Dzika rzeka.Wild River.1960.txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  608x256 25.0fps 699.7 MB
{2940}{3025}We got out of the car|and got swept down the stream.
{3038}{3076}We caught on a tree,
{3089}{3142}and my father-in-law
{3176}{3255}lost his footing|and asked me to grab the girl.
{3264}{3385}I grabber her, but slipped,|and the little girl went.
{3411}{3489}Shortly after that|the little boy he went,
{3537}{3661}and soon after that my wife,|father-in-law and the baby,
{3676}{3700}they went too.
{3730}{3817}The three children|that were lost,
{3823}{3944}their ages, the oldest was six,|and the middle one was four
{3949}{3989}and the baby was three.
{4003}{4122}They haven't found the baby|and the oldest boy yet.
{4142}{4232}The little girl we have|and that's all.
{4264}{4317}To stop the devastation,|the waste,
{4332}{4401}the loss of life caused by|the Tennessee River at flood,
{4424}{4532}the Congress of the United States,|on May 18th 1933,
{4541}{4656}created a vast new agency called|The Tennessee Valley Authority,
{4662}{4714}or TVA,
{4724}{4848}and authorised it to build|a series of dams along the river.
{4905}{4966}At the same time,|the Tennessee Valley authority
{4971}{5046}had to buy all the land|along the shore of the river
{5053}{5106}and all its islands.
{5125}{5209}Some people had lived on|this land for generations.
{5233}{5335}Some people refused to sell,|under any persuasion whatsoever.
{6128}{6194}Hi, I'm Chuck Glover.
{6210}{6279}I'm Betty Jackson.|I was Mr. Biggs secretary.
{6296}{6331}Do I inherit you, too?
{6343}{6433}I don't know. Mr. Biggs left|so suddenly he didn't say.
{6455}{6491}You're inherited.
{6514}{6573}What desk should I use?
{6596}{6644}That was Mr. Biggs desk.
{6654}{6684}Thank you.
{6750}{6779}What's the matter?
{6802}{6850}I thought they'd send|an older man.
{6855}{6926}No, they sent a younger one.|Shall we get to work?
{6934}{6978}I'll get the folder|on Garth Island.
{7023}{7092}Getting the old lady off Garth|is difficult.
{7107}{7207}You're the third one|they've sent to try.
{7223}{7275}Ella Garth versus Washington.
{7298}{7364}Poor old Mr. Biggs|was disgusted when he quit.
{7381}{7412}I'll bet he was.
{7417}{7510}Maybe, it could be|he went about it the wrong way.
{7517}{7585}That man did everything|anybody could do.
{7590}{7674}He begged and pleaded with her,|but she won't budge an inch.
{7696}{7808}That's the American way of life.|Rugged individualism is our heritage.
{7825}{7900}3000 people sell,|and Ella Garth won't sell.
{7929}{8018}We applaud that spirit,|we admire it, we believe in it,
{8023}{8081}but we must get her out of there.
{8150}{8182}The dam is finished
{8196}{8285}and once they close those gates|and the water starts to rise...
{8350}{8424}Well, we've not only|got to get her out of there,
{8429}{8523}but we must get the land cleared,|the houses and trees down...
{8534}{8577}Be careful!
{8586}{8634}I guess I'm not telling you|anything new.
{8653}{8773}Betty, how would you go about|getting her off the island?
{8783}{8820}I'd let her drown.
{8879}{8916}That's one way.
{8927}{8961}How many...?
{8999}{9045}Is that the island?
{9050}{9136}Everyone of them|bought up except that one.
{9148}{9192}How many Garth's live there?
{9197}{9277}There's many,|but that old women, she's it.
{9282}{9339}They've been told|the island will be flooded?
{9344}{9395}About a million times.
{9486}{9556}I guess I'll go out|and talk to her.
{9570}{9611}You do that.
{9637}{9730}It's not that I think I can talk|any better than the others,
{9757}{9876}but I think we often underestimate|the intelligence of people.
{9897}{9956}We can talk to them|and they'll listen.
{10053}{10084}Well, what?
{10103}{10151}Let's see how you feel|in a few days.
{10291}{10333}I'm off to see the Mayor.
{10355}{10403}He's in charge of|clearing the land.
{10443}{10473}Wish me luck.
{10509}{10573}Have your cards and stamps|in your hands.
{10791}{10862}-I'm sorry I'm late.|-We've been waiting, Mr. Davis.
{10867}{10921}Could you tell me|where I'd find the Mayor?
{10937}{10978}In the barber shop.
{11081}{11116}Is the Mayor still in there?
{11122}{11160}Yeah, sure.
{11368}{11392}Mayor Maynard?
{11397}{11429}Be with you in just a minute.
{11488}{11517}All right.
{11565}{11668}The only way to get her off|the island is to get a U.S. Marshal.
{11677}{11739}Except, we can't use force.
{11764}{11804}We're having trouble enough|in Washington.
{11805}{11893}Some Senators are solidly|opposed to these dams.
{11898}{11987}-Tom, how long are you going to be?|-I'll cut your hair tomorrow.
{12006}{12073}We've got to get|those Garths off the island.
{12078}{12104}Bottled it Friday.
{12109}{12223}With no dispossess, no marshals,|and no bad publicity in the papers.
{12230}{12258}You'll never do it.
{12272}{12302}I'll do it.
{12319}{12389}I mean, I'll try to do it.
{12425}{12465}There must be some way,|don't you think?
{12773}{12801}Stay where you are.
{12921}{12971}There'll be 20 feet of water there.
{12986}{13030}We're a little behind schedule,
{13039}{13110}but we'll make it|before the winter rains.
{13126}{13188}Why don't you get more men?
{13202}{13235}Can't. Unless we use coloured.
{13291}{13341}Use coloured|and the whites would quit.
{13388}{13442}For a minute there|I forgot where I was.
{14232}{14263}Here we are.
{14320}{14351}There's the island.
{14832}{14865}It looks deserted.
{14885}{14976}It's not. They're there.|They know you're here.
{15009}{15034}I suppose that means me.
{15039}{15081}T.V.A. KEEP OFF
{15086}{15115}Nobody else.
{15246}{15275}Here I go.
{15287}{15317}Good luck.
{15345}{15383}After all what can they|do to me?
{15434}{15472}Just pull yourself over.
{15940}{15975}And let me know|how you come out.
{15998}{16029}I will.
{17801}{17833}Hi, men.
{17930}{17964}-Who's that?|-I don't know.
{19183}{19275}Good afternoon.|I'm from the TVA.
{19797}{19866}I saw your sign, unfortunately|I had to disregard it.
{20172}{20200}I'd like to talk to you.
{20322}{20362}Would you give me|a few minutes?
{20409}{20446}If I was you I'd go now.
{20589}{20632}Would you give speak to me?
{20670}{20697}I have a problem.
{20730}{20852}We've just built this big dam|down the river,
{20869}{20942}and pretty soon|this whole place will be water.
{20968}{21002}Everywhere it's going to be water.
{21007}{21039}That's wonderful.
{21069}{21090}What's your name?
{21095}{21123}Barbara Ann.
{21148}{21177}I'm five years old.
{21185}{21205}You're what?
{21210}{21234}Five years old.
{21241}{21297}You're not five.|You're at least six.
{21309}{21350}No, I'm only five.
{21364}{21381}Barbara Ann!
{21390}{21417}Yes, Mama?
{21535}{21631}Barbara Ann,|where are the men working?
{21637}{21667}Barbara Ann, come in here.
{21677}{21703}Yes, Mama.
{21802}{21867}Uncle Hamilton and Uncle Cal|are by the stream.
{22785}{22838}You mean, you get catfish|bigger than that?
{22843}{22882}Some are bigger,|some are smaller.
{23073}{23115}about what I came to discuss...
{23120}{23182}Why don't you get out of here?|We don't want any trouble.
{23231}{23268}You're from the Government,|ain't you?
{23303}{23334}Go on about your business.
{23383}{23422}My business is with you.
{23447}{23487}Ma said we wasn't to talk|to you.
{23502}{23525}You have to talk to me.
{23530}{23556}We do?
{23611}{23711}Look, you know as well as I know|that you must leave here.
{23734}{23849}TVA has offered you a fair price|and a new place just as good.
{23877}{23939}What have you got|against a new place?
{23963}{23988}Too much work.
{24008}{24036}You work here, don't you?
{24046}{24068}No, sir.
{24073}{24101}Who does?
{24168}{24218}You don't do any work at all?
{24249}{24278}How do you manage that?
{24309}{24339}Just never started.
{24427}{24483}Ma owns this property|and she ain't gonna sell it.
{24546}{24633}Certainly I can understand|how a senile old woman
{24638}{24715}would be sentimental about a place|and not want to leave.
{24723}{24771}Perhaps, she doesn't understand|what it's all about.
{24772}{24813}Ma understands everything.
{24822}{24912}If she understands, then what|is she doing? These floods...
{24917}{24955}Ma knows about the floods.
{24960}{24989}Then I really don't understand!
{24994}{25085}Now, you just quiet down.|We ain't stupid.
{25092}{25120}I didn't say you were.
{25125}{25199}-Been reading your mind.|-Mister, Ma ain't selling.
{25213}{25315}It's up to you to make her sell.|Are you all afraid of her?
{25332}{25362}Joe John.
{25422}{25464}Don't say nothing against Ma.
{25480}{25521}What am I saying against her?
{25582}{25606}I'm saying that
{25637}{25724}if your mother is senile|it's up to you
{25734}{25779}to make her understand|she has to leave.
{25805}{25832}Ma ain't gonna.
{25842}{25894}She is gonna.|You know that.
{25911}{25943}Joe John.
{25950}{26000}Mister, you'd better go now.
{26041}{26109}Not until I talk to your mother.
{26134}{26196}Come on, take me up there.|What's so funny?
{26218}{26249}What's senile?
{26324}{26345}He says Ma is crazy?
{26350}{26406}I never saw so many men|afraid of one...
{26411}{26432}What are you doing?
{26437}{26505}Hey, hey. Let me go!|Let go of me!
{27010}{27099}-Wake up, Mr. Penner.|-What time is it, Mrs. Riggs?
{27104}{27165}October,|and you haven't got a job yet.
{27249}{27339}Want to buy a duck?|I'll sell Goo-Goo cheap.
{27430}{27459}I've been swimming.
{27739}{27820}Hello, Glover?|You sure got her off in a hurry.
{27825}{27865}Now start getting the land cleared.
{27878}{27918}What do you mean I got her off?
{27955}{27974}What's holding you up?
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