Chihara - Structural Account of Mathematics (Oxford, 2004).pdf
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A Structural Account of Mathematics
Charles Chihara develops and defends a structural view of the nature of
mathematics, and uses it to explain a number of striking features of mathe-
matics that have puzzled philosophers for centuries. The view is used to show
that, in order to understand how mathematical systems are applied in science
and everyday life, it is not necessary to assume that its theorems either pre-
suppose mathematical objects or are even true.
Chihara builds upon his previous work, in which he presented a new system
of mathematics, the constructibility theory, which did not make reference to,
or presuppose, mathematical objects. Now he develops the project further by
analysing mathematical systems currently used by scientists to show how
such systems are compatible with this nominalistic outlook. He advances
several new ways of undermining the heavily discussed indispensability
argument for the existence of mathematical objects made famous by W. V.
Quine and Hilary Putnam. And Chihara presents a rationale for the nomi-
nalistic outlook that is quite different from those generally put forward,
which he maintains have led to serious misunderstandings.
A Structural Account of Mathematics
will be required reading for anyone
working in this field.
Charles S. Chihara is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of
California, Berkeley.
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A Structural Account of
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© Charles S. Chihara 2004
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
Database right Oxford University Press (maker)
First published 2004
First published in paperback 2007
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Typeset by Newgen Imaging Systems (P) Ltd., Chennai, India
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ISBN 978-0-19-926753-8 (Hbk.)
ISBN 978-0-19-922807-2 (Pbk.)
13579 10 8642
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