12 Deathwatch - The Outer Reach.pdf

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Lead Developer
Tim Flanders
Licensing and Development Coordinator
Deb Beck
Executive Game Designer
Corey Konieczka
Writing and Development
Owen Barnes, Tim Cox, John Dunn,
Jeff Hall, and Andy Hoare
Executive Producer
Michael Hurley
Mark Pollard
Christian T. Petersen
Alex Davy and Dave Johnson
Games Workshop
Graphic Design
Shaun Boyke with Mercedes Opheim
Licensing Managers
Andy Hall and Owen Rees
Cover Art
Michael Phillippi
Head of Licensing
Jon Gillard
Interior Art
Justin Adams, Dimitri Bielak, Alex Boca, Alberto Bontempi,
Matt Bradbury, Shane Cook, Vincent Devault,
Diego Gisbert Llorens, Zach Graves, David Griffi th,
Gavin Hargest, Nikolaus Ingeniri, Taylor Ingvarsson,
Jason Juta, Timo Karhula, Anton Kokarev, Peter Laycock,
Michał Miłkowski, Mark Molnar, Ameen Naksewee,
Florian Stitz, Piya Wannachaiwong, Aidan Wilson
Head of Licensing, Legal and
Strategic Projects
Andy Jones
Head of Intellectual Property
Alan Merrett
Special Thanks
Playtest Coordinator Ronald DeValk; Ryan Powell;
Trevor Stamper with Brian Gilkison, John Olszewski,
Caitlin Stamper, Steve Harmon, Jake Harmon, and
Dave Boruch; “No Guts, No Glory” Sean Conner with
Stephen Pitson, Adam Lloyd, and Ben Newman;
Matthew “H.B.M.C.” Eustace with Sean Kelly and Rob Lord;
“The Librarians” Pim Mauve with Gerlof Woudstra,
Keesjan Kleef, Jan-Cees Voogd, and Jaris Voogd;
“Unrepentant” Lachlan “Raith” Conley with Brad Twaddell,
Fiona Coath, Jordan Dixon, and Mark McLaughlin.
Managing Art Director
Andrew Navaro
Art Direction
Mike Linnemann
Production Management
Eric Knight
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Copyright © Games Workshop Limited 2012. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Deathwatch,
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devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer
40,000 universe and the Deathwatch game setting are either ®, ™, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012, variably registered
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ISBN: 978-1-61661-478-2 Product Code: DW13 Print ID: 1456OCT12
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What’s in this book ................................................................4
The Founding ..........................................................................6
Amongst The Stars ...............................................................6
A Dark Pattern ......................................................................7
Striking Out On His Own...................................................8
A History In The Shadows ....................................................9
Researching the Dark Pattern .............................................9
The Dead Stations: Watch Stations of the Dead Cabal ....... 13
Watch Captain Mathias (Sons of Medusa) ........................ 18
Master of the Forge Xerill (Iron Hands)............................ 20
Prognosticator Rennin Tri’el (Silver Skulls) .................... 22
Knight-Warden Alric (Black Shield) ................................ 24
Inquisitor Velayne Ramaeus (Ordo Xenos) ...................... 26
Dead Station Vigilant (Advanced Speciality) .................... 28
The Dead Stations Vigil ...................................................... 31
Dead Stations Vigil Solo Mode Ability ........................... 31
Dead Stations Vigil Squad Mode Abilities ..................... 32
Oaths and Demeanours ..................................................... 33
Dead Cabal Relics ............................................................. 35
Dead Cabal Campaigns ....................................................... 38
Themes of the Outer Reach ............................................. 38
Dead Cabal Missions ......................................................... 41
Slaves of Rheelas ............................................................... 41
A Rain of Tears .................................................................. 43
Outer Reach Complications ............................................. 45
Into the Outer Reach ........................................................ 48
Worlds of Mystery ............................................................. 48
Mysteries of the Outer Reach ............................................. 48
The Black Reef ..................................................................... 51
Schism and Ambition ........................................................ 52
The Slinnar Drift .................................................................. 53
The Stillborn Stars ............................................................. 53
Treasures of the Dead ....................................................... 53
The Silent Road ................................................................. 54
Sedu ..................................................................................... 55
The Jericho Warp Gate ........................................................ 56
Hidden Ways ...................................................................... 56
The Conclave of Tears ......................................................... 57
The Hidden Hand.............................................................. 57
Activities in the Outer Reach ........................................... 58
The Deathwatch and the Conclave of Tears .................. 58
Erandel Voidsinger ............................................................... 59
Vakillar U’riss ....................................................................... 61
Ailill Nuada ........................................................................... 62
Ebahn Lauma ........................................................................ 64
Khoren’shai (Gatorex) ....................................................... 64
The Lost Worlds ................................................................... 66
Belissar ................................................................................ 66
Cressid ................................................................................. 70
Falon’s Lament ................................................................... 73
Klaha ................................................................................... 76
Mackensee .......................................................................... 79
Mahir ................................................................................... 82
Nunc .................................................................................... 85
Sagacity ............................................................................... 89
Skapula ................................................................................ 92
Sovereign ............................................................................ 95
Secrets Of The Lost Aeons ...............................................100
Secession and Hate ..........................................................101
The Awakening of Lost Gods ........................................101
The Price of Immortality ................................................101
The War in Heaven ..........................................................101
The Great Betrayal ................................................... ........102
The Sleep of Aeons .........................................................102
The Great Awakening .....................................................102
The Suhbekhar Dynasty ...................................................103
The Awakening of the Suhbekhar Dynasty .................104
Charnovokh Returned ....................................................105
Best Laid Plans .................................................................105
The Hollow Sun ..............................................................105
The Dark Pattern .............................................................108
The Derleth Lexicon .......................................................108
Overlord-Regent Ahhotekh ..............................................110
Lord Illmahnokh ................................................................111
Destroyer Lord Thulekh ....................................................113
Phaeron Ahmontekh .........................................................114
The Crippled King and the Derleth Lexicon .................115
Cryptek Ozkan the Codifi er ............................................116
Cryptek Rahkoz .................................................................117
The Soulless Host ..............................................................120
The Royal Courts ...............................................................120
The Undying Legions ........................................................127
The Guardians of the Tombs ............................................132
The Heralds of Oblivion ...................................................134
The Engines of War ...........................................................137
Appendix I: Condensed Vehicle Rules ............................142
Vehicle Profi les .................................................................142
Driving and Flying ..........................................................142
Vehicle Combat ................................................................142
Vehicle Weapons ..............................................................143
Damaging Vehicles ..........................................................144
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A s war rages throughout the Jericho Reach, the
The Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch have safeguarded the
Jericho Reach for millenia, from the days of the Jericho Sector
through the Long Night to the tribulations of the Achilus
Crusade. As the longest-standing Imperial organisation in the
Reach, the members of the Deathwatch have borne witness
to events which defy explanation and possess records of
phenomena unfathomable to even the most learned sages. A
small number of the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch and
a single Inquisitor have dedicated themselves to unravelling
these enigmas. This chapter contains a wealth of information
concerning this circle of warrior-scholars, the Dead Stations
they command, and the Battle-Brothers assigned to serve the
Long Dead Vigil along side them.
enemies of Man grow ever more numerous and
daring. The Tau, the Tyranid, and the traitor all
threaten to topple the forces of the Achilus Crusade and
plunge the Reach into a second darkness. It is the duty
of the Battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch to strike out at
these threats, to be humanity’s sword in the void, and to
eliminate the foes of man, quietly, from the shadows. But
there are evils that lurk within those same shadows, malign
forces beyond counting and more dangerous than the even
the Deathwatch can fathom. Some weave tangled webs of
lies and deceit, manipulating events from the shadows of
the distant past, seeking to make humanity their puppets
in the Reach. Others seek to eradicate the teeming masses
of mankind, to drive the Imperium from the galaxy, and to
return to the dominance they once enjoyed. Yet, whether
these dangers be subtle or overt, the only scraps of evidence
of their existence are the countless unexplained mysteries
throughout the Jericho Reach.
The Crusade forces have fought to a desperate stalemate,
progress all but grinding to a halt in the Reach, and it falls to
the Deathwatch to combat these dangers in the darkness. Yet
few, even among that vigilant brotherhood, care to tread the
dead worlds and among the lifeless stars seeded throughout
the Reach, instead focusing their attention on aiding the
crusade as best they can. Thus, confrontation with these
mysterious villains and enigmatic manipulators is left to those
dedicated few who seek to drive them from the shadows and
into the scouring light of the Emperor.
There are worlds throughout the Jericho Reach that have,
for one reason or another, never been settled, terraformed,
or colonised by Imperial forces. Many of these worlds
bear the marks of past xenos occupation, while others are
little more than dormant rocks, devoid of all life or even
geological activity. These are not the typical proto-planets
that are found in every stellar system, but instead show
signs of artifice and manufacture on a planetary scale.
No sound explanation has ever been provided for these
worlds, no theories have been put forth by the Magos
Siderea of the Calixian Mechanicus, the first Explorators
sent through the Warp Gate in the early days of the
Achilus Crusade. Other unique stellar bodies, such as the
Slinnar Drift star cluster and the Black Reef, are present
within the Jericho Reach, providing yet more unanswered
questions. These are the worlds to which the Dead Cabal
turn their attention, to which they dispatch the Kill-
teams under their command, in their search for answers.
This chapter explores these worlds and phenomena, their
past and their present, providing Game Masters with
necessary information to build missions and campaigns
centred around exploration into the lost and mysterious
places in the Jericho Reach.
The previous supplements, T HE A CHILUS A SSAULT and T HE
J ERICHO R EACH , examined, in great detail, the history and
current events of the three salients of the Jericho Reach.
T HE O UTER R EACH goes beyond the Acheros, Canis, and
Orpheus salients, leaving behind the warfronts and the
battlegrounds of the Achilus Crusade. This book delves
into the expanse of the Jericho Reach beyond the scope
of the Crusade and focuses on the role of the Deathwatch
as the vanguard against the mysterious phenomena that
lurk in the darkness. Each chapter of this book provides
insight into a facet of those mysteries and provides
both players and GM’s with the resources necessary to
integrate the themes of mystery, ancient evil, and twisted
machinations into their campaigns.
Emerging slowly from the shadows of many of the dead worlds
throughout the Jericho Reach, the Necrons of the Suhbekhar
dynasty represent one example of the many threats on which
the Dead Cabal keep a close watch. Arrogant and merciless in
the extreme, the Suhbekhar dynasty rises from its tombs into a
galaxy it no longer recognises. Should these undying warriors
be allowed to marshal their forces, they would present a dire
foe for the Imperial forces in the Jericho Reach. This chapter
delves into the history, infl uence, and machinations of the
royal court of the Suhbekhar and includes information on the
legions of Necron warriors at its beck and call.
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