[eBook - Software Engineering - PDF] Documenting Software Architecture - 01.11.2001 - Addison Wesley.pdf

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Software Architectures
Paul Clements
Felix Bachmann
Len Bass
David Garlan
James Ivers
Reed Little
Robert Nord
Judy Stafford
1 November 2001 -- Second Review Edition (7 -3/8” x 9-1/4”)
Documenting Software Architectures
Clements, Bachmann, Bass, Garlan, Ivers, LIttle, Nord, Stafford
Note to Reviewers
This manuscript is fairly complete, but it is still a work in progress. In particular:
We plan to include three running example applications throughout the book. The examples are a large
war-gaming simulation system, a satellite data collection and distribution system, and a small Java
application for telephony. Currently, the work is populated with smaller disjoint examples that illustrate
key points in place. The three running examples will for the most part complement, not replace, the
smaller examples as a way to lend continuity to the work.
Several sections and sidebars have “tbd” marks, indicating areas that need completion.
We will have all of the figures and illustrations re-drawn.
We need to handle a number of details, such as nailing down internal cross-references, external
citations, discussion questions, glossaries, and advice checklists.
We also ask you to take a leap of visual faith. Our text includes many callouts, which are described in the Read-
er’s Guide.We want the book to have a distinctive visual style, and the callouts are adorned with visual icons
denoting their content. However, the callouts in this manuscript are poor, temporary attempts by amateurs.
These will be supplanted by a professional treatment given by people who know what they’re doing. We ask
you to use your imagination to see these callouts as they might appear in the final work. Also, in the final work,
the sidebars will really be off to the side, so that a reader can more easily skip them or read them at his or her
As you read this manuscript, please keep the following questions in mind:
1. Clarity : After you read this book, would you be able to produce a software architecture documentation
package from it? If not, what sections lack the necessary clarity or prescriptive detail?
2. Right prescription : Is what we have prescribed within reason? Which parts of what we prescribe would
you jettison and why? What parts of a software architecture documentation package are essential, but
overlooked by this book?
3. Depth of coverage : How much of the material covers things you already knew and didn’t need to read
about again? What parts had too much coverage? Too little coverage? What parts had just the right depth
of coverage?
4. Sound organization : Is the book organized and laid out to help a first-time reader? Is the book organized
and laid out to help someone find specific information quickly? What would have helped make information
easier to find quickly?
5. Style : Was the book easy to read? Were the call-outs useful, enjoyable, distracting, annoying? What sty-
listic improvements could you suggest?
6. Favorites: What were your favorite parts of the book and why? What were you least favorite parts and
7. Recommendation : Who will be interested in using this book? What books or techniques do you currently
use/recommend to document your architecture? Would you recommend this book to a software developer
who might have to produce or work from an architecture? Why or why not?
We are extremely grateful for your help. You can provide your comments to the author who sent you the manu-
script, or e-mail them to clements@sei.cmu.edu. Please provide your comments by Monday, November 12,
With very best regards and many thanks for your help,
Paul, Felix, Len, David, James, Reed, Rod, and Judy
Copyright 2001 Addison Wesley, all rights reserved
Draft for review: Do not circulate without permission
“These pictures are meant to entertain you. There is no significant meaning to the arrows
between the boxes.”
-- A speaker at a recent software architecture conference, coming to
a complex but ultimately inadequate boxes-and-lines-everywhere
viewgraph of her system’s architecture, and deciding that trying to
explain it in front of a crowd would not be a good idea
“At the end of the day, I want my artifacts to be enduring. My goal is to create a
prescriptive, semi-formal architectural description that can be used as a basis for setting
department priorities, parallelizing development, [managing] legacy migration, etc.”
-- A software architect for a major financial services firm
Copyright 2001 Addison Wesley, all rights reserved
Draft for review: Do not circulate without permission
Documenting Software Architectures
Clements, Bachmann, Bass, Garlan, Ivers, LIttle, Nord, Stafford
About the Cover
The cover shows a drawing of a bird’s wing by (???) sketched in (date). (A sentence or two about the drawing...)
Of all the metaphors for software architecture, an avian wing is one of the most compelling. It can be shown
emphasizing any of a number of structures -- feathers, skeletal, circulatory, musculature -- each of which must
be compatible with the others and work towards fulfilling a common purpose. The feathers are elements that at
a glance are replicated countless times across the wing, but upon closer inspection reveal a rich sub-structure
of their own, and small but systematic variations so that all feathers are almost alike but no two are identical.
The wing exhibits strong quality attributes: lightness in weight, aerodynamic sophistication, outstanding thermal
protection. Its reliability, cycling through millions of beats, is unparalleled. The wing can be said to have behav-
ior, and how it moves determines how the bird flies. In coarse terms, the wing extends, flaps, and retracts, but
in finer terms the bird commands movements almost too subtle to see to control pitch, roll, and yaw with ex-
quisite finesse. We try, and have tried for millennia, to comprehend the wing by examining its parts, from differ-
ent points of view. But the whole wing is much more than the sum of its elements and structures -- it is in the
whole that beauty and grace emerge. Mankind’s technology still cannot replicate its exquisite abilities. The com-
mon starling, a good but not a great flier, can slip through the air at 21 body lengths per second with merely
nominal effort. That’s about what the world’s fastest aircraft (at 2,000 miles per hour) is able to manage.
Figure 1: A European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and a Lockheed SR-71, two black birds that travel at about the
same speed (measured appropriately) thanks to their superb respective architectures. [Photo on left from ht-
tp://www.stanford.edu/~petelat1/; may want to find one of a starling in flight. Photo on right from www.habu.org,
originally from Lockheed-Martin. Permission for both tbd .]
Structure, sub-structure, replication with variation, behavior, quality attributes, and emergent properties of the
entire system -- all of these are important aspects to capture when documenting a software architecture. We
haven’t learned how to document beauty and grace yet, but for that we substitute the documentation of rationale
-- what the designer had in mind. For software, we can do this. For the wing of a bird, we can only admire the
Copyright 2001 Addison Wesley, all rights reserved
Draft for review: Do not circulate without permission
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Table of Contents
Note to Reviewers 2
About the Cover 4
Preface 5
Reader’s Guide
(reflects earlier organization -- re-write tbd) 7
Audience 7
Contents and Organization 7
Stylistic conventions 9
How to Read this Book; How to Use this Book 11
Commercial Tools and Notations 12
Acknowledgments (in progress) 14
Prologue: Software Architectures and Documentation 15
The Role of Architecture 15
Uses of architecture documentation 16
Seven Rules for Sound Documentation 24
Views 31
Viewtypes and Styles 35
Viewtypes 35
Styles 36
Summary: Viewtypes, Styles, and Views 38
Glossary 41
Summary checklist 42
For Further Reading 42
Discussion questions 44
References (to be moved to central Bibliography in back) 45
Part I:
Software Architecture
Viewtypes and Styles 47
Chapter 1: The Module Viewtype 48
Copyright 2001 Addison Wesley, all rights reserved TOC-1
Draft for review: Do not circulate without permission
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