Około północy - Round Midnight (1986) DVDRip.XviD.CD2.Napisy Eng.txt

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{20}{64}Never again, Francis.
{69}{115}What else can I do...
{156}{201}...when you are killing yourself?
{206}{246}I'll stop.
{337}{384}I promise.
{424}{463}You never stopped before.
{468}{538}I never promised anybody before.
{1061}{1151}...you think we can find|a trumpet player for tonight?
{1364}{1403}So, Eddie...
{1421}{1460}... I think...
{1562}{1610}...you have two bars...
{1684}{1733}...to bring us in, right?
{1769}{1807}And then we come right in...
{1837}{1879}...on the melody.
{2088}{2173}One, two, three,|two, two....
{2497}{2572}Try it again with eight, right?
{2589}{2691}One, two, three,|two, two, three....
{4262}{4320}Hey! This your little girl?
{5852}{5892}Do you like Monet?
{5925}{5972}Oh, yes.
{6028}{6070}All the colors....
{6075}{6187}He sounds like Ravel or Tad Dameran.
{6216}{6257}Just like bebop.
{6483}{6525}...who is that playing?
{6554}{6581}Who is playing?
{6586}{6617}It's you.
{6623}{6675}You just made the record.
{6743}{6781}Not bad.
{6993}{7041}...it's a nice day out.
{7152}{7217}I think I'll go for a little stroll.
{7230}{7267}Could you...
{7276}{7331}...loan me a few francs?
{7405}{7491}I want to go to the tabac|and get some cigarettes.
{9188}{9233}What the hell is all this about?
{9238}{9272}It's about Dale...
{9277}{9350}...and how, from tonight on,|he gets paid direct.
{9428}{9526}...every night,|like everybody else been.
{9531}{9580}That ain't my deal with Goodley, Dale.
{9587}{9639}You want to show me the paper?
{9647}{9677}You mean a contract?
{9687}{9734}Yeah, where it says...
{9743}{9820}...she gets paid every night.
{9825}{9915}Shit, you ain't been straight enough|to sign your own name...
{9920}{9967}...on nobody's contract.
{10012}{10095}... I've been straight enough|to play my axe...
{10100}{10154}...every night, and...
{10212}{10265}If I don't get my dough tonight...
{10300}{10362}... I won't be back tomorrow.
{10379}{10428}I gotta talk to Madame Queen.
{10473}{10497}Do that.
{10658}{10720}You pay him,|you'll be in a world of trouble.
{10930}{10969}...was I good?
{12091}{12143}like everybody else.
{12238}{12280}...a new wallet.
{12285}{12309}A big one.
{13308}{13359}You're a great cook, Dale.
{13364}{13405}Really, it's marvelous.
{13410}{13450}You're a king.
{13478}{13518}like Louis the XIV?
{13595}{13649}Well, I don't know about that...
{13654}{13757}... but you always treat me|like one, Francis.
{14764}{14814}Oh, shit.
{15348}{15393}Hello, Long Tall.
{15501}{15578}I dreamed you were coming to Paris.
{15693}{15733}Tonight we have with us...
{15743}{15782}... Miss Darcey Leigh.
{15787}{15812}Perhaps if we...
{15817}{15907}...welcome her nicely to the stage,|she'll join us.
{16089}{16138}"How Long Has This Been Going On?"
{16199}{16224}You know your cue?
{16229}{16266}Yes, the two.
{16561}{16648}I could cry
{16672}{16755}Salty tears
{16766}{16839}Where have I been
{16854}{16938}All these years
{16967}{17025}Little wow
{17043}{17105}Tell me now
{17114}{17191}How long has this been...
{17196}{17256}...going on
{17367}{17445}There were chills
{17470}{17544}Up my spine
{17571}{17643}And some thrills
{17656}{17741}I can't define
{17780}{17836}Listen sweet
{17887}{17934}I repeat
{17939}{18017}How long has this been...
{18022}{18112}...going on
{18183}{18260}Oh, I feel
{18289}{18339}That I could melt
{18412}{18526}Into heaven I'm hurled
{18627}{18670}I know...
{18720}{18782}...how Columbus felt
{18846}{18958}Finding another world
{19041}{19119}Kiss me once
{19147}{19192}Put on a hell of a show.
{19231}{19288}Yeah, and we cut a few sides too.
{19293}{19320}I heard.
{19325}{19380}I heard you're|playing soprano again too.
{19398}{19463}Yeah, first time in a long time.
{19579}{19623}Why do you seem so on edge?
{19685}{19749}Oh, just because...
{19855}{19938}... I keep wondering|if I still have something to give.
{19994}{20028}Of course you do.
{20052}{20100}You have a Lot to give.
{20149}{20254}It was you who taught me to listen|to the bass instead of the drums.
{20285}{20390}Well, you would've learned that|in 10 or 15 years anyway.
{20502}{20573}I always thought|we would keep each other company.
{20700}{20744}We have.
{21221}{21271}Dale, do you have any regrets?
{21323}{21352}Only one.
{21357}{21391}Which is?
{21423}{21471}I had big eyes...
{21475}{21541}...to play with Count Basie's band.
{21555}{21602}But he toad me that...
{21607}{21698}...one band leader in the band|was enough.
{21768}{21819}Maybe it was for the better, huh?
{21854}{21877}Oh, no.
{21883}{21918}Dale's cool.
{22310}{22400}Oh I feel
{22435}{22487}That I could melt
{22541}{22659}Into heaven I'm hurled
{22749}{22794}And I know
{22843}{22918}How Columbus felt
{22959}{23075}Finding another world
{23171}{23254}Kiss me twice
{23295}{23352}And then once more
{23422}{23475}What a dunce
{23487}{23573}I was before
{23629}{23700}Listen sweet
{23707}{23791}I repeat
{23796}{23884}How long has this been...
{23889}{23976}...going on
{24013}{24131}How long has this been...
{24357}{24475}... on
{25515}{25606}Well, look at this. Miss Buttercup!
{25630}{25659}How you doing?
{25723}{25764}Hey, big D!
{25769}{25809}How you doing, man?
{25836}{25866}Let me tell you something.
{25891}{25935}-How are you?|-Fine, how are you?
{25940}{25979}Man, it's good to see you.
{25985}{26042}Number one stole the cookie|from the cookie jar.
{26047}{26073}-Who, me?|-Yeah, you.
{26078}{26109}-Couldn't be.|-Then who?
{26114}{26159}Number two had his finger|in the cookie jar.
{26164}{26196}-Who, me?|-Yeah, you.
{26201}{26232}-Couldn't be.|-Then who?
{26237}{26305}Number three stole the cookies|from the cookie jar.
{26317}{26356}-Who him?|-Look at his face.
{26361}{26384}That's him.
{26389}{26421}Number three is in the cookie jar.
{26485}{26520}The leg, the classic Leg.
{26525}{26571}Oh, no, honey. Thank you.
{26913}{26944}She got you.
{26949}{27034}This is why my tie's flying around|my neck all day. Right?
{27247}{27342}I gotta pull my shoes off|to sing this song. Yeah!
{27347}{27367}Here we go.
{27372}{27449}I've had that man|For 15 years
{27455}{27512}Paid all his room and board
{27539}{27612}Once he was like a Cadillac
{27617}{27688}Now he's like an old worn-out Ford
{27708}{27788}He never gave me|A lousy dime
{27793}{27850}And put it in my hand
{27855}{27955}Well, there's gonna be some changes|From now on
{27960}{28019}Accordin' to my plan
{28024}{28123}He's got to get it,|Bring it, put it right here
{28133}{28188}Or else he's gonna|Keep it out there
{28193}{28265}If he must beg it, borrow it|Or steal it somewhere
{28270}{28353}As long as he gets it, honey|You know I does not care
{28358}{28407}Well, I'm tired of buyin' pork chops
{28412}{28450}To grease his fat lips
{28455}{28524}And he's got find another place|To park his old hips
{28533}{28618}He's got to get it, bring it,|And put it right here
{28623}{28690}Else he's gonna keep it out there
{28716}{28754}Bees get the honey
{28759}{28789}Brings it to the comb
{28794}{28874}Else he's kicked out|Of his home sweet home
{28879}{28950}To show you that he brings it|Watch the dogs and the cats
{28955}{29031}Everything keeps bringing it|From a mule to a gnat
{29036}{29128}He's got to get it, and bring it,|And put it right here
{29133}{29198}Else he's gotta keep it out there
{29220}{29301}I tell you like a Chinaman|Him don't bring him change
{29307}{29376}Him don't get no mm-mm|If he break his damn neck
{29381}{29464}He's got to get, bring it,|And put it right here
{29469}{29551}Else he's gonna keep--|Y'all know I ain't lyin' to you!
{29556}{29627}Else he's gonna keep--|Honey, I just keep sittin' on it!
{29632}{29713}Or else he's gonna keep it out there
{29847}{29880}You're all right!
{30429}{30514}It's funny how the world|is inside of nothing.
{30587}{30625}I mean, you have your heart...
{30630}{30672}...and your soul...
{30683}{30730}...inside of you.
{30797}{30855}Babies are inside of their mothers.
{30917}{31018}Fish are out there in the water.
{31079}{31120}But the world...
{31202}{31250}...is inside nothing.
{31367}{31425}I don't know if I like this or not...
{31438}{31481}... but you better write it down.
{31937}{31990}It's for you. There's a call for you.
{32039}{32076}You're kidding.
{32237}{32284}Long distance?
{32408}{32506}No, I can't come,|I'm having too much fun.
{32622}{32657}-That was Birdland.|-Yeah?
{32663}{32698}They wanted me to come back.
{32707}{32789}Did he tell you the one about|The Red Shoes?
{32822}{32867}The Red Shoes,|I saw it 40 times.
{32872}{32933}I like the scene where|the impresario...
{32938}{32990}...is eating breakfast,|a three-minute egg.
{32995}{33102}A young composer is disturbed|because he came to see Mr. Lementoff...
{33107}{33183}...to complain about a piece of music|that was stolen.
{33188}{33235}He says, "I'd like to complain...
{33239}{33326}...about a piece of music I wrote,|which was stolen by my professor."
{33331}{33378}Mr. Lementoff didn't respond...
{33383}{33458}...so Krasner said, "Sorry I spoiled|your breakfast."
{33463}{33568}Mr. Lementoff said,|"Mr. Krasner, come here and sit down."
{33573}{33627}"Sometimes it is|more disheartening...
{33632}{33730}...to steal than to be stolen from.|Good day."
{33735}{33818}Wes, we gotta get cracking here.
{33823}{33897}Then you go your...
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