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Activity Book
Exercises written by
Scotia Victoria Gilroy
w o r y g i n a l e
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Chapter I
Activities to chapter 1: A Voyage to Lilliput......................................3
A. Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are
true or false.
Activities to chapter 2: The War against Blefuscu..............................8
Activities to chapter 3: Fire in the Palace.........................................12
True False
Activities to chapter 4: A Voyage to Brobdingnag...........................17
1. Gulliver was very interested in travelling.
2. Gulliver’s first voyage was to the South Seas, by
3. During the trip there was a terrible storm, which
destroyed the ship.
4. Gulliver swam to the land with some other men
Activities to chapter 5: Performing for the Crowds.........................22
Activities to chapter 6: At the Palace .............................................27
Activities to chapter 7: Return to England.......................................30
from the ship.
5. When Gulliver reached the land he was very tired
Key: .................................................................................................35
and fell asleep in the grass.
6. Gulliver felt a lot of very small people climbing up
his body, to his chin.
7. The little people spoke to Gulliver in English.
8. Gulliver couldn’t move because he was tied down to
the ground.
9. Gulliver was afraid of the little people.
10. The little people brought Gulliver a lot of food and
11. The Emperor wanted to see Gulliver, so Gulliver
walked to the capital city.
© Mediasat Poland Bis 2005
Mediasat Poland Bis sp. z o.o.
ul. Mikołajska 26
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ISBN 83 - 89652 - 33 - 1
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B. Useful Phrases
Here are some useful phrases that appeared in the story. Can you
remember the context they were in? Try to memorise these phrases.
4. I was ex.................. tired
5. my arms and legs were strongly tied to the gr..................
6. I lay all this time very uncomfor..................
7. When the people saw I was quiet, they stopped att.................. me
8. the people were amazed at my size and app..................
9. they were now treating me kindly and with great gen..................
to travel around the world
I was employed as a surgeon
there was a violent storm
the ship was split in half
I lay down on the grass and fell asleep
in a little while
it was a human creature less than six inches high
the creatures ran away before I could grab them
he made a long speech
I took three loaves of bread at a time
E. Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues below.
4 L
6 P
7 U
C. What prepositions are missing from these sentences?
Prepositions: to, on, from, away, from, with, of, upon, around
1. the only thing I dreamed .................. was to travel around the world
2. I was employed as a surgeon .................. a ship
3. We left England .................. May 4th, 1699
4. I was nearly dead .................. tiredness
5. My arms and legs were strongly tied .................. the ground
6. I heard a lot of noise .................. me.
7. The creatures ran .................. before I could grab them
8. The people supplied me .................. as much food as they could
9. A messenger .................. the Emperor appeared
1. All his life Gulliver wanted to ................... .
2. There was a violent storm and the ship was .................. in half.
3. When the arrows hit Gulliver’s hand, they felt like .................. .
4. The loaves of bread were as big as rifle .................. .
5. Gulliver was tied down with ................... .
6. The .................. of Lilliput commanded the people to bring Gulliver
to the capital city.
7. Gulliver drank a whole barrel of wine in one .................. .
8. Gulliver and the people of Lilliput spoke different languages, so it
was difficult to .................. .
D. Complete the words in these sentences
1. The ship was making a voy.................. to the South Seas.
2. Unfor.................., however, there was a violent storm.
3. I don’t know what ha.................. to the rest of the men on the ship
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F. Match the sentences.
f) we didn’t have any problems
g) said something long and important
1. The only thing I
2. I couldn’t see
3. I was extremely tired,
4. I tried to stand up,
5. The sun was beginning
to grow hot,
6. The creatures ran away
7. I believed I would have
no trouble
8. He was no taller
9. Five hundred
carpenters and engineers
a. but I wasn’t able to move
b. than my middle finger.
c. before I could grab them.
d. to travel around the world and see new
e. began to prepare the greatest vehicle
they could make to carry me to the city
f. and the light was very painful to my eyes
g. so I lay down on the grass and fell
h. any houses or people.
i. fighting against the greatest armies they
could bring against me
H. Cloze
Here is the part where the people of Lilliput bring Gulliver food.
Some of the verbs have been taken out. Read the text and see if you
can remember what goes in the gaps. Use the verbs from the box,
but remember to put them into the correct form .
Verbs: roll, walk, finish, understand, want, attempt, be, carry, drink,
be, make, bring, command, taste, climb, drink, take, want, dance,
supply, shout, bring
I 1. ................ extremely hungry and 2. ................ to communicate
this by putting my finger on my mouth, to show that I 3. ................
food. The man 4. ................ me very well. He 5. ................ down
from the stage and 6. ................ that several ladders should be put
against my body, which over a hundred of the people climbed up.
They 7. ................ towards my mouth 8. ................ baskets full of
meat and bread. I 9. ................ three loaves of bread at a time, which
10. ................ about as big as rifle bullets. The people 11. ................
me with as much food as they could, amazed at my size and appetite.
I then 12. ................ another sign that I 13. ................ something to
drink. They 14. ................ one of their largest barrels, 15. ................ it
towards my hand. I 16. ................ it in one mouthful, and it
17. ................ like delicious wine. They 18. ................ me a second
barrel, which I 19. ................ in the same way. When I had
20. ................, they 21. ................ for joy and 22. ................ upon my
G. Match the underlined phrases to their meanings.
1. Finally the chance to travel came when I was employed as a surgeon
upon a ship that was making a voyage to the South Seas.
2. Finally the chance to travel came when I was employed as a surgeon
upon a ship that was making a voyage to the South Seas.
3. We left England on May 4 th , 1699, and at first our voyage was very
successful .
4. Our ship hit a large rock and was immediately split in half .
5. The creatures ran away before I could grab them
6. He made a long speech directed at me.
7. I tried to tell him that I wouldn’t harm the people .
a) catch them in my hand
b) that was going to
c) hurt the people
d) was immediately broken into two parts
e) I got a job as
Chapter 2
The Emperor allowed Gulliver to be free, on certain conditions.
A. Read these sentences about the story. Decide if they are true or
Gulliver was taught the language of Lilliput by scholars and soon was
able to speak the language well.
True False
The Emperor decided that Gulliver had to live in an empty temple,
with chains around his leg to tie him down.
1. Gulliver lived at the Emperor’s palace.
2. The little people enjoyed climbing up onto
Gulliver’s body.
3. Gulliver had chains attached to his leg so that he
The Emperor was pleased by Gulliver’s kindness, and decided to give
him lots of food every day.
couldn’t escape.
4. The Emperor was taller than the other people.
Reldresal came to Gulliver’s house and told him that the Emperor
hoped Gulliver would help defend Lilliput from its enemy, Blefuscu.
5. The Emperor spoke English to Gulliver.
6. Gulliver was kind to the little people, even when
they shot their arrows at him.
7. It was difficult for Gulliver to learn the language of
The Emperor visited Gulliver, but they couldn’t understand each other.
8. Gulliver agreed to help defend Lilliput against its
Gulliver went through the water to Blefuscu, and pulled Blefuscu’s
ships to Lilliput.
powerful enemies, the people of Blefuscu.
9. The people of Lilliput and the people of Blefuscu
break their eggs at different ends.
10. The Emperor gave Gulliver his freedom.
11. Gulliver killed all the people of Blefuscu.
C. What prepositions are missing from these sentences?
Prepositions: from, by, down, in, about, onto, in, by
1. about ten thousand of them climbed up ................ my body with the
help of ladders
2. a law was soon made ................ the Emperor to forbid this
3. they cut all the strings that tied me ................ .
4. though I spoke to him ................ all the languages I knew, we could
not understand each other
5. some strong guards stayed near me to protect me ................ the
crowds of people
6. I treated the rest ................ the same way
7. the people were very pleased ................ my kindness
8. he needed some time to think ................ it
B. All of these things happened in the story. Put them in the order
in which they happened.
After some of the inhabitants shot arrows at Gulliver, the guards gave
them to Gulliver to punish, but Gulliver only scared them and let them
go free.
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