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QuickStudy - Pharmacology
BarCharts, Inc. ®
Drug Fundamentals, Plus the Most Frequently Prescribed Drug Classifications—Including Indications, Reactions, Examples & More
pharmacodynamics Study of the mechanisms of action of drugs within
the body and how drugs produce their effects in the body
pharmacogenetics Study of drug reactions in the body that are
unanticipated or unusual, and may have a hereditary basis for the response
pharmacokinetics Study of drug actions as they move through the
body; the way the body absorbs, distributes, metabolizes and excretes
drugs; mathematical study of drugs based on time and dose
pharmacology Study of biologically active compounds, how they react
in the body and how the body reacts to them
pharmacotherapeutics Study of drugs used to prevent, treat or
diagnose disease
pharmacy Preparation and dispensing of drugs
toxicology Study of harmful or poisonous effects of drugs
Routes drugs take to get into the body
• Enteral:
o Enters the body through the GI tract
o Taken by mouth, through the rectum, under the tongue or held in the cheeks
• Parenteral:
o Enters the body through a different means (i.e., other than the GI tract)
o Can be injected into the veins, arteries, muscles, spinal cord, or under
the skin; inhaled through the lungs; transdermally through the skin via
ointment or patch
• Bioavailability Percent absorbed into systemic circulation after administration
o Bioavailability depends on route of administration as well as the
drug’s ability to cross membranes and reach its target
o First Pass Effect:
n Drugs absorbed through the stomach and small intestine must pass
through the liver before circulating systemically
n Liver can inactivate the drug, making less of the drug available to
reach the target organ
• Absorption at cellular level occurs through passive transport, active
transport, pinocytosis and facilitated diffusion
• Influenced by several factors:
o Tissue permeability: Ability of drug to pass through the membranes
rapidly affects the extent to which the drug moves around in the body
o Blood flow: Once in the blood stream, will get to the organs and
tissues that are highly perfused
o Plasma proteins binding: Drug can bind to a protein that will render
the drug inactive; only an unbound drug can attach to the receptors
o Binding to subcellular components
o blood pH
Drug Storage Sites
• Adipose tissue Primary site; lipid-soluble; drugs tend to remain for long
periods of time due to low metabolic rates of drugs and poor blood
perfusion of tissue
• Bone Toxic agents like heavy metals
• Muscle Binding can cause muscle to store drugs
• Organs Liver and kidneys
• Biotransformation Chemical changes that occur in the drug following
• Metabolite Altered version of the chemical compound
Can have a higher or lower rate of activity than the original drug; if
higher, drug is given as an inactive or prodrug form
• Prodrug Requires metabolism or activation of drug in order for it to act
within the body
• First order Rate of removal of drug from the body is proportional to the
concentration of the drug in the plasma
• Half-life Time required to decrease the blood levels of a drug by one-half
A one-time drug dosage will be eliminated almost completely by 5
A drug given on a continuous dosage schedule will reach steady state
concentration after 5 half-lives
• Steady state Rate of drug administration is equal to the rate of drug excretion
• Organs that excrete drugs Kidneys, lungs, sweat glands, mammary
glands, salivary glands, skin and GI tract
drug names
Chemical Name
Generic Name
Trade Name
Chemical Name: Scientific
name, describes the atomic
and molecular structure of
a drug
Generic Drug: Nonpro-
prietary name, abbreviation
of the chemical name
Brand Name: Trade
name, selected by the
pharmaceutical company
that made the drug
Protein molecules with one or more binding sites, located on cell
Receive a signal from the body’s chemicals: neurotransmitters,
hormones, enzymes
Signal will cause a molecular event on the inside of the cell to occur
• Drugs Enhance ( agonist ), diminish ( partial agonist ) or block ( antagonist )
the generation, transmission or receiving of the signal
• Affinity Attraction between a drug and a receptor
• High affinity Drug will bind easily to the receptor
• Low affinity Requires a higher concentration of the drug to get a
therapeutic response
Drug Potency
Amount of drug required to produce a therapeutic response
Dose Response Curve
• Effective Dose (ED) Amount of drug that produces a therapeutic
response in 50 % of the people taking it
• Toxic Dose (TD) Amount of drug that produces adverse effects in 50 %
of the people taking it
• Therapeutic Index (TI) Margin of safety; ratio between the TD and
the ED
• The higher the TI, the safer the drug is considered to be; in general,
nonprescription drugs have much higher TIs than prescription drugs
schedule drugs
Schedule Class
Examples (C-I to C-IV)
Schedule 1: C-1
Schedule 2: C-II
High abuse potential; not legal; no acceptable medical use; no prescriptions available
High abuse potential and severe dependence liability; current, accepted medical
use; prescription drug-signed; not stamped prescription; 30-day supply, no refills
Less abuse potential; low-moderate physical dependence; high psychological
dependence; by prescription only, expires within 6 months; max. 5 refills on one
Less abuse potential than C-III drugs; accepted medical use; limited physical and
psychological dependence; written or verbal prescription, expires in 6 months;
max. 5 refills on one script
Limited abuse potential; accepted medical use; small amounts of narcotics used as
antitussives (cough medicine) or antidiarrheals; may not need a prescription but
must be recorded as a transaction
Heroin, LSD, cocaine,
marijuana, methaqualone
Opium, morphine, coca,
Amphetamines, codeine,
barbiturates, Valium, Xanax,
anabolic steroids
Chloral hydrate, meptro-
bamate, paraldehyde,
Schedule 3: C-III
Schedule 4: C-IV
Schedule 5: C-V
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Pharmaceutical Cllassiifiicatiions
Common drug examples:
• Doxazosin mesylate Cardura
• Prozosin hydrochloride Minipress
• Tamsulosin hydrochloride Flomax
• Terazosin hydrochloride Hytrin
Mimic naturally occurring catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine
and dopamine) or stimulate the release of norepinephrine
Indications Alpha-adrenergic agonists used to treat hypotension
Common drug examples:
• Norepinephrine Lovophed
• Pseudoephedrine Cenafed, Dimetapp, Sudafed, Triaminic DM (OTC
used to treat other conditions)
Adverse reactions Orthostatic hypotension, headache, palpitations,
fatigue, nausea, weakness, dizziness, fainting
Adverse reactions: Increased blood pressure, AV block; other effects
include: nausea, vomiting, sweating, goose bumps, rebound miosis,
difficulty in urinating, headache, dilated pupils, photophobia, burning,
stinging and blurry eyes
Beta 1 adrenergic agonists Bradycardia, low cardiac output, paroxysmal
atrial or nodal tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, cardiac output
Treat infections resistant to penicillin, septicemia, urinary tract
infections, infections of skin, soft tissue and bone, gram-negative
bacillary meningitis
Used in combination with other antibiotics to treat staphylococcal
infections, endocarditis, tuberculosis, pelvic inflammatory disease
Common drug examples:
• Dobutamine hydrochloride Dobutrex
Common drug examples:
• Amikacin sulfate Amikin
• Gentamicin sulfate Cidonycin, Gentasol
• Neomycin sulfate Mycifradin
Adverse reactions Tachycardia, palpitations and other arrhythmias,
premature and ventricular contractions, tachyarrhythmias and
myocardial necrosis
Beta 2 adrenergic agonists Acute and chronic bronchial asthma,
emphysema, bronchitis, acute hypersensitive (allergic) reaction to drugs,
delays delivery in premature labor, dysmenorrhea
Adverse reactions Systemic ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity, skeletal
weakness and respiratory distress; oral meds can cause nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea; local injections can cause phlebitis and abscess
Common drug examples:
• Albuterol sulfate Proventil, Ventolin, Volmax
• Bitolterol mesylate Tornalate
• Metaproterenol sulfate Alupent
• Pirbuterol acetate Maxair
• Salmeterol xinafoate Serevent
• Terbutaline Brethine, Bricanyl
Testosterone used to promote maturation of male sex organs and
development of secondary sex characteristics; promotes retention of
calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium; enhances anabolism
Indications Androgen deficiency resulting from testicular failure or
deficiency of pituitary origin, palliative for metastatic breast cancer,
postpartum breast engorgement, hereditary angioedema, endometriosis,
fibrocystic breast disease
Adverse reactions Nervousness, tremors, headaches, tachycardia,
palpitations, hypertension, nausea, vomiting, cough
Dopamine Improves blood flow to the kidneys; used in acute renal failure,
heart failure and shock
Common drug examples:
• Danazol Cyclomen, Danocrine
• Fluoxymesterone Halotestin
• Testosterone Testopel pellets
Common drug examples:
• Dopamine hydrochloride Intropin
Adverse reactions:
• Extensions of hormonal action
o Males: Frequent and prolonged erections, bladder irritability,
o Females: Clitoral enlargement, deepening of the voice, facial or
body hair growth, unusual hair loss, irregular or absent menses
• Metabolic reactions Fluid and electrolyte retention, hypercalcemia,
decreased blood glucose level, increased serum cholesterol, hepatic
Adverse reactions Headaches, ectopic beats, tachycardia, hypoten-
sion, bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, hyperglycemia, asthma attacks,
anaphylactic reactions
Glucocorticoids Regulate carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism;
block inflammation; regulate body’s immune response
Indications Asthma, advance pulmonary tuberculosis, pericarditis,
acute and chronic inflammation, adrenal insufficiency, antenatal use in
preterm labor, hypercalcemia, cerebral edema, acute SCI, MS, shock
Contraindicated Men with breast or prostatic cancer or symptomatic
prostrate hypertrophy, patients with severe cardiac, renal or hepatic
disease or with undiagnosed genital bleeding
Common drug examples:
• Betamethasone Beclovent, QVAR, Vanceril
• Hydrocortisone Cortet, Hycort
• Methylprednisone Medrol, Meprolone, Metacort
• Prednisone Apo-prednisone, Deltasone, Meticort, Orasone, Sterapred
• Triamcinolone Azmacort, Nasacort
angiotensin-converting enzyme iinhiibiitors
Indications Treat high blood pressure and heart failure
Common drug examples:
• Benazepril hydrochloride Lotensin
• Captopril Capoten
• Enalapril maleate Vasotec
• Fosinopril sodium Monopril
• Lisinopril Prinvil, Zestril
Adverse reactions Primarily a catabolic effect on muscle, bone,
ligament, tendon; suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
pathway; Cushingoid syndrome with long-term use; other effects
include euphoria, insomnia, psychotic behavior, pseudotumor, mental
changes, nervousness, restlessness, heart failure, hypertension, edema,
acute tendon ruptures, delayed wound healing
• Withdrawal symptoms if drugs stopped abruptly Fever, myalgias,
arthralgias, malaise, nausea, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness,
fainting, dyspnea, hypoglycemia
Mineralocorticoid Regulates electrolyte homeostasis
Adverse reactions Persistent dry cough, skin rash, loss of taste,
weakness, headaches, palpitations, fatigue, proteinuria, hyperkalemia
angiotensin II receptor antagoniists
Vasodilates arterioles by blocking the effects of angiotensin II, enhance
renal clearance of sodium and water
Indications Treatment of high blood pressure
Indications Adrenal insufficiency, orthostatic hypotension in diabetics
Common drug examples:
• Candesartan cilexetil Atacand
• Eprosartan mesylate Teveten
• Irbesartan Avapro
• Losartan potassium Cozaar
• Telmisartan Micardis
• Valsartan Diovan
Common drug examples
• Fludocortisone acetate Florinef
Adverse reactions Salt and water retention, hypertension, cardiac
hypertrophy, edema, heart failure, bruising, diaphoresis, urticaria, allergic
rash, hypokalemia
[ Note: All adrenocorticoid drugs have both glucocorticoid and mineralo-
corticoid properties to some extent]
Adverse reactions Dizziness, anxiety, confusion, cough, upper
respiratory infections, myalgia, insomnia, hypotension, visual
changes, GI/GU effects
alpha-adrenergic bllockers
Lower blood pressure by dilating peripheral blood vessels, reducing
peripheral resistance
Spastic conditions including Parkinson’s disease, muscle dystonia,
muscle rigidity and extra-pyramidal disorders
Indications Raynaud’s disease, acrocyanosis, frostbite, phlebitis, diabetic
gangrene, hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia
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Pharmaceutical Classifications ( continued )
Prevent nausea and vomiting from motion sickness, adjunctive
treatment for peptic ulcers and other GI disorders, bronchospasms,
and GU tract disorders
Treat poisoning from certain plants and pesticides
Use preoperatively to decrease secretions and block cardiac reflexes
Common drug examples:
• Amobarbital Amytal
• Phenobarbital Bellatal, Solfoton
• Primidone Mysoline
• Secobarbital sodium Seconal
Common drug examples:
• Antiparkinsonians:
o Benztropine mesylate: cogentin
• Belladonna alkaloids:
o Scopolamine hydrobromide: IsoptoHyoscine, Scopace
• Synthetic quaternary anticholinergics:
o Glycopyrroltae: Robinul
• Tertiary synthetic and semisynthetic derivatives:
o Dicyclomine hydrochloride: Antispas, A-spas, Dibent, Dilomine,
Lomine, Ortyl
Adverse reactions Drowsiness, lethargy, vertigo, headaches and CNS
depression, hypersensitivity can occur (rash, fever)
• After hypnosis hangover effect, impaired judgment, mood distortion,
rebound insomnia
• Geriatric patients Confusion
• Pediatric patients Hyperactivity
Enhance/facilitate actions of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Indications Seizure disorders, anticonvulsants, anxiety, tension and
insomnia, surgical adjuncts for conscious sedation or amnesia,
skeletal muscle spasms or tremors, delirium, schizophrenia as an adjunct,
nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy, neonatal opiate withdrawal
Adverse reactions Dry mouth, decreased sweating, headache, dilated
pupils, blurred vision, dry skin, urinary hesitancy and urine retention,
constipation, palpitations and tachycardia; other peripheral effects
include dry mucous membranes, dysphasia, stupor, seizures,
hyperthermia, hypertension and increased respiration
• Toxic doses May cause disorientation, confusion, hallucinations,
delusions, anxiety, agitation and restlessness
Common drug examples:
• Alprazolam Alprazolam, Xanax
• Chlordiazepoxide Libritab
• Clonazepam Klonopin, Rivotril
• Clorazepate dipotassium Catapres, Dixarit
• Diazepam Valium, Zetran
• Estazolam ProSom
• Flurazepam Apo-Flurazepam, Dalmane
• Lorazepam Apo-Lorazepam, Ativan
• Midazolam Versed
• Oxazepam Apo-Oxazepam, Serax
• Temazepam Restoril
• Triazolam Halcion
Indications Prevent clot formation in patients with DVTs and pulmonary
embolism, provide anticoagulation during hemodialysis, prevention of
postoperative clot formation after surgery, decrease risk of strokes,
decrease risk of MI in patients with atherosclerosis
Common drug examples:
• Danaparoid Orgaran
• Delteparin Fragmin
• Enoxaparin Lovenox
• Heparin Heparin Lock Flush, Hep-lock
• Tinzaparin Innohep
Adverse reactions Drowsiness and impaired motor function; constipa-
tion, diarrhea, vomiting, changes in appetite, urinary alterations,
nightmares, hallucinations, insomnia
• Toxic effects Visual disturbances, short-term memory loss, vertigo,
confusion, severe depression, shakiness, slurred speech, staggering,
bradycardia, difficulty breathing
Adverse reactions Insomnia, headache, dizziness, confusion, peripheral
edema, nausea, constipation, pain, fever, vomiting, joint pain, rash
beta bllockers
Indications Allergies, pruritis, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, sedation,
suppression of cough, dyskinesia
Reduce the workload of the heart by blocking the sympathetic conductance
at the beta receptors on the SA node and myocardial cells, thus decreasing
the force of contraction and causing a reduction in heart rate
Common drug examples:
• Allergies:
o Azelastine hydrochloride: Astelin, Optivar
o Chlopheniramine maleate: Aller-Chlor, Chlor-Trimeton, Chlor-Tripolon
o Clemastine fumarate: Tavist
o Diphenhydramine hydrochloride: Allergy DM, Benadryl, Diphen,
Dormin, Midol PM, Nytol, Sominex, Twilite
o Promethazine hydrochloride: Anergan 50, Phenergan
• Pruritus:
o Cyproheptadine hydrochloride: Periactin
o Hydroxyzine hydrochloride: Anxanil, Atarax, Multipax, Quiess, Vistacon
• Vertigo, nausea, vomiting:
o Cyclizine hydrochloride: Marezine
o Cyclizine lactate: Marezine, Marzine
o Dimenhydrinate: Dimetab, Hydrate, Triptone
o Meclizine hydrocholoride: Antivert, Antrizine, Bonine, Vergon
o Promethazine hydrochloride: Anergan, Phenergan
• Sedation:
o Diphenhydramine: Diphenhydramine syrup
• Cough suppression:
o Diphenhydramine syrup
• Dyskinesia:
o Diphenhydramine
Indications Hypertension, angina, arrhythmias, glaucoma, myocardial
infarction, migraine prophylaxis
Common drug examples:
• Beta 1 Blockers:
o Acebutolol: Sectral
o Atenolol: Tenormin
o Betaxolol hydrochloride: Betoptic, Kerlone
o Bisoprolol fumarate: Zebeta
o Esmolol: Brevibloc
o Metoprolol tartrate: Lopressor
• Beta 1 & 2 Blockers:
o Carteolol: Cartrol, Ocupress
o Carvedilol: Coreg
o Labetalol hydrochloride: Normodyne, Trandate
o Levobunolol hydrochloride: AKBeta, Betagen
o Metipranolol hydrochloride: Opti Pranolol
o Nadolol: Corgard
o Pindolol: Visken
o Propranolol: Inderal
o Sotalol: Betapace
o Timolol maleate: Blocarden, Timoptic
Adverse reactions Insomnia, nausea, fatigue, slow pulse, weakness,
increased cholesterol and blood glucose levels, bradycardia,
depression, hallucinations, sexual dysfunctions, skin hyperpigmentation
• Toxic effects Severe hypotension, bradycardia, heart failure,
Adverse reactions Drowsiness and impaired motor function; anticholinergic
action will cause dry mouth and throat, blurred vision and constipation
• Toxic effects Sedation, reduced mental alertness, apnea, cardiovas-
cular collapse, hallucinations, tremors, seizures, dry mouth, flushed
skin, and fixed, dilated pupils; (reverses when drug is withdrawn)
bile aciid sequestrants
anxiolytic skeletal musclle rellaxant
Indications Lowering cholesterol
Indications Anxiety, muscle spasm, tetanus, acute alcohol withdrawal,
adjunct for epilepsy
Common drug examples:
• Cholestyramine Locholest, Prevalite, Questran
• Colesevelam Welchol
• Colestipol Colestid
Common drug examples:
• Diazepam Apo-Diazepam, Valium
Adverse reactions Drowsiness, slurred speech, tremor, fatigue,
ataxia, headache, insomnia, hypotension, bradycardia, nausea,
constipation, joint pain, physical or psychological dependence
Adverse reactions Headache, anxiety, vertigo, dizziness, insomnia,
fatigue, syncope, tinnitus, constipation, nausea, vomiting, anemia,
muscle and joint pain
calcium channell bllockers
Indications Seizure disorders (tonic-clonic and partial seizures),
sedation, hypnosis, preanesthesia sedation, psychiatric use
Relaxes smooth muscle to provide vasodilation and affects cardiac muscle
to reduce HR and SV
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