is unclear whether they were both masculine or if one was fem-
inine). They represented the Heavens and the Earth-the two primary portions
into which the world is divided-the active and passive principles of universal
generation. Within the temple were three altars dedicated to the Kabiri, the Great
gods of Samothrace: the Great, the Powerful and the Influential (or Helpfulj.??
Some claim that there were a total of seven Kabiri and referred them to the
seven Planets. Others spoke of them as the seven Spirits of Fire before the throne
of Saturn. Some ancient writers say there were but two Kabiri who represented
Zeus the Elder and Dionysus the younger. At Samothrace the Kabiri were thought
of as lesser gods who were sworn to the service of greater deities such as Rhea. At
Thebes they were allied with the cult of Demeter and Kore, for their temple was
located near a grove sacred to these deities. At Lemnos the Kabiri originated as
benevolent gods or genii of volcanic (Fiery) Earth. They were either the sons of
Hephaestus or the sons of Zeus and Calliope. These first metal-workers were said
to be the noisy and never-resting assistants of Hephaestus at his forge. They
would at times shake the earth with their tumultuous rumbling. At Thessaly there
was a legend of a Kabir who was killed by his brothers and buried at the foot of
Mt. Olympus. It is this Kabiric myth in particular which relates to the Practicus rit-
ual of the Golden Dawn.
Initiation into the Kabiric mysteries at Samothrace concerned four of these
"great gods." Their names were Axieros, Axiokersa, and Axiokersos. Axieros was
associated with Demeter, Axiokersa with Persephone, and Axiokersos with
Hades. The fourth Kabir, known as Kasmillos, was attributed to Hermes. so
The names of the first three Kabiri bear a resemblance to the Greek word
axioma which means something worthy or something that is self-evident. The
name Kasmillos is based upon the word camilla which refers to a handmaiden
78 The name "Kabiri" has also been associated with the Phoenician word qabirim which means "the
powerful." The word Cabar "great" can be traced to Hebrew, Phoenician and Arabic languages.
79 The Kabiri were later adopted into Roman mythology as the Penates.
SO The Samothracians derived their doctrines concerning the Kabiri and Hermes from the Pelasgians,
assistant who aids in matters of a secret nature. A camillus was an assistant at a
wedding who carried a basket of unknown contents during the service.w In the
Samothracian mysteries, the name Kasmillos is used to describe a divinity who
attends upon the greater gods.
In Secret Teaching of All Ages, Manly P. Hall also examined the mysteries of
the Samothracian Kabiri:
Whilea vast numberof deities are associated with the Samothracian Mys-
teries, the ritualistic drama centers around four brothers. Thefirst three-
Aschieros, Achiochersus, and Achiochersa-attack and murder the
fourth-e-Cashmala (or Cadmillus). Dionysidorus, however, identifies
Aschieros with Demeter, Achiochersus with Pluto, Achiochersa with
Persephone, and Cashmala with Hermes. Alexander Wilder notes that in
the Samothracian ritual "Cadmillus is made to include the Theban Ser-
pent-God, Cadmus, the Thoth of Egypt, theHermes of the Greeks, and the
Aesculapius of the Alexandrians and Phoenicians." Here again is a repe-
tition of the story of Osiris, Bacchus, Adonis, Balder, and Hiram Abiff.82
The worship of Atys and Cybele was also involved in the Samothracian
Mysteries. In the rituals of the Cabiri is to be traced a form of pine-tree
worship, for this tree, sacred to Atys, wasfirst trimmedinto theform of a
cross and then cut down in honorof the murdered god whose body was
discovered at its foot.
"If you wish to inspect the orgies of the Corybantes," writes Clement,
"then know that,havingkilled theirthirdbrother, they covered the head of
the bodywith a purple cloth, crowned it, and carrying it on the point of a
spear, buried it under the roots of Olympus. These mysteries are in short,
murders and funerals. (This ante-Nicene Father in his efforts to defame
the pagan rites apparently ignores thefact that like the Cabirian martyr,
Jesus Christ wasfoully betrayed, tortured, and finally murdered!) And
the priests of these rites, who were called kings of the sacred ritesby those
whose business it is to name them, give additional strangeness to the
tragic occurrence, by forbidding parsley with the roots from beingplaced
on the table, for they think that parsley grewfrom the Corybantic blood
thatflowed forth; just as the women, in celebrating the Thesmorphoriase
abstain from eatingthe seeds of the pomegranate, whichhavefallen on the
ground, from the idea that pomegranates sprangfrom the drops of the
blood of Dionysus. Those Corybantes also they call Cabiric; and the cere-
mony itself they announced as the Cabiric mystery."
81 Children employed in the temples were called Mercuries or Casmilli.
82 In Masonic legend, Hiram Abiff was the architect of King Solomon's temple, who was killed by
three of his workers who were also brothers. The body was buried at the foot of a mountain and an
acacia tree was planted over it. This legend is re-enacted in the Third Degree of the Master Mason.
83 A festival of the Eleusinian Mysteries which celebrated the departure of Kore into the underworld.
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