Subtle Anatomy by Sri Yogacarya Ajita Maharaja.pdf

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Subtle Anatomy
Philippe "Ajita" Barbier
You want to practice Yoga the right way?
You want to understand what the effects are of the different Yoga-techniques?
Then you need this initiation in the mystery of life.
In this free booklet I shall try to explain some fundamental truths of the Science of the Self as I have
realized with the help of God, in my long practice of Yoga since 1963.
To start with, I ask you: "How is the world built, nature, your being?"
Out of matter, tissue, earth, liquid... you probably will answer.
Yes, but how is matter built?
Out of molecules, atoms, particles... I hear you saying.
Right, but how are these particles built?
Ah, ah, now it becomes difficult?
A few people in our western civilization already have found an answer: everything is built out of
energy. Even better: everything is energy.
But many, many centuries ago scientists of the East already had discovered that everything is
energy. Even more they had discovered also how to control energy. They were called Seers (Rishi's)
and their science is known as the Occult Science. It explains the mystery of life.
This Occult Science (Gupta Vidya), written in the very old Sanskrit language, has two parts:
the Science of the Self (Atma Vidya),
the Science of the Absolute (Brahma Vidya).
You can acquire this knowledge only by practicing Yoga in the right way. That is the big difference
with normal knowledge. The study of books alone will not give you this knowledge. Instead of
reading you should better improve your perception first. What is that?
In a normal school one is considered having a normal perception (sight, smell, taste...), adequate
enough to permit study. Here we tell you that you have to improve your perception if you want to
realize the Occult Science. And to improve your perception you have to practice Yoga in the right
way first. That will purify your energies.
Practicing Yoga in the right way means the practice of the eight steps of the original Yoga. We call
them: moral principles (Yama's), moral ideals (Niyama's), physical postures (Asana's), energy
control (Pranayama), detachment (Pratyahara), concentration (Dharana), meditation (Dhyana) and
contemplation (Samadhi). These eight steps are known today as Royal Yoga (Raja Yoga).
Only when you have been purified by Yoga, you can begin your study of the Occult Science. Then
you start with formulating your question during contemplation. This produces specific patterns of
energy vibrations. Similar patterns in yourself or the vast environment are activated and respond
automatically. Out of various combinations of activity you can perceive the right one by a feeling
of: "This is it!"
The aim of this method of study, called the method of realization, is also very different from the aim
we know in the West. Instead of an increase in the amount of information, you seek here to attain a
higher control of your self, up to the climax known as Self-realization. Even further, the aim is that
you attain Liberation of Karma, which can occur when you totally control Karma.
But, let us start.
1986. The Yin Yang model
It was a beautiful day in May. I already had a Yoga school and we were a weekend out with a group
of pupils. We had hired a nice and beautiful little farm on the boarder of the provinces Friesland and
Around noon I was sitting and preparing my next class. The theme was: "Energy centers (Chakra's)
and their relation with the energy bodies (Sharira's)". That was an old familiar theme, but again as
many times before, I felt uncomfortable. "Yes, in fact I do not know what relationship they have
with each other", I thought. "However, there has to be a relation", I muttered again as I did since
years. And I started dreaming away.
'Suddenly a drawing was made in the air before my eyes. Very surprising indeed. Slowly a line
made curves after curves, showing something like a model. I recognized almost immediately the
shape of the Ying Yang symbol from China. A strange understanding came from within. That was
it. The large curves were the energy bodies and the small ones were the energy centers. Chakra's
were just results of Sharira's. As simple as that. But everything was linked to each other and build
out of one line, from high to low.
Illustration 1
This energy stream started at the top, appearing out of the blue, and meandered downwards to
finally disappear in a point.'
Amazing. But that should mean that all parts of our being are build out of one energy stream. That is
really revolutionary! Don't you think so?
The importance of the subsequent Chakra's was clearly shown in the model. They are the most
important part within an energy body (Sharira). Surprisingly the dimensions of the respective
Chakra's were not the same. This was not in accordance with the knowledge about Chakra's
provided for example by C.W. Leadbeater. He tells us that Chakra's are about 10 cm diameter. My
own observation of the throat center of a young Russian woman in 1986 in daylight was also
confirming his claim! I was puzzled.
Immediately the answer came: "Those were observations of normal people, which have a level of
development limited to a lower Chakra. So if the first Chakra is open, the center responsible for the
earth level (Muladhara Chakra), all other Chakra's will have the dimension of that Chakra, which is
approximately 10 cm. If the second Chakra is open, the center responsible for the water level
(Svadisthana Chakra), all other Chakra's will have the dimension of that Chakra, which is
approximately 20 cm, except Muladhara Chakra. If the third Chakra is open, the center responsible
for the fire level (Manipura Chakra), all other Chakra's will have the dimension of that Chakra,
which is approximately 30 cm, except Muladhara Chakra and Svadisthana Chakra, and so on up to
Sahasrara Chakra, which is approximately 70 cm."
But how can I understand this really? Our body is not a ball, so far as I can see?
Then I understood. The shape of a ball is in fact an egg. Materialization occurs in the lower part of
the egg according to the meandering downwards of the energy stream. The more energy is streaming
downwards the more growth of the foetus is perceived. I saw also the way growth is happening. The
known process of doubling of a cell in two new cells is simply filling up the model!
In fact the old scriptures of Yoga tell us indeed that the seven tissues (Dhatu's: plasm, blood,
muscles, fat, bones, brain-marrow-nerves, egg-cells or sperm) subsequently originate each time
from the former one. Out of plasm originates blood, out of blood muscles originate, out of muscles
fat originate, out of fat bones originate, out of bones brain-marrow-nerves originate, out of brain-
marrow-nerves egg-cells or sperm originate! That fits! Wow!
1986. The double spiral
Shortly after the former vision, I think a few hours later, I started to doubt. New questions came up
into me: "How can that Yin Yang model keep its shape? What happens with the energy stream if
there is a strong wind? Will it not been blown away?"
'A zoom in the energy stream of the previous Ying Yang model occurred and a graceful double
helix appeared before my surprised eyes, instead of one stream. The new streams of the two
intertwined spirals were in opposite directions and were not touching each other.'
Illustration 2: The thread of life consists of two interlaced energy-channels
I understood it immediately. The two streams were the legendary energy channels Ida Nadi and
Pingala Nadi, with their respective energy stream of Shiva and Shakti. And when those two
channels are made equal the model cannot be destructed anymore. Both streams hold each other in
With a shock I realized that this equilibrium has to produce immortality! But that is precisely what
the old Yoga scriptures tell us again and again. And nobody knows that until now. So that is the
reason why nobody reached a total energetic balance, why sickness is occurring, aging and finally
death! Heavy, isn't?
When the energy stream with her two channels come into our normal field of sensory perception we
call her "DNA molecule". Ha ha! And what about the genetic information in the DNA? Those are
simply the materialization of the impressions (Samskara's), which are present in every energy body.
The total amount of impressions is called Karma in Yoga. In simple words that means that as long
as there are impressions or genetic information in our being as long we will have a problem of
mortality! Indeed, every impression in the energy stream can cause disbalance between the two
channels, so all impressions have to be removed in the end.
The problem is that existing impressions in the energy channels produce various changes in the flow
of the stream. In this way different forms and organs appear. At the start very symmetrical and
beautiful, and when multiplying, because of the experience of life, the forms and organs become
disharmonious and ugly.
Conclusion: the practice of Yoga simply consists in reducing the impressions (Samskara's) or the
genetic information.
But why does Yoga literature usually locates Ida and Pingala in the spine? Because people do not
understand that the word "spine" is used symbolically. In fact the real "spine" is found in the double
stream of the Ying Yang model.
And where is the third channel called Sushumna in the model? Very simple. When Ida and Pingala
are equal, they behave as one. That is Sushumna.
So all beings and objects, all forms, seen or unseen, are built out of a double energy stream. The
energy, that we perceive in persons and objects of our daily life, is the basic constituent and the
living matter of what we call our cosmos. Our cosmos can be investigated with a microscope. In this
way we have discovered that all forms, that we call atoms and molecules consist of energy. But our
cosmos can also be investigated with a star-gazer. Only to find out that all those forms, that what we
call planets and solar systems, also consist of energy...
Illustration 3: The energy appears as a vibrating stream, a thread of
light, that weaves all beings and objects .
The particularities in the opposing flows of the double helix produce the form of the objects and
beings. A few particularities produce more permanence of form or a longer life, many particularities
produce less permanence of form or shorter life.
The absence of particularities results in an equal balance of energy-flow in each channel. Then
something exceptional occurs: the stability of both energy-flows produces immortality of the form.
The Shakti-energy is also called sun-energy (Ha). When you let that energy come in your being, you
can see a "Sun" appearing in your perineum, the point where the Ying Yang model disappears. The
Shiva-energy is also called moon-energy (Tha). When you let that energy come in your being, you
can see a "Moon" appearing above your head, the point where the Ying Yang model appears in our
consciousness. In the old Yoga language the control of both streams can therefore also be
understood as the control of the Sun and the Moon. Hence the term Ha-Tha Yoga.
Strange enough, there is only one double helix of energy, building all beings and objects of the seen
and unseen universe. Everything is interlinked like the leaves of one huge ivy. Amazing.
Sounds nice, don't you think? But what can you do with this knowledge? What do the seers explain
in the old Yoga scriptures?
That answer came shortly after the previous answers, when I was reading the "Hatha Yoga
Pradipika" of Svatmarama, the bible of Hatha Yoga. The points where the energy flows into and out
of your being, some 15 cm above your head and in your perineum, are called respectively Candra
Bindu and Surya Bindu (moon and sun points). These points are the "nostrils" of your cosmic
breath. You can achieve total control of energy when you control the flows of energy at these points.
So I rediscovered the real Pranayama, wrongly presented as physical breath control until know. In
my new interpretation of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika I explain fully all the Pranayama exercises so
that you can achieve yourself total control of energy. The results are so astonishing that nobody can
believe it, and surely not outsiders.
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