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Extra writing tasks

Extra writing tasks


These tasks are longer alternatives to the shorter writing tasks in the unit tests. They can be used to provide further practice at writing to a brief, interpreting information and keeping within a specific word limit.


Unit 1 Extra Writing Task


Read the following information and complete the task. Write about 100–120 words.




You are halfway through a two-month summer placement with Clearwater, a small company.

You have been asked by the personnel manager to write a proposal on how to improve the placement programme.

Look at the company’s welcome document and your own notes below.

Using all this information, write a proposal to the Personnel Manager, Diego Martinez. Remember to be diplomatic.




Welcome to the Clearwater Placement Scheme!

Here is some information to help you make a good start.


Your Job

·         You will be helping our staff with their day-to-day work. Please ask if you have any questions.

·         On your first day you will be introduced to everyone and assigned to a line manager, who will supervise your work.

·         You will have a chance to meet customers and do important market research.

·         You will be paid at the end of each week.

Working Hours

·         We work a nine-to-five day. Staff are expected to arrive on time in the morning.


·         You will be able to have lunch in the office as a company brings fresh sandwiches around daily and they are very good value.


·         Please dress smartly – no jeans or trainers.

·         Please do not use the Internet for personal purposes.





Not detailed enough induction pack

Longer hours

Lots of people telling me what to do

Wasn’t clear if could make personal calls or not

Not clear job description

Don’t know who half the staff are

No desk of my own –  had to borrow a computer!



Unit 2 Extra Writing Task


Read the following information and complete the task. Write about 100–120 words.





You have just conducted a Q3 customer satisfaction survey for your call centre in India.

Look at the statistics and your notes below.

Using all this information, write a report to your CEO, Sarah Squires, outlining your findings.




Customer satisfaction survey results: 2nd and 3rd quarters of year 20___


Customer satisfaction Q2

Very satisfied                                           2%

Satisfied                                          12%

Dissatisfied                                          35%             

Very dissatisfied                            51%             


Customer satisfaction Q3

Very satisfied                                          24%

Satisfied                                          36%

Dissatisfied                                          29%

Very dissatisfied                            11%








Great improvement overall esp. satisfied

Politeness training worked

Email responses helped greatly

Still lots to do – esp. dissatisfied

Call waiting time still too long

Some complaints about Indian accents











Unit 3 Extra Writing Task



Read the following information and complete the task. Write about 100–120 words.





Your best friend and colleague has been asked to prepare a presentation for the Board. Unfortunately he has never given a presentation before in his life.

Write a set of how-to instructions for him.

Reassure him that everything will be fine.

Unit 4 Extra Writing Task


Read the following information and complete the task. Write about 100–120 words.





The company you work for is thinking of offering its staff time off for sabbaticals, as long as the time is used usefully. 

You have been asked by your manager to write a proposal for staff to get their opinions about the idea.

Use all your notes from your meeting with your manager below to write the paper.







Idea sabbatical leave for staff, up to six months

Staff must be engaged in something worthwhile – benefits company and employee

Charity work?


Career reassessment?

Pay and conditions to be decided


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