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Chapter 37 - 37.59
59. (a) Thesetsofplaneswiththenextfivesmallerinterplanarspacings(after a 0 )areshowninthediagram
( i )
( ii )
( iii )
( iv )
( v )
In terms of a 0 , the spacings are:
( i ): a 0 / 2=0 . 7071 a 0
( ii ): a 0 / 5=0 . 4472 a 0
( iii ): a 0 / 10 =0 . 3162 a 0
( iv ): a 0 / 13 =0 . 2774 a 0
( v ): a 0 / 17 =0 . 2425 a 0
(b) Since a crystal plane passes through lattice points, its slope can be written as the ratio of two
integers. Consider a set of planes with slope m/n , as shown in the diagram below. The first
and last planes shown pass through adjacent lattice points along a horizontal line and there are
1 planes between. If h is the separation of the first and last planes, then the interplanar
spacing is d = h/m . If the planes make the angle θ with the horizontal, then the normal to the
planes (shown dotted) makes the angle φ =90 − θ . The distance h is given by h = a 0 cos φ
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